Durgama Takeover


Quand la Formation Devient Réalité

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VS PanOceania

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>>>>Requesting data from Gheists, surveillance systems, and reconnaissance units . . . Compiling; ETA – 16 Hours (7/12, 18:30 EST)
>>>>Outputting images upon completion . . .
>>>>Outputting transcript upon completion. . .

[Transcription complete!]
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Capitaine Jean “Hush” Brunet
Commanding Officer
{{DATA EXPUNGED}}nd Régiment d’entraînement Expéditionnaire
Orbital Station: Raveneye, Concilium Prime

An unexpected, and uprovoked assault, on our position took place from the Nation of PanOceania on the Starboard Battery during the confusion when the CA breached the Bow. We were here not to relive the nightmares of either the days of being discovered, or being crushed by the Combined Army. We were here to retrain, refit, and reestablish ourselves; what better opportunity than now to at least accomplish 2/3rds of our mission? Sadly, as of now, I am reporting survivors from an initial surprise attack of PanOceanian Tactical Armored Gear, counting two Squalo, of the Varuna Division on the Starboard Battery.

Our deployment was spread evenly across the area of operation, layering firelanes on top of one another through our backline defenses consisting of Rapier – 1 [3 Metros, 1 Paramedic, and a Mobile Armored Infantry with a heavy machine gun, and our forward operating infantry and their mines. Brigadier Jacques Bruant and a Chasseur took one flank, while a Zouave and another Chassuer took the opposite. Margot and Duroc waited in the nearby storage containers to lay a surprise flank along with an additional paramedic Para Commando.

Upon entering the area of operation, the Squalos immediately moved up to control the midfield just keeping out of sight of our Chasseurs and their mines. The right most Squalo challenged our Moblot’s position buried within a mound of scrap metal, the Moblot held his position against the onslaught of enemy fire. Sadly the streak of glory would not continue, as the opposing Squalo then began blind-firing grenades eventually striking close enough to render the Moblot unconscious. Truly, the cyan invader’s barbarism is shown, caring not for civilian contractors, and potentially their own brothers. The pair then began showering the area in heavy machine gun fire, blindly through buildings and vehicles.

We had no choice to respond, a defensive response was needed in order to save what and who we could against these machines of grotesque destruction. Bruant, knowing the future that would come, knew that only he could hope to stop. Sadly, despite the pitch-blackness, the AoO did not allow for Jacques to fully realize his potential. Receiving only death by an unfortunate pistol flick, while trading a single wound against the Armored Gear. Additional coordinated orders were issued to glue the Squalo down, while effective it was not to last. Meanwhile, our Metros managed to reestablish our Moblot to consciousness in his foxhole. . .for how long though?

An Engineer swiftly removed the glue from the joints and armor of the TAG, and so the killing continued. . . not content to see the Moblot live, the Squalo continued the blind fire within a stone toss of a civilian. The Moblot falls, again. The Squalo continues the flank right up to our deployment zone with one of their aquatic slaves in tow. Our response? A truly shameful display of ability.

Duroc, the ‘Legendary Warrior’ flanks from a blind corner and immediately drops two smoke grenades to get into combat with the Squalo. Muscles, are very important to a warrior . . . however a brain will always be better. The mutt forgets to pull the pins and only manages to damage the TAG from the residual inertia of his cold corpse hitting its shins. At least Margot not only had beauty, but the brains as well. Sadly, all she could do was take out the engineer with a well placed, and purposefully aimed set of grenades. A momentary shift in the grim tide of battle.

As the Squalo kicks the lifeless body of the mutt, it reposition further into the line; nearly coming into contact with the Metros with the “Helot” behind. The second Squalo then climbs a nearby building in the nest of Chassuers, which one is spotted and obliterated immediately despite the best efforts of physical dexterety of the Chasseur caught out. Their fireteam of Kamaus moves up along with the Warcor, no doubt for propaganda purposes.

As a last ditch attempt, we approve the tactics of old. In order to create room and a large enough distraction for civilians in the area to escape, and make room for the Lieutenant to make it back with verifiable reports, evidence, and my final report of today’s events as given to me. Before exiting the area of operation, a final Para Commando enters the fray as if forgotten entirely. The paramedic flanks behind the Squalo and Helot, and puts the Helot out of his misery. In response, the Squalo faces the Para Commando; at this second, the Lieutenant sees an opportunity to strike and takes down the TAG in a single burst from her rifle. As the TAg fell, the Chasseurs knew what had to be done. To make time for the Metros to escape with their Intel to report back to Ariadnan High Command, they unleashed hell fire upon the Squalo to try and incapacitate the circutry inside. . .

For the families that have sacrificed their sons and daughters, for the friends that have lost their stars, and the communities lost their pillars; Merovingia honors their sacrifice, as well as yours.

Capitaine Jean “Hush” Brunet
Commanding Officer
{{DATA EXPUNGED}}nd Régiment d’entraînement Expéditionnaire
“S’engager pour la vie!”

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>Accessing. . . .

“Is this thing off? Christ, I can’t believe they make me write this report every training mission! We’re in training, not in soul crushing camp. If I didn’t have to write the letters home of the “Dead” each time, maybe we’d get into the spirit of it more. Maybe even if I didn’t know they weren’t reading my reports back it’d be easier to take this seriously, the absolute nerve of Co- *Large Explosion* What was that noi-”
[[[. . .]]]
>Audio log ended
>Gun Battery Power: 0%
>Auxillary power: Online, basic lifesupport and low-lights enabled
[Audio recording online]
“Oh merde. . . it’s become real. . . VIVE LA MEROVINGIA, VIVE ARIADNA!!”
*Footsteps sprinting away*
[Audio recording stopped]

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23 People Recommended Hushhherism for commendation

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