Durgama Takeover


Old Foe, Same Mistakes

VS Yu Jing
ISS Collateral Compassion Division

Another tough fight was ahead of me since my track record against this opponent is abysmal. Though I would win the lieutenant roll and chose to go first I felt I had a chance to get some good damage. I scattered my forces around with, the Rokot core with Amadeus right of center, and the Polaris Bearpode on the right. Uxia though would fail her infilitration roll and be placed near the bear.

On my first turn Amadeus moved to check out a camo mine, safely making his dodge. and would trade a wound with the Guilang. Using the last order to position around the middle building. As for group 2, Uxia would move into a stairwell to be harder to spot. and the Bearpode would try to break into my opponents deployment zone, However a Shaolin that dodged into my smoke would hold him in place while Lunah made her presence known. My cc attack against the Shaolin would fail though Lunah's shot would also miss the mark, and my Bearpode would be stuck in cc for the rest of the turn, unable to land a hit but making every save.

Now it was time to see what my opponent couldn't kill, the Blue Wolf would take the spotlight. Moving onto the center building with Amadeus to take him head on first. Though losing the face to face the TAG made his armour save, failing the guts to get cover in return. On the next order I opted to use chain-colts to try to get a wound out of it, which ending up taking one for Amadeus' life. Unfortunately now the Blue Wolf was able to take out most of the fireteam and take no damage in return. The HVT and Patcher would bring a little more trouble with the HVT able to dodge and the Patcher's weapons keeping him stuck in template range though he would take a wound. a hidden Kunai Ninja would appear and would shoot the Patcher in his back to free the Blue Wolf, returning to a camo marker after taking out a Rokot and the HVT.

After taking the massive amount of damage I tend to get only one option was left to me, take out the designated targets. With six regular orders in my pool I had to succeed all my rolls to do it the first two were able to take out the first HVT and after moving into position to take out the last one I would have two left. In a hail mary attack I would hit the HVT with my hopes being dashed by the HVT making their saves. With the last order going to the bear which continued the scene of a Shaolin styling on the bear, though taking one wound from the bear.

On my opponents second turn the Shaolin's impetuous order would turn sour with my Bearpode succeeding instead. However Lunah was still in position to take out the the bear in return. The Blue Wolf would return to deal with my last HVT and succeed to then enter suppressive fire. While on the other half a camouflaged Beasthunter would try to sneak past the Polaris Handler in front of my Kosmosoldat. Though getting revealed he was now only in front of the Kosmosoldat, and would succeed in a cc attack through suppresive fire. Killing my Lieutenant with the handler turning around to face the Beasthunter. In a similar fashion though eating a template this time, the Beasthunter would be left standing in the end. Now moving over to check some camo markers he would discover my Zenit-7 and would once again come out on top.

With my last turn I had only Uxia, too far to try to get my enemies last HVT having only two orders. on some advice I would instead have her take one attemp against the Blue Wolf, needing one order to not get shot by the camo'd Kunai Ninja, neither would go down.

On my opponents last turn the Blue Wolf would move up and eventually nail down Uxia with a volley, after being unharmed from an e/m mine that was close enough to reach.

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Yu Jing
ISS Collateral Compassion Division