Durgama Takeover


A Lesson in Positioning

View Linked Report - CLICK HERE 300 POINTS
VS O-12

This Mission I had a concern about that only grew when I lost the Lieutenant roll and was going second. my plan for what I could do would depend on what my opponent both kills and leaves for me to deal with to break out of the biotech zone.

A 3 man team consisting of a Nyoka HRL, an Epsilon with HMG and Hector would be the main problem I had to confront on my right. Though with some coordinated orders my opponent was able to move a Lawkeeper, Parvati, and Kappa hacker further up the right. the Epsilon was able to take out the Patcher and Irmandinhos on the right with the Varangians smoke. with the Nyoka taking out a Rokot, being the only damage I suffered on the first turn. though both the Lawkeeper and Epsilon would enter supressive fire to try to lockdown my right flank. After checking if anyone overextended, the Nyoka would go unconcious with the Lawkeeper and Epsilon making their saves.

My first turn would be difficult for me unfortunately as though damage was light group 1 was locked down, and to free some of the Rokots and Wardriver safely, I would have to deal with the Epsilon. But first I had to take out the Lawkeeper, with a cordinated order my Frontiviks were able to clear the first hurdle. Then adding some Scot's Guards to face the Epsilon would achieve some hits but were unable to bring him down. With one SMG Scots Guard using NCO to try to get within 8 inches would go unconsious, allowing me to revive by medikit to score the only classified I would score the rest of the game. With the Epsilon still up I would opt to use group 1's orders on the Bearpode to retaliate though would only get the Bluecoat. with only a Bearpode and Irmandinhos out of the Biotechvore zone I was in for serious damage with my Kosmosoldat, Wardriver, and Frontovik LRL only passing their saves.

On my opponents next turn my Frontovik would give one last hurrah by hitting the Epsilon and making him unconscious. Parvati being nearby would revive him and the Nyoka to make sure he could get his revenge. Then having secured the area around my HVT would go onto score two classifieds, canceling out mine.

On what would turn out to be my last turn I had one goal to get my last Irmandinhos to the enemy HVT and score one more classified. The Bearpode was able to take out three models with a template, giving his life in the process. Onto the Irmandinhos would unfortunately be killed by the Nyoka before getting to the HVT sealing my last chance to get any more points. I would spend my last few orders on the Kosmosoldat, Patcher, and Wardriver to get into better positions. Then the Biotechvore zone would take the Patcher.

With only two models left to face my Opponent was able to score his last classified and kill both handily. Ending the game having score 7 points to my 0, though we forgot that surviving points also granted points.

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