Durgama Takeover


facing O-12 finests

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Combined Army
VS O-12
Lady Numiria

today we fight again the 0-12,we have to take position against those cops thinking they can arrest us like simple citizens.
it seems they bringed lot of their big heads due to multiples reports we had.
my opponent won the lieutenant roll and took initiative so i let her deploy first and i took red side.

my opponent first turn:
she sent first sent casanova to activate the console on her right side,i chose to reveal my noctifer to try to take him down but noctifer failed and took a shot from knauf which killed him.
Then she sent andromeda to activate the second one but she had to make 3 attempts to do it.
Next she activated oktavia to take down my daturazi and ikadron.
hippolyta advanced a bit but took a shot from the avatar leaving her on NWI state

my first turn:

i advanced the avatar to take control of the first quadrant in front of me and to take down the mighty oktavia that sent two of his “friends” to the ground.
the shrouded replaced himself in LOF of the streets to avoid that casanova and aïda have a too easy access to our console. i tried to raise our ikadron but the medikit was failing his hits.

my opponent s turn 2
she decided to take down the avatar on melee with hippolyta but she took time cause of the number of enemies seeing her.
she finally arrived and opened a breach in the avatar armour, we thought it was this avatar’s last moment but he managed to survive and took a step out of fight to see shona coming and take control of her cube with the voodoo weapon named sepsitor, enraged hippolyta gave the avatar another dose of melee medicine to take him down.
at this moment hippolyta knew she was doomed.
during this, the varangians tried to open a way for casanova and aïda advanced to our position, but the shrouded didn t let them and took one of them out.
casanova used topography of the city to lead aïda and himself to our console.

my turn 2
loss of lieutenant cause avatar was down, i activated shona to take down her friend hippolyta and repaired the avatar with doctor worm.
then nourkias jumped on his feet to take down aïda swanson and shoot once casanova before to get back in cover

my opponent s turn 3
she sent the second varangian team to take down shona and the avatar but one of them got shot by shona.
then she putted andromeda on suppressive fire.
after this she took shrouded off the table with knauf even if the shrouded have been upgraded with a heavy symbio armor.

my turn 3
i sent nourkias on impersonation state to take control of my left zone and of my console, then the avatar’s pilot came out to take control of the second one, then i sent shona to try to take down the alpha unit and andromeda to take control of the 3rd quarter of the table and of her hvt but andromeda survived which made me lose the game.

Lady Numiria