Durgama Takeover


Inappropriate Use of a TAG

VS Yu Jing

Finally! The dream of all true ALEPH players has been achieved - taking just one big stompy robot lady and not getting shot down in an instant. It was a near thing, though - that turret with a plain combi-rifle really did a number on her, but she persevered in the end.

He does not approve of my bringing a Marut into a 150-point game...
... because this is the entire squad, right here.
The subtle intricacies of my deployment. Achilles there is my High-Value Target.

My scheme, such as it was, was simple - stomp everything flat under the Marut's stilettos and then have my Sophotect sidle on over to their HVT, which is just ahead off the side of the photo above, and pick up objective cards. This did not come to pass, however, as I ran into a rule that I had honestly forgotten about: Retreat. I mean - I play ALEPH, my usual opponent is Haqqislam, how often does that actually come up? Not that often!

I'm afraid I didn't catch the names of these people, but the fellow nearest the Marut had a Hyper-Rapid Magnetic Cannon. It did absolutely nothing to her. That little Lego structure is the turret the scenario gives you. It handily knocked a Structure off of her.
Sunzi here fared little better. The Marut's flamethrower killed him, and that tiny little BS 10 turret as well, but not before it shot another structure off of her.
The Sophotect headed over to start doing unethical things to the HVT, but there were issues...

Issue Number One was that I was out of orders. This was fine, I thought. I'll have whole turns to pick up points and they have nothing left on the board, just one single guy who had yet to combat-jump in.

Which leads to Issue Number Two: That last guy was in Retreat. The game was about to end. But that was fine - I was right there, I had Secure HVT, that's a point.

Except for Issue Number Three - that guy can just combat-drop right onto -my- HVT. A Command Token to give him his whole order let him pop in and draw the game. Or so we thought for quite a while! I was prepared to submit the draw when thepoorman figured out that the fellow would have to pop in and then immediately leave. And so, technically a victory - the best kind of victory.

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5 People Recommended Shamash for commendation

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  • Kaminu says:

    glad to see the victory though!

  • Tristan228 says:

    That’s a nice cat, Commander! 😉

  • thepoorman says:

    The end of this game was absurd. We thought Shamash had won, then Razorsedge managed to force a draw, then we thought Shamash had won after all, then Razorsedge realized he could force a draw, then 20 minutes after the game was over and everybody was driving home I realized we had the Retreat! rules wrong and Shamash had won after all. This was also all because of my wife who pointed out various rules we had forgotten, even though she (1) wasn’t playing, (2) doesn’t play, and (3) doesn’t actually know the rules all that well except, for some reason, for the extremely specific ones she’d overheard us talking about.

  • Sash says:

    Kitty Disapproves! But a bold list indeed, all or nothing bet on that Marut, it definitely paid off

  • MoonTan says:

    A brilliant list at 150pts – I applaud you! Purrrr

  • Camarones says:

    A bold gambit, commander. It’s just my kind of wacky, however. Also +1 internet points for the cat tax 😀