Durgama Takeover


raveneye bow section on TTS

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Combined Army
VS O-12

battle report of our first mission:

we rolled scenario and got raveneye bow section and played acquisition.

we rolled for lieutenant and my opponent succeded, he decided to keep deployment, giving me the red side and letting me deploy first, so i decided to play first.

avatar advanced to the middle of the maps and faced a kappa sniper which been taken down.
then i activated both consoles with nourkias and the shrouded.

nourkias jumped on a high ground to get cover, the shrouded backed and came back to camo state.

ikadron advanced to bring a repeater in middle of enemy forces, tried to face a nyoka hrl,i tried to flash him but my beloved ikadron died after the 2nd try.

end of my 1st turn.

my opponent first turn:

my opponent bringed back kappa sniper with medikit and does his classified (which was experimental drugs).

he smokes to allow nyoka to move.

epsilon shot throught smoke to hit nourkias that took a wound and goes prone and NWI, on the same order he hits avatar 3 times but avatar saved everything cause he s the best.

he bringed a devabot to the avatar to burn him down and the mine that was behind him,the mine burned but avatar saved again.

he bringed another devabot to burn down a daturazi and my shrouded, but both dodged.

my 2nd turn:

my avatar tried to kill kappa sniper and nyoka hrl but failed on the kappa and took a wound so i made him fall back near to slave drone.

then i sent my daturazi to take a E/M mine cause he s veteran and can t be isolated, then he made a speculative grenade against a raveneye and raptor khd, both took a wound bringing the raveneye unconscious and raptor down to 1 wound.

the daturazi advanced again and thrown another grenade to raptor that went unconcious, then he advanced again and faced 2nd raptor that took him down with a DA shot after a 2nd opposition.

my opponent 2nd turn:

my opponent bringed back nyoka hrl on his feet after being taken down by avatar (2nd time)

my opponent chose to activate parvati’s FT to shoot medikit to raptor to bring him back, then do the same to raveneye that failed and died.
epsilon shoots on shrouded that fail 1 save and goes unconscious.
then he tried to put a pitcher with cyberghost but failed.

end of turn shourded does his regen and comes back on his feets

my 3rd turn:

avatar takes down sniper to death.

then i made Nourkias advance and kill kappa hacker and stands in kappa FT.

i reveal noctifer that replace himself to get view on both consoles.

the shourded goes to left console and contact then place a mine next to him and avatar goes to tech-coffin to take control of it.

my opponent’s turn 3:

the varangian came out to smoke the way to bring his FT haris to a total cover.

then my opponent bringed the raptor to kill my shrouded by hacking.

he reactivates the raptor, made him take shrouded’s mine and avatar’s sepsitor,all that to die on mine.

epsilon tried tp take down the noctifer with hmg but took a crit and died instantly.

parvati makes cautious move and saved 2 times against avatar, activates 1 console and tried to come to tech coffin but died on noctifer’s ML.

end of game i control tech coffin, got 1 console and my classified (predator) and my opponent got 1 console and his classified (experimental drugs).

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