Durgama Takeover


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Yu Jing
VS Combined Army

Captain Song took a long deep drink from her canteen. She and her Right hand Mowang had been traveling for a while now, her Remotes flanking on the outer perimeter of their trail, ensuring that little could sneak up on them, and if they did they would notice the remotes before the two armored warriors.

She had finally gotten new marching orders. After her last failure, which resulted in her former Lhost getting destroyed she was ready to prove herself again. To get another go at a fight. And thankfully, they had given her one. She was heading to the Zebu Research center, she was to meet up with a unit of Invincibles being lead by a Shang-ji and support them, while investigating a strange signal being given off a AC2 that was discovered.

Only one more mile to go, and their co-ordinates should be were they were meeting up…


Round 1!
Combined took initiative, Yu-jing took Deployment, having the combined army go first.
We both set up rather aggressively, with a massive medical facility making immediate direct conflict a non concern. The theater off war for the Combined was just rush rush rush. Get the angry space badgers into position to stop me from advancing up some lanes. One stuck its nose to far out and got bopped by my Mowang and Rui Shi on the left flank. the rest kept themselves hidden but close.

My Go was pretty much funneled into the center building. But not much stops the Invincibles when they want to go somewhere. I managed to get everyone over the line so no BTS were needed from the virus, and my mowang actually made a heckava push to the left side.


The Meet up was good this time, Song was really really eager to get going. No celebrity warriors, no meet and greet gone south. No, this time they *knew* they were going into a fight. They had intel, they had satmaps. And now, now, she could see the facility. It still surprised her that they had such a sprawling complex, but hey now a days everyone did.

When they got closer to the outer perimeter that is when their sensors started giving off warnings, an unknown virus was starting to get much more active…speculation of living matter is what agitates and causes the virus to spread. They had special seals on their suits for this. She checks the satmap, and realtime information and makes note that their was an enemy presence on the other side of the facility. She relays this to the invincibles and they nod and take point. She has her Rui Shi and Mowang take left flank, and her Pangu take the right, she files in next to it as the unit doc tries to make small talk keeping near their new commander. No amount of shushing would stop the doc from attempting to keep the small talk going. Song was about to tear into the woman before she heard the familiar sounds of spitfires barking.


“Space Badger. Popped the corner, its down, but keep in mind commander where one is, there are many more, keep an eye on the corners” Her Mowang rang back.

Quickly looking to her battle data she saw that yeah, lots of fast moving blips moving up and quick. She got into position….hell was about to hit..


Round 2-

The combined player really pushed up this round, keeping things locked tight. I knew for a *Fact* that they had a nasty surprise lurking in the shadows for me. They always do, but this time i was ready. Last round i through up Fairy Dust (HI) from my Pangu near the end of the round so i was feeling a bit safer. Especially with a Tinbot (-6) on my Shang-Ji) and with the Invincible fireteam…oh man them rabid space bagers were biting and clawing to get in. One rushed my Mowang, to get put down, the others got into angles to try and get in at my doc but got boarding blasted by my Invincible with it. But then sure enough, the big bad sphynx decided to pop out and say hello.
it took some orders, but he finally put her down on the ground. Hurting but not dead. The rest of the orders were taken up by the secret stealth boiz doing stealth boi things. But i lucked out and got a Total control off on the Sphynx right as the order pool ended. I turned the Seedboiz big bad trick on them!

My Turn two, I ran that sphynx back into the biovirus, while taking out any Mine and shavasti hiding along the way, the +1DMG on the Heavy flamer helps when you stop to clear some tokens. It did eat alot of my orders, but it shoved the Sphynx FAR away from me, and killed three models and three mines!

the…problem…so to speak…is my paramedic missed their two shots with the medikit on the downed boarding shotgun gal…so ate a second order to do it and get her back up on one wound. That was kinda suck..but then my Mowang decided to show me just HOW MUCH OF A HIMBO HE IS (well, in my head i think he is a fabulous himbo) …by failing to do a wip check..five. Times. in. a. row. It was for a Classified card. Net Undermine. He was my only model who could score it lol. He finally got it, but like g’daaaang.


Song heard much cursing over the comms. Her mowang had cleared the flank. The Rui Shi moved to cover a door for him while he tried to activate the net device to tap into the combined forces infosphere….but he just couldn’t figure it out.

“Commander! I..I just can’t find it!”

“Find what?”

“It says press any key to continue? Which…which key is the any key?”

Song resisted the insanely strong urge to slap her palm to her face, instead it hung low as the group of invincible she was in the center of all slowly turned to look at her. By the emperor she could swear she was so embarrassed her helmet was showing the red of her face though it.

“Just…just hit the green one…”

“Oh! Hey! thanks that worked! its up now!”

Song did her best to shake it off, but gods she kind of wanted to curl up and die over how bad that was.

Well…it seems the Enemy tag REALLY wanted to honor that silent prayer, it came roaring back from where she had thrown it, and it was gunning for her, and her alone.

And after a good ten minutes of back and forth with it, her world was consumed by fire, and flame…and she didn’t see or feel anything anymore…


Round 3!

The Combined player was just REALLY wanting my Hacker to go down, The insult of taking over their tag and dropping it on them after they did it to me a game ago, was to strong, and so the sphynx played hard and fast on the very outside of my ZOC and basically pumped so much shots into my hacker that i *had* to fail one. and when i did, thats when the dang thing jumped over and threw a flamer on her and the Boarding shotgun gal. Sure the invincible saved no problem, but not my poor control unit..she got toasted. From there the sphynx took back off to hide after eating two wounds, and it was my go.

And my go did i do. I new i had to try and score more of my Classifieds, it was the name of this mission afterall, and i had only one at the moment. The net undermine. But thankfully an angry space badger was not dead, in fact he was only MOSTLY dead, and i was able to get my Mowang in silhouette contact to capture it, so that left predator. I had to kill one more guy to get the classified done, so i broke my Shang Ji off from the fire team and went a seedboi hunting. He got one in camo right out the door, and it was done there, but gods was i wanting that extra point for a third kill, so i sent him after the room with the last bits of guys, and the Shangji did a hellava try, but after all my orders were done, i had a wounded Shangji and the seedboiz were still standing. but the game ended all the same!

Glorious Yu-jing win, and as my opponent said, Hey, 0-12 still lost right?

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5 People Recommended Samiberi for commendation

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Yu Jing