Durgama Takeover


Come to stay (Gekommen um zu bleiben)

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Yu Jing
VS Haqqislam

The high command´s orders were clear. The designated building had to be taken and secured by any means necessary. So Zhōngwèi (Lieutnant) Chiang and her Invincible Army Special Operations Squad was on the sharp edge again. Closing in on the target, she distributed her Forces. Protecting the left side was the new man on the team, a Mówang. The center was made up by a Team of Invincebles Heavy Infantry consisting of Tai Sheng, Krit Krokram, Lei Gong, a Zuyong Invincible armed with a Multi Rifle and a Zuyong Invincible armed with a combi Rifle and accompanieed by a Tin Bot. To their right stalked a Chaiyi Yaokong Flash Pulse Drone and ahead on the far right flank scouted a Zencha trooper. The rearguard was formed by a Yoapu Pangguling Drone, armed with a light shotgun and herself.

The Zencha moved foreward and suddenly sounded a warning. A Druze Hacker was spotted. Apparently another party was invited an moved onto their target. Chiang ordered the Link team to occupy the building. With flawless coordination Lei Gong lead the team into the building, eliminating a Fugazi Flash Pulse drone and a Sierra total Reaction Drone, wich were closing in from the other side of the target. He then withdraw from the building to cover the right side of the field, leaving it to Tain Sheng and the two Zuyongs to secure it. Kri Koram supported Lei Ging by securing the surroundings of the target building. Meanwhile the Zencha on the rigt side was starting an attack on the druze Hacker, but missed her with his Panzerfaust, taking a wound by a bullet from her combi rifle instead.

The Enemy reacted promptly and a Yuan Yuan Trooper landed behind the Zencha and failed to beat him in close combat, leaving it to the Druze Haris link Team to gun the Zencha down from afar. A Bulleteer drone appeared at the center of the enemy lines and opened fire on Lei Gong, forcing the Invincible into cover. This opened a gap for a small Druze link team, lead by Wolfgang Amadeus Wolf, wich closed in from the right on the target building. A firefight between Wolf an Tai Sheng left Wolf wounded, while Tai Sheng´s heavy armor managed to shake of three hits from Wolf. In the Back of the enemy Lines, a Monstrucker took advantage of the distraction and used his Nazmad to repair the Flash Pulse Drone. A Peacemaker Drone, followed by an auxbot tried to close in too, but was downed by the Maowang, wich was still holding position at the left flank.
For Now, Yu Jing was holding the target building.

To get inititive back, Tai Sheng attacked Wolfgang again. This time the mercenary dodged the fire, only to find himself out in the open, facing Lei Gong and Krit Kokram. Lei Gong unleashed his nanopulser and Wolf fell to the ground, while the following Digger jumped out of the way right in time. When Wolf disappeared, Tai Sheng moved to the door to draw line of sight to the Druze Killer Hacker, wich she eliminated with a well aimed burst, before taking her position inside the building again. On the other side of the wall, Lei Gong took his old position again and damaged the Bulleteer, while the Maowang marched foreward to secure the left flank, sending another Flash Pulse bot down to the ground.

Unfortunately the nazmad succeeded in repairing the peacemaker and bulleteer Drones and the combined fire of the Peacemaker and his auxbot devastated the Maowang. Next the peacemaker noved around the target building and attempted to shoot Tai Sheng, while his auxbot unleashed his Heavy flamer on the two Zuyongs inside, but the Invicibles stood their ground and proved themself victorious. Tai Sheng shot the Peacemaker again, while the Zuyongs destroyed the auxbot, although the Zuyong armed with the multi rifle was wounded.
Yu Jong was still holding the target building.

In the target building, Tai Sheng opened a panoply to find a light flamethrower, wich might come in handy to defend the building. Then she fulfilled her objective "net undermine", standing in the enemy half of the battlefield. Lei Gong shoot again on the Bulleteer, this time destroying it, but the flash pulse drone managed to blind him, taking him out for the moment. Alarmed by Lei Gong´s shooting, the last remaining member of the Druze Llinkteam, a Digger, dogged around a van to close in on Lei Gong. Despite beeing fired upon by Krit Kokram, the Digger managed to make contact with Lei Gong, dodging Krit´s fire, and when the Combi rifle Zuyong fired to eventually destroy the Peacemaker, the Digger downed Lei Gong with his monofilament weapon, wich he got as Booty. Krit continued to shoot at him, but again the Digger dodged the bullets and vanished out of Krit´s sight.
Dropping their cohesion as a link team, the remaining members started to give supression fire in the enemy´s direction, hoping to hold them down.

In a desperate attempt to capture the target building, the digger charged at Tai Sheng, but the combined fire of Tai Sheng and the two Zuyongs tore him apart. Armand le Muet leaned out behind a van on the right flank and send the Combi rifle armed Zuyong to the ground with his Sniper Rifle. The Nazmat and Aida Swanson closed in on the building and while the Nazmat succeeded to get into close combat with the Zuyong, it was not enough to gain the upper hand.

The target was still controlled by Yu Jing.

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Yu Jing