Durgama Takeover


Lead by Example

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Combined Army
BC Rozum
VS O-12
Big King Kahuna

The Combined Army take initiative and decide they will take the offensive first. In doing so they are forced to deploy in a less than ideal manner. Cover had them spread thin and deep into deployment. O12 was able to strategically post in order to best counter.
Fortunately the Avatar had a Shrouded and Haiduk in reserve to present a last minute deterrent.
Round one Victor moves up to produce a white noise field for the Avatar which he quickly took advantage of. The Avatar pushed forward to take out the sniper on the roof of the supply ship. Taighas moved up to provide support and add pressure. The Avatar moved again up to the field to secure advantageous position for anticipated O12 reactions. This however meant that the remaining Combined Army units had very few options to also get away from the anticipated bioswarm. The Shrouded, Bit, Kiss, Haiduk, Slave drones, and Speculio Killer we’re unable to completely escape the bioswarm and quickly succumb to a horrific fate. The Avatar never even looked back.
O12 moved swiftly up the field ensuring the majority of their units were spared the same fate. They moved in and removed Dr Worm to ensure no Combined casualties would be returning to the battle. They also established strong battle lines to help withstand the rapidly advancing Avatar and his ferocious Taighas.
Round 2 the Avatar was able to Sepsorize an enemy trooper which would later prove to be a valuable resource for Combined Army. The Taighas blast up the field and caused a number of O12 casualties rendering them unconscious. Realizing the majority of his forces were no longer alive or conscious the Avatar positions himself with a direct line of fire and prepares for suppressive fire.
What the Avatar was not expecting was the lone O12 Digger that had worked his way down the far side of the battlefield well protected by cover. Since the Avatar ordered the aggressive onslaught by his Taighas he had left himself exposed. The Digger then circles around half the battlefield to then doge into close combat causing a wound to the Avatar.
Round three the Avatar considers this as a mere nuisance so swats back. This only results in additional wounds to the Avatar. The Taighas begin to work their way back but even taking out additional enemy forces they are not able to close the distance.
The Digger is able to continue punishing the Avatar and takes him down. The remaining O12 Forces make quick work of the last Taighas and their Sepsorized comrade. Pavaratie then heals the wounded and sees there are no remaining Combined Army forces.

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3 People Recommended BC Rozum for commendation

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Big King Kahuna