Durgama Takeover


viral infected Yu Jing Troops

VS Yu Jing

Greetings Commander Nolimon,
This is Commander Saator speaking,
You commanded my Squad to Zebu Symbioresearch Labs on Concilium Prima. We arrived at 19.30 P.M. and Kumotail Saaba noticed a Biovirus in this area. So we had to move out of this area. All of my Squad got out only Ectros Liindel and myself had to activate our Symbiont to get this Virus out of our Body.

Dead Longarm and Auxilliars

On the other side of the area we sensed some shadows, so I sent our new exalted Chaksa Longarm with his two Auxiliars forward to explore the situation. The last words from him we hear was: ”Dark Magic”. They were killed by a Hac Tao. Liindel sensed a Long Ya Remote and shot some deadly bolts on it.

Attack on the Enemy

So, I reinforced my Squat and we shot back. Liindel got deadly hits on the Hac Tao, a Remote and a Chinese Priest with a Stick. Gao-Rael Daakel tried to destroy a Rui Shi Remote, and a Guilang. The Guilang died but the Remote was buffed by a Hacker and he was heavily wounded. So Sakiel Shaai and his Triad tried to destroy it. They also failed and got wounded. But they managed to destroy a Long Ya Remote and a Chinese Priest.

Killing the LT

So I had to get the initiative and we moved to the right and Liindel and I killed a Engineer and a Daoying Hacker. Makaul Loosan burned a Remote and a Yaozao into ashes. So the Yu Jing Troops fled and we had to evacuate my Squat. It was a bloody meeting with our former Allies. Dr. Saaba supposed, that they where infected by the Biovirus. Maybe the O-12 Scientists developed a new Virus from the knowledge of the Digester, that is detained on this Planet. Commander Saator over and out.

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7 People Recommended Nolimon for commendation

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