Durgama Takeover


ghost boxing with Aleph


On the table we decided to play the pictured blue walls as infinite height to help make the table less of a death bowl but decided to make some of the doors into that central area a short skill to open.

Our classifieds were, data scan, retro engineering, capture and the HVT evac one.

After winning the LT roll I chose to go first and dived into taking advantage of my opponents deployment mistakes. They deployed a lot of camo and mimitism -6 units out for ARO that i didn’t think I could deal with so I advanced a repeater bot up to get hector into my hacking area and isolated him using my interventor. I then aggressively moved my puppet bots up killing the proxy mk5 and eventually ending in a fairly bad spot but covering my left flank.

My opponents 1st turn is in L.O.L and he used eduros to try and kill my BS puppet bot in CC but I pass both saves. He then moves his proxy docter up to revive a downed mirmadon but kill him with his medejector. My puppet was able to dodge out of CC in ARO and turn was passed to me. Andrew was able to fix hectors isolation but left his engineer standing in a poor position to do so.

My 2nd turn I am able to kill eduros with the puppets shot gun and then i spend a few order throwing smoke with my hollow man harris team and discovering through the smoke whilst moving into the center of the board to go and kill the standing engineer. I move my repeater bot up again to cover hector and pass turn.

Andrew uses a dasyu killer hacker to kill my zond naught but whilst trying to recamo my HD spektre revealed and isolated him. He moves hector out to try and get a position to kill my puppets and left flank but is isolated by my intervetor. After trying to kill stuff with his proxy mk1 he passes turn.

Myu last turn is spend clearing AROs, putting a remote unconscious to then carry it back into safety and claim capture as well as hack it my spektre. I am also able to repair a puppet bot and claim test run.

Andrew is in L.O.L again and has a bad time trying to kill some of my stuff with his proxy mk1 again and we call the game there.

The game felt much closer than the 8-0 would make out. We were both very cagey / hindered by L.O.L.

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2 People Recommended TANKO for commendation

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