Durgama Takeover


Infection at Cameliard

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Combined Army
VS Yu Jing


After several skirmishes with the enemy we set to holding our position. The arrival of the Charontids signaled the EI's eagerness to take the reliquary. With a screen of remores to enact its will on this world.

(Turn1) Our Sygmaa operator quickly moved in to slay the human monk. Lost to bloodlust our Umbra "ally" followed the scent of blood into a minefield. Our drones spread out to control the info war.

The foe sent its TAG up to slay our Liberto freedom fighter, though the kill came from lesser troops. Unexpectedly, a human barbarian rush our position. Her lack of technological ability allowed her to infiltrate our line. Though she eventually fell, the bestial human destroyed our communication array.

(Turn 2) Defiantly, our loyal ikadron advanced forward bringing the Charontids' ire to the "Blue Wolf" gripped by our might the machine turned upon its own. Slaying the shanji. (Note: human journalists are oddly combat effecient.)

In vengeance, the Wolf shook off our hold, and turned its guns upon us. Flinging explosives at our imétron, taking our Greif Operator down as well. The ye mao advanced to slay our heroic ikadron. Continuing, the human eliminated our slave drone but fled from Maakrep's fire.

(Turn 3) Our obsidon advanced to tend to our greif operator healing his wounds. Our remaining ikadron advanced and was AMBUSHED but heroically isolated the dsstardly yujingyu drone.

The human ye mao finally slew our maakrep along with our droids. In a last effort to purge their systems of our code the TAG killed our last ikadron. But, not before the ikadron infested its systems with control protocols.

Yu Jing