Durgama Takeover


Panic! at the Symbioresearch Labs

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VS Ariadna

"Sir, bad storm approaching, we better move."
"Right you are lets get-"
"Sir! contacts on the radar! Too much interference for Friend or Foe identification, no other patrols were scheduled for this side of Zebu... orders?"
"We can't risk this being a surprise attack by enemy forces, this research station cannot fall into enemy hands. Lethal force is authorized."


Top of screen is North, right is East, bottom is South, and left is West.

*NOTE 1: All buildings with playable interiors (exclusively the Armoury building in this game) were played under the assumption that models could draw line of fire into, out of, but not through. Template weapons functioned normally, but could not select a target unless they abided by these line of fire rules. Mines and other deployables were not affected and could affect targets through. ‘Doors’ on buildings without playable interiors were treated as ladders.
*Note 2: Valkyrie and Shona were proxied as Varangians in any pictures seen for O-12 forces.
*Note 3: Some proxies were used for Ariadna forces, although due to my unfamiliarity with Ariadna at time of writing, I'm not sure which ones are proxies or not.

O-12 won the LT roll and took initiative. Staramda commanders (especially Hector) like to get the drop on their enemies.
Ariadna chose to deploy second on the western side of the table.

O-12 held back an extra troop with the use of Strategos (Epsilon and Hector). In the Northeast side of the board deployed a security core team with two Raveneyes, a Kappa FO, "Gluecoat", and CHO masked as a Kappa Paramedic. In the southeast side O-12 deployed a Kappa Hacker, Lawkeeper, Parvati, and a Nyoka HRL (that would join a Harris with Epsilon & Hector when they entered from reserves).

Ariadna deployed some Scot Guards, an Irmandinho, and some Frontoviks in the southwest corner of the board. Deployed a core team make of Rokot's, and a Wardriver in the Western portion of the board. And a Kosmosoldat in the northwest corner.
In reserve, Ariadna deployed a Bearpode prone on a rooftop in the northwest corner. Ariadna also spent a command point to place the Kosmosoldat in suppressive fire (assuming the Security team was going to be more aggressive than they were).

Hector, Epsilon, and Nyoka
Bearpode was deployed prone on a rooftop. Ready to climbing plus it's way down and into the fray.

O-12 Active, Top of turn 1

- Varangians make their way up the board using impetuous, wanting to be well clear of the Biotechvore zone.
- Using two coordinated orders, Lawkeeper (spearhead), Parvati, Kappa hacker, and a Varangian move from the southeast corner of the board to the southern center of the board. The Lawkeeper takes some shots with is red fury along the way at the Irmandinho left out of cover, but no wounds occur.
- Varangian from the earlier coordinated group moves forward and throws a smoke to cover the advance of Hector's team up the board.
- Epsilon being the spearhead of the harris board moves up, only killing the Irmamdinho on the second volley of shots through the smoke. (3 orders)
- At this point, O-12 spend three orders moving the Security team from the northeast side of the board to the center of the northern side of the board, luckily just outside the Biotechvore zone, and using the Ranveneyes, foolishly deploy some E/M mines on the same side of the table as the Bearpode (who has total immunity).
- Using the remaining orders, Epsilon and Nyoka (prone) move into position on the rooftop (Hector stays in range on the ground), the Epsilon spends a few orders killing some RoKots caught in the open and ends his turn in suppressive on the rooftop after Hector moves away to safety. Breaking the fireteam.
- Using the last remaining order, the Lawkeeper also goes into suppressive on the ground floor nearby.

Biotechvore: All units were outside the area except those keeners who actually overextended.
Epsilon and Lawkeeper make their saves, and Nyoka goes unconscious on the rooftop.

Epsilon and Nyoka maneuver on top of the building on the southwest side.
Epsilon catches some Rokots from the core team out in the open.
End of O-12's active turn Epsilon, Lawkeeper, and Nyoka had just over extended into the Biotechvore zone on the opposite side of the table. The Nyoka was the only one to fall unconscious.

Ariadna Active, Bottom of Turn 1

- Both Frontoviks spend orders shooting the Lawkeeper, and the Paramedic manages to kill the Lawkeeper.
- Spending two coordinated orders with the Frontoviks, and a Scots Guard part of each order. Ariadna attempts to shoot the Epsilon, however with MSV2, Mimetism, suppressive, and Cover. The Episolon is unmoved and downs one of the Scot Guards.

Left: Paramedic Frontovik, left middle: Scot Guard FO, right middle: Scot Guard (not a part of the coordinated orders), right: Frontovikwith T2 rifle. Coordinated order to try and kill the Epsilon in suppressive on the roof. Fire is exchanged but no wounds are dealt.

- Hoping for a better range band, the Scot Guard Fo leaves cover and using the same coordinated team, tries to shoot the Epsilon. He is killed by Epsilon.
- The Frontovik Paramedic, pulls around the corner, and using it's medkit, manages to revive the downed Scot Guard (without dying to the Epsilon to boot), also achieving a classified objective (Experimental Drug) in the process!

Frontovik paramedic providing remote medical assistance to Scot Guard FO.

- The Frontovik, being happy to be alive, stands up walks forward and with a singular focus on the Epsilon continues to pour shots into him with his trusty SMG. The Epsilon returns fire in what is turning into the longest slap fight in history.
- A Kappa hacker, being tired of this whole thing, and who can now see the freshly revived Frontovik, takes a long shot at the Frontovik with an SMG, striking, and killing him at long range.

Kappa hacker takes a long shot at the freshly revived Frontovik, killing him for good with Shock ammunition.

- Another order is spent on the AP Spitfire Scot Guard who has been hiding at the western edge of the board till now, getting him into contact with the shipping crate the Paramedic Frontovik is also hiding behind. Some more shots are exchanged with the Epsilon, but no wounds are dealt.

Meanwhile on the other side of the board, in the other combat group...

- Bearpode and Irmandinho use their impetuous orders to move up the board, hopefully out of the Biotechvore zone. Upon seeing the bear, the security team tries to dodge to better reposition, however only a few manage to do so, and Ensign CHO is revealed.
- The Bearpode rounds the corner of the Northern cluster of buildings to be in view of the Security team, who attempt to shoot adhesive and SMG rounds at the oncoming monstrosity, the bear attempts to throw smoke but is canceled by the Raveneyes SMG rounds that deal no damage.
- The bear continues to advance into CC with the bluecoat, realizing the EM mines, EMarats, and para CC weapons will be useless against a freaking grizzly bear with thumbs. Everyone in the team attempts to shoot the Bear with their pistols, the Bluecoat breaks orders from the rest of his team and tries to CC the bear with his -6 Para weapon, unable to wound it but hopefully able to distract it. The bear CC's the bluecoat, killing him. The bear takes only one wound from the multitude of pistols, combi rifles, and SMGs pointed his way.

Bearpode runs into CC with bluecoat, tearing him in half, taking a single wound from the surounding teams ARO.

Biotechvore: Two Rokots, the Scot Guard, and the Frontovik Paramedic go unconscious.
A Patcher took a wound. A very rough go for Ariadna.

Ariadna: 1
O-12: 0

Patcher, and Two Rokots take damage from the Biotechvore zone.
Scot Guard and Frontovik Paramedic go unconscious from Biotechvore.

O-12 Active, Top of turn 2

- Remaining Varangian on the southwest side moves forward and throws a smoke to cover the Kappa hacker from the T2 rifle Frontovik in cover behind a sign. Was expecting to try and do a classified with the hacker, but decided to go for the other two classifieds first.
- Epsilon enters a gunfight with the Frontovik T2 but actually goes unconscious on the rooftop.
- The Varangian realizing the need to make sure everything is obscured, throws another smoke. This will cover Parvati.
- Parvati springs into action and moves to the base of the building using an entire order to do so, with the next order, she super jumps up the building and lands in base contact with the Epsilon, she revives him.

Parvati revives Epsilon with smoke cover

(At this point my phone died, so thankfully my opponent's tablet was still going. We were able to look up my statlines and take pictures with his help so big shout out there. Big old Sportsmanship shout-out on that one as at the time of writing, I'm not sure if he is participating in the campaign or not.)

- Epsilon moves into a better position and fires on the Frontovik through smoke, finally killing him and essentially ending Ariadna's effective presence on the Southern half of the board.
- Now looking to gain some points, Epsilon (with some climbing plus movement) reforms the fireteam with Hector and they move around the wall to both gain LOF on the enemy HVT. After three orders of shuffling and observing. Both of them have achieved a classified objective (Hector: follow up, Epsilon, HVT: Identity Check) and begin to head north to help deal with the Bearpode.

Epsilon climbs on a cargo box after Hector has already moved back around the wall, both achieving a classified objective against the HVT standing beside the cargo box.

With one order left in each group, something drastic needed to be done. And Parvati was gonna be the one to do it.
- Parvati, deciding that picking up the Epsilon wasn't enough, but with only a single order left, Superjumps to see the Nyoka on the higher portion of the roof, she fires her medkit at the downed soldier and gets it up.
- The Nyoka with the final order of it's group, moves away from the Biotechvore zone and gets into position to use it's HRL against anything that moves on the northern half of the board.

Parvati super jumps and successfully medkits the Nyoka on top of the roof.

Ariadna Active, Bottom of turn 2

- Irmandinho runs ahead, hoping to catch the security team in the back while they're dealing with the Bearpode. However the Nyoka's HRL beats Irmandinho's smoke dodge and dies.
- The Bearpode moves around the bluecoat into contact with the middle Raveneye. The team declares BS attacks against the Bearpode, the Bearpode uses it's Heavy shotgun template to hit the Raveneye it's in contact with, the Kappa FO and a varangian who was behind the team, knocking all three unconscious, but also being dropped unconscious in the process.

Bearpode catches three more of O-12's finest with a heavy shotgun before being gunned down.

- Kosmosoldat reveals himself as Lt and moves up to the roof of the Northwest building. He fires on the Nyoka and knocks her unconscious.
- A patcher moves forward but can't get too far with limited orders.

Biotechvore: No more wounds from Biotechvore on active models, some unconscious models were removed as a result, I don't recall which ones, we were wrapping it up pretty quickly at this point.

O-12 Active, Top of turn 3

- Varangian moves around the corner and chain rifles the Patcher, going dogged but getting the kill. She then deploys smoke to cover Parvati on the rooftop.
- kappa hacker moves into the enemy DZ, successfully makes the roll to get the Mapping classified objective (which will cancel out the early Experimental Drug classified gained by Ariadna) and returns to safety.
- Epsilon spends some orders to climb back up the building, and using the smoke cover, shoots and kills the Kosmosoldat.

End of game:
O-12: three classified (3 pts), more classified (2 pt) and more army points killed (1 pt). Total: 7 pts
Ariadna: One classified, but Experimental Drug is canceled by Mapping classified from O-12. Total: 0 pts.

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