Durgama Takeover


batte in the gardens of darpan

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Combined Army

Avatar’s activation confirmed, aleph forces detected, combat protocol engaged.

we dispatched two imetron to relay the highy classified orders.

a rasyat has been sent on the field to kidnap an hvt.

we decided to deploy the agent nourkias, as a melee specialist he should be usefull in this terrain.

it seems that aleph has been alerted our attack because a marut has been deployed.

engagement confirmed. make your classified orders and go. we don t need to destroy them.

my first turn :
daturazi smokes to block LOF of the dakini sniper.

the avatar climbed a building to take him down.

then the witch soldier received the order to take down a TO camo but been taken down by the marut.

then nourkias received the same order, happy to can feed on a prey he forgot to check all line of sight and been changed in emental by a huge load of bullets

a M-drone receivedorder to spotlight a yudbot but failed

my opponent s 2nd turn

my opponent bringed back dakini on feet with a yud bot and used the dakini to shoot at M-drone and then released the marut that went throught a place where i thought he couldn t fit throught.

he got the avatar in the back and ripped him 2 wounds with piercing armor shells. the avatar fighted back with explosive ammunation and took him two wounds too but the rain of steel he took sent him to grave, his conciousness been transfered to the med tech to be saved.

my 2nd turn.
after those loses i decided to send my rasyat to take the marut down which he did after 4 orders and the med tech used gizmokit to rise Mdrone.

my opponent s 2nd turn.

the rasyat has been taken down by a shukra and my opponent managed to do a civ evac and a Cas evac.

no turn 3 cause of the retreat of CA forces

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8 People Recommended wulfric for commendation

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