Durgama Takeover


A war hero: Tohaa diplomat

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VS Yu Jing


Spiral Corps hired by the Yu Jing Army confronts Qapu Khalqi unit.

Spiral Corps got a first turn, and QK selected the edge of table.

Spiral Corps's deployment
QK'S deployment


the Spiral Corps activate Helot to perform a surprise attack on the Odalisque core, ultimately failing but manages to reveal that two of the Odalisques core team turns out to be Hafzas with HRL.

Odalisque core

After that, Draal team advances with Draal taking the lead, opens the panoply and acquires a HMG. However considering the engagement distance, it stays on with AP marksman rifle. Draal killed one Hafza

Tohaa diplomat advances to open the panoply as well, acquiring +4 ARM. With remaining regular orders, a Greif Operative who has been deployed right outside of Haqq DZ moves up to damage AC2. While he succeeds to inflict 2 STR damages, he gets killed in the way.
After that, Draal team could not find a better position so they decides to stay in the cover.

It was the end of the SC's first turn.

+4 armor is here!

In the start of the QK's turn, Bashi Bazouks jumped into battlefield.

But he failed to kill kiiutan and got isolated.

After that, Rafiq remote rushed into the Tohaa diplomat. but she blocked every bullet with +4armor.

So Azrail haris tried to get rid of That +4armor girl. but failed, and got isolated.

HQ spend many orders for this.

After that, HQ thought i must kill more so order sekban to rush.

He killed Clipsos revealed himself and died together.


SC tried to clean the core team, but hafza and odalieques didnt die easily.

So they changed the plan. get rid of Azrail haris team.

After that, SC made a defense line to protech AC2.

and KQ didnt make a kill in second turn.


QK's secret weapon, beasthunter rushed into the SC's base.

after few combat, beasthunter arrived the AC2. and swing the sword.

it gave only 1 damage. so that was the end of the third turn and game.

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Yu Jing