Durgama Takeover


Firefight in the Shadow Realm

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VS Combined Army

Mission played 2022-07-17 via Tabletop Simulator
“Hey, sarge?” the power armoured mobile brigada asked in a mild tone while checking the magazine on his HMG.
“Yeah, Wojewódzki?” the sergeant in question responded while eyeing the surrounding area. Examining the looming columns and statues carved of some dark stone.
“Where are we?” Wojewódzki continued after blowing a red, oddly shiny sand out of the magazine and reinserting it into the weapon.
“Not so sure about that”, sergeant Kayode responded, using the suits optical zoom to study a field of strangely glowing red crystals
“It’s just … this doesn’t much look like the station.”
“You don’t say? What makes you think that soldier?”
“Well, that we’re in a weird cave, and there’s giant looming statues there. Pretty sure I woulda seen ‘Dark Temple to a Forbidden God’ on the floor plan.”
“… Wojewódzki?”
“Yeah, sarge?”
“ … Do I look like (*^&^$ physicist? Or a … @*&^&ing wizard?! It’s some voodoo tech *&#(*&#*! We’ve trained for this as much as any human can, so keep calm and lets roll out.”

Jazz listened to the bickering with a mild smirk and a shake of her head, if they got out of this alive the fireteam might earn some of the really good stories from the Defiance.

I win Lt roll, choose first turn

My Deployment
-Mobile Brigada team w/ Dak, Jazz, Lupe on left
-Jaguar Team with digger + Valeyra on right, + spare Jaguar
-Transductor and vertigo in centre, Transductor some overwatch, while vertigo is prone on a building in the extreme rear.
-Both moran deployed more on the right side blocking up access to fireteam.

Opponent Deployment
-Charontid armed with HMG is deployed opposite my mobile brigada fireteam. Other major reinforcements are Nourkias, and Bit and KISS.
-The remaining support is a mix of taigha, daturazi, R-drones, immetrons and a single T-drone.
Nomad 1st Turn
-Tomcat walks on back edge, kills an imetron, taigha, and r-drone (shots go wide against 2nd imetron)
-Bandit goes ham, gets a DA CCW (yay) from panoply, re camoflauges and moves across a gap covered by charontid, which discovers it (but by then it’s out of LoS.
-The bandit drops a deployable repeater so it covers the charontid, then comes around back to kill the 2nd imetron, a daturazi, and take a shot at Bit which hits, but does not penetrate armor.

Combined First Turn
-Opponent focusses on cleaning up the backfield of the tomcat and the bandit with a mix of taiga, t-drone and charontid. Charontid gets extreme prejudice by finishing off the bandit.
-Charontid needs to be careful about deployable repeater, and finishes out in the open.
-KISS! Enters repeater range shoot pitchers down-field, lands 1, but gets isolated.

Nomad 2nd Turn
-Vertigo zond takes a long shot against the charontid, which was not in cover. The zond is unfortunately in the bad range band by 0.3”; and gets KO’d
-Centre moran armed with combi-rifles advances a bit, clears repeater, then another daturazi on the left side.
-Haris advances, valyria firing at taigha, which successfully dodges forward and becomes a real problem, taiga gets close enough to chain colt team (I misjudge distance on Val, who I tried to keep out), but team fortunately dodges it all!
-Jaguar takes wound to while fighting the taiga, and goes dogged.
-The haris advances with the intent for the digger to open the panoply, but …
-An anathematic hacker w/ plasma rifle bursts out of hidden deployment and catches the whole team in it’s plasma rifle blast! Despairing, the digger fires chain rifles in retaliation. Inexplicably, the anathematic mises and loses a wound to the Digger. An R-drone is also disabled.
-The haris team breaks and valyra hides while dropping a repeater, so Jazz can help against the many hacking threats.
-Val examines the panoply for a … DA CCW (yay)
-Centre moran drops a koala on Nourkias and Bit.

Combined 2nd Turn
-Opponent has few order available.
-Bit dodges the koala and fires her pitcher near Valeyria.
-Anathemtatic melts Val’s brain through the repeater.
-Nourkias advances through the repeater, expecting to be hidden by stealth, but Jazz has sixth sense due to her fireteam. Jazz wins the exchange and Nourkias takes 1 wound to Jazz’s trinity, going into NWI.
-Nourkias rounds the corner and eviscerates the digger, using protheion to get out of NWI and go to two wounds.

Nomad 3rd Turn
-Shift several orders to group 1.
-Brigada fireteam starts advancing, Jazz tries to trinity Nourkias but gets zapped in return, going unconscious.
-Without time to doctor Jazz, I reform the team and advance.
-HMG armed mobile brigada has midfield fight with the charonitd, peel a wound off the target, but it goes prone and out of LoS.
-Team keeps advancing, lupe accomplishes Net Undermine as we go
-HMG brigada takes some close range shots at charonitd, fails and gets hit by heavy pistol, but takes no wound.
-Boarding shotgun brigada takes over, using the blast mode to just layer templates on the charontid, eventually disabling it.
-Finishes contacting an unconscious taiga for Capture classified.
-The centre moran examines the panoply and gets a shiny new multi sniper rifle.

Combined 3rd Turn
-Nourkias is now Lt due to mnemonica.
-Nourkias opens panoply for a DA CCW (yay)
-Nourkias gets flash pulsed while going for Mapping classified objective in my DZ
-Anathematic moves up to Secure HVT
-T-Drone fires missiles at lupe, splashing dak and eventually takes them both out

Me: 2 lieutenants, 2 classifieds (net undermine, capture), 1 for more panopolies
Opp: 2 for specialists killed, 2 for army points, 2 for classifieds (extreme prejudice, secure HVT)

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6 People Recommended Rustle for commendation

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