Durgama Takeover


Strong start

Yu Jing
Commander Shen Niu
VS Combined Army

Strong start
Commander Shen Niu got the message and gathered all his soldiers without hesitation
“there is sightings of space bugs near the warehouses, just by the printing labs. We need to act quickly and eliminate any chance of infiltration. Also protecting our civilians is a must. If we get it done fast, we will be in time for the attack to Cameliard at dawn. So get ready that we are fighting for the Jade Empire before we thought”. Everyone answered at unison ‘for the Jade Empire’, they got their guns and equipment on the run, and boarded the shuttle…

I was against a new player so we left the turrets and the blizzard zones out. First classifieds were: retro engineering, capture and espionage. My opponent won the LT roll and opted table side, so I was happy to go first.

Deployment was pretty standard, my core link on the right with 2 zanshi (combi rifles), haidaos (MSR and killer hacker) and a missile bot. Daoying hiding behind a box, and krit kokram with my zhuyong w/tinbot in the middle, so I could have the option to attack left or right. Shasvastii deployed a little bit… Clunky to say somehow. Total reaction bot and gwailo HRL on the same rooftop, and pretty much everything else was hiding (only some taigas but as corner guards). My reserve was the rui shi that went left to krit, ready to attack from order one. His reserve was a speculo minelayer, that went pretty close to my haris and the mine almost on top of me.

I was happy to keep all the classified. My rival used a command token to reduce the orders of group one (but I had still 8 regulars, 1 tac awareness and 3 LT orders haha). First of all I sacrificed my flash bot to pop the mine from the speculo, that didn’t ARO so I got a free discover. And was successful. So after that, krit just dealed with her with the first couple orders in close range. After that the rui shi had a couple gun fights (and a lot of crits from my rolling) and left the total reaction bot unconscious and the gwailo went prone after receiving a wound. The board was pretty clear to advance. Taking the left flank we got to see Dr worm and sheskin without cover, so after a couple orders they where both down. With the last 3 orders the haris retreated to get to a safer position.

Retro engineering was discarded and we drew follow-up. At this point my opponent was knew that was under my foot, but I remembered him that the mission finishes in retreat, and I didn’t scored any points on my turn. So he got strong back to thinking mode. He brought a cadmus from the side of the table and accomplished espionage. In this stage he was winning and I didn’t knew how far he was from retreat. Then he gave a couple orders to the gwailo to try to fight my tr bot but without much luck. After that he moved a couple taigas and finished his turn.

the new classified was inoculation. With the Jade empire in mind, I went for the missions. Long story short, I made follow up with the corpse of the cadmus, and capture with a taiga that was nearby. My doctor was on her way to accomplish inoculation.

My friend was seeing no many chances to win so we called it earlier.

At the end was a victory for my 5 to 1. Glory for the Emperor.

I think that I went a little bit hard on my buddy, he never faced a strong alpha strike before. We had a big conversation after and I explained why giving me first turn was not a good idea. We talked about making his deployment stronger and how to deploy speculo if you go second. At the end of the night he was pretty happy, and he was really keen to play against each other again to use his new learnings. Also he felt better when I told him that took me 2 years of playing infinity to win my first game haha… I take that as a victory for both of us.

On the middle of the night the yu jing forces rushed back to the shuttle. They know the big fight is going to be at dawn, in Pan-O territory, but their secrets will be soon revealed to the whole human sphere.

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7 People Recommended Commander Shen Niu for commendation

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Yu Jing
Commander Shen Niu