Durgama Takeover


Monkey masacre

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Combined Army
VS Nomads

The Morats forces were sent to Raveneye Port Battery to gain position and weaken Nomad’s control of this strategic point.
During deployment Morats forces found an excellent organized and positioned opponent in the port.
First turn
One Daturazi run forward and tried too kill the first civilian but this one dodge the shot and run inside a crazyKoala zone stoping Daturazi’s advance. A 2nd Daturazi crossing a smoke zone and hit the 2nd civilian, in this case he can’t save both chain rifles and died.
the CA forces need to go forward during the first turn and spend many order to reorganice and try to obtain a better position in the field, during this relocation a Nomad turret have a lucky shot hiting on crit a Kaitok out of cover, this lucky shot becomes double when Kaitok fails both saves and falls unconscious, paramedic Vanguardia healed Kaitok and now Suryat HMG warrior lead the core team and took reavange over the turret.
Oznat+Preta+Gaki, tried to run forward on the left side of the table, but a Gator killed the Preta.

Nomads started their turn sending forward Vostok, he killed one Daturazi and set Kaitok unconscious (again), Gator moves to take LoF against Suryat and set him unconscious, after this a beast hunter sacrifice him self going deep and taking the back of the core team hitting three members of the core using a flammenspeer, Morats fails all their saves and Kornak, Dartork and a Vargian paramedic died, they were able to remove the beast hunter but the damage in CA army was deadly.

Second turn

With only three orders on the table, Rindak were able to heal Kaitok and Suryat, so they creat a Haris team again to try to stop Nomads.
A Rasyat Diplomatic tried to take Gator’s back but he fails combat jump so he has no option than start on the deeps side.

With almost their army complete Gator go forward and started to hunt one by one the Morat forces that’s still on the board, with all the board clean the nomad were able.to capture one HVT and reinforce their position on the Raveneye Port Battery.


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