Durgama Takeover


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VS Combined Army

Breaking news!

Combined Army attempt to abduct key technical personnel thwarted by the Sword of Allah in Alfutna

Greetings, this is Saida Jannat and you are connected to Sahin!, the only channel that brings you the most relevant information about the war effort in Concilium Prima.

It was 11:37, Concilium time, when the perimetral alarms of the Alfutna base detected unusual movement. Fearing an attack by the forces of the Combined Army, the base personnel began to execute the standard emergency protocols, but a surprise awaited them: what came out of the forest wasn’t an Avatar, but a heavily escorted Saladin! The attack wasn’t far, however, as his presence obeyed to intel reports suggesting Alfutna to be a primary objective for an imminent CA operation. Taking the situation into his own hands, the master tactician quickly organized the defense of the installation.

The calm before the storm

One of the pillars of this defense was an old XPR2 TAG model dating from the Silk Revolts era which had been retrofitted to conduct environmental experiments. It took a frenzied work from the engineering teams to get this relic back into fighting condition.

Yet another surprise awaited the people at Alfutna: As the speculated hour of the attack approached, three individuals slipped, almost undetected, right up to the office where Saladin had established his headquarters: they presented themselves as members of the Hassassin Society and offered to help in the defense.

When at 18:09, the taskforce of the CA finally assaulted the installation, their help proved to be invaluable.

The vicious morat lieutenant was sure of his victory

Once it became clear that the aliens had an special interest in abducting civilian personnel, one of them (presumably a Fiday), using advanced holographic technology to fool the alien forces, managed to infiltrate almost into their lines and rescue two technicians, which he then escorted back to safety.

The Fiday escorts armed civilians to safety

His Lasiq companion covered him with her deadly viral sniper rifle, eliminating a Morat sniper in the process, and then collaborated in the taking down of a daring Fractaa paratrooper whose objective was no other than Saladin himself!

The Lasiq enters a deadly sniper duel

All the while, the third of them, a fearless Ragik hacker, entered a dangerous duel with a Cadmus hacker that had managed to take control of the obsolete systems of the aging XPR2, helping it’s pilot regain control at the expense of his quantronic device.
Free of the interference of the alien hacker, the pilot got her revenge on the Cadmus and hold her ground against the advance of the Morat, sustaining only minor damage while taking out a missile launcher.

The work of a cadmus...
...Requires a frenzied intervention...
...That ultimately pays off!

One of the most impressive feats of the day was accomplished by corporal Faizah Benazir, a “super soldier” attached to the Namurr Experimental Operative Group, who had been assigned to Alfutna to conduct field tests of her newly acquired “abilities”.
Disregarding her own safety in favor of that of the station scientists, this brave woman managed to accomplish a truly superhuman feat. Employing her special talents, she elevated herself to the top of one of the buildings, crossing half of the battlefield in a blur of speed, all the while evading enemy fire. Jumping from one ledge to the building below, right into the fray, she managed to best the Morat lieutenant in hand to hand combat, proceeding then to suppress the shasvastii operatives that had cornered two of the station scientists and escorting them to safety.

The dashing supersoldier...
...Takes a leap of faith

She’s got their eternal gratitude for her deeds. She also got a gunshot wound:

“I think that morat sniper was more surprised than worried when I passed flying over his head, but he reacted quickly” She comments with an almost embarrased smile.

When asked why she would risk her life with such a daring maneuver, however, her expression turns firm:

“They were targeting our civilians, our friends, our family. If my abilities don’t serve to protect our people, what use are they? That’s why I enrolled in the program in the first place”

Grateful to their savior

The Hassassins and Saladin, on their part, refused to comment

Despite the odds, Saladin’s tactical prowess and the determination of the men and women of the Sword of Allah, prevented the alien menace from achieving their goals and sent them back into the forests, almost empty-handed.

For it quickly became clear that the primary objective of the assault was the abduction of key members of the Alfutna installation, and, once the dust settled and the enemy had retreated, only one member of the staff was reported missing. The person in question, whose identity has not yet been revealed, was never near the line of fire, and confidential sources assure that it is suspected at the moment to be a shasvastii impersonator, infiltrated prior to the attack with some secret objective.

Stay tuned for more information.

The Sword of Allah protects!

Remember, only in Sahin! Find us in Maya and Arachne!

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11 People Recommended Sarkis for commendation

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