Durgama Takeover


Yu-Jing assault on research evacuation attempt

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VS Yu Jing
What was supposed to be a simple mission, load and extract the research samples for O-12 now that fighting had broken out, had descended into chaos. One of the rookies had opened a container containing simbionts, which were now running amok. Mariya sighed, as she watched the Rokots trying to herd the symbionts back towards the shipping containers. As she watched Cillian struggle with a symbiont that was attaching itself to his chest, the alarms suddenly blared. "Get ready. Invincibles are incoming. I've called in for backup." came across her headset. This was going to be a long day.

Turn 1

Kosmoflot kept deployment, forcing Yu Jing to deploy first. Yu Jing then went first, coming in from the shipping containers. They advanced, discovering one of the Rokots hiding among the sample barrels and taking them out, before hacking two of the consoles.

Kosmoflot then advanced, with the fireteam of the Patcher, Mekhanik, Paramedic, and Volkolak moving up the left flank, to hold off the Invincible advance. The patcher managed to take out a member of the Zuyong fireteam. A Rokot threw a grenade trying to hit the enemy unit around the corner, but missed, with the trash can containing the explosion. The Zenit-7, Mariya Borovyk, moved out of camo on the right side to take out the Rui Shi remote before advancing towards the console. Margot came in from the back, but was forced to retreat by the defense turret the yu jing forces had set up.

Turn 2

Turn 2 had the SAS and Patcher get knocked unconscious, the Warcor got hit twice without dying or failing a guts check. The second camo Rokot was taken out. The scots guard advanced up on the other side of the train. The 112 managed to revive the Patcher. Duroc came in on the left side with the para-commando to take over that quadrant and knock out the Daoying. The para-commando was then able to revive the SAS with their medikit before the Zenit hacked the console.

Turn 3

Turn 3 had the warcor get knocked unconscious, and duroc taken out. Fire was exchanged on the left flank with no changes there. On the Kosmoflot turn, the 112 revived the Patcher and Warcor, losing a remotenik in the process. The 112 then hacked the second console, and the Zenit-7 and Scots guard advanced towards the top right quadrant. The scots guard ended the game just outside the quadrant with only a fraction of his base inside. The Zenit advance resulted in a shotgun blast knocking out the SAS and para-commando before she returned fire killing the revived daoying.

Tieing the top right quadrant in turn 2 allowed ariadna to get ahead, with two quadrants controlled each in turns 1 and 3. Both factions completed the secondary objectives and controlled two consoles at the end of the game.

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