Durgama Takeover


Back and forth action at the Bow Section between Starmada and Bakunin

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VS Nomads
Sinister Rain

The Bakunin commander brought a Lizard Squad to surprise the Starmada forces holding the Bow Section of Raveneye. The Lizard held down the center of the field and things looked grim for 0-12.

Massed shooting from the Knight of Santiago and an heroic Kappa wielding an HMG like the Terminator brought it down, which then lead to the Knight eliminating a lot of enemy forces. The Nomads commander was able to protect his servers, so it came down to the destruction of a key building held by the Bakunin, giving the slight edge to 0-12.


One Comment

  • Lady Numiria says:

    Please provide us with more intel about your mission Officer, or the AI Historians will get rid of it! 🙂

    Lady Numiria,
    O-12 High Commissioner