Durgama Takeover


For Whom the (Biotechvore Plague) Bell Tolls

This is Commander Nevercrow, reporting in. We received word from the joint command of the Triumvirate and the Tohaa High Command to return to the Zebu facility after cleaning up at the Raveneye: Bow Section. Significant disaray was all our team found when we discovered that a Biotechvore plague had enveloped the surrounding woods.
We knew that the task at hand was going to be a difficult one, given the dangerous nature of the hazard, and opted to bring along an elite Gorgos Squadron to help stabilize the facility. As soon as we entered the area, our Gorgos found itself in a fire fight with an Aleph Marut. Aleph's forces were clearly up to something nefarious, and we caught them while they attempted to influence the police presence in the area. Several doctors, engineers, and robots all sprang to life in the facility, itching for a fight with our combatants.
Central to the facility was a room that seemed to be far enough away from the surrounding nano-machine driven virus for safe keeping, but the Aleph operatives attempted to block our way as we made for the shelter.
A lone operative across the battlefield began to make his way for our allied hooman hazmat specialist. To what nefarious ends we did not yet know.
I had left command of our small squadron to the upstart Rasail amongst us, and he was guided by his loyal Chaksa companion among the catwalks of the facility to safety.
After taking cover from the initial fire from our enemy, it was our team that rallied and pushed through the facility coridors, begining to take control of the room with careful firefights being taken by the Gorgos as he approached the Marut.
Victory was ultimately had, as our objective was to secure the facility alive while avoiding as much loss of life as possible. Like the Nomads from our excursion up to the space station, our enemies were reduced to a single man, while we were able to grab several of those that had succumbed to the virus and secure them in a safe location, taking the facility for ourselves!


Hello! So for this campaign I've been playing really well against my friends, and in the spirit of good-natured competition I went into this match with some intentional disadvantages. While building my list I self imposed a few rules, both for the sake of attempting to let my friend have more fun at the table, as well as for the sake of attempting to use new models to me. Therefore, my first self-imposed restriction was that this army list could only be up to 50% comprised of models that I "normally" use when playing Tohaa or Spiral Corps. The second restriction I wanted to impose on myself was that I had to take a TAG. I have only played 5 games with a TAG in my list previously, and lost every single one of them. Given that I was 3-0 in the past week amongst my play group, this felt like a worthy time to try something brash like this. Finally, I needed the list to have a bit of a "meme" feel to it, so I loaded it with as many forward deploying/inflitrating/combat jumping/camo markering units as I could, knowing I'd simply roll the PH-3 imposed by confused deployment on Every. Single. One. to further hamstring myself.

I ended up failing every PH roll and conceded to placing the Clipsos and Greif Op in my deployment zone to keep their states instead when I got down to my last two deployments.

I thought this was going to end the game for me in deployment, especially since I drew terrible classified objectives.

Ultimately I won on a bit of the luck that my opponent misread the board and found out just how long 16" really can be at the end of his first turn, losing a lot of points in the process. I also chose to take advantaged firefights against the Marut only with my Gorgos. Ultimately, when my Gorgos' chaksa went down, I saw an opening for victory. By turn 2 it was clear that Hector was doing SOMETHING to the HVT on the other side of the map, and I knew I would be losing if I couldn't at least match my opponent in objectives. I rejoiced when a model of mine fell so close to the enemy's side of the board, allowing me to wipe the room with the Gorgos, pick up his buddy, and walk across the divider line. I only used 3 orders in my last turn and declared I wanted to end and count points, resulting in a 6-1 victory for Tohaa.

I guess I'm going to have to try even harder to break down my list for the next match! They boys are getting restless and they don't like the Tohaa dominance amongst the 4 of us! Haha

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  • Zelos says:

    Very cool report! :O

  • Lady Numiria says:

    Good report, but too bad that means another Tohaa win on our base… ^^’

  • Sash says:

    Lot of hostility between O-12 and the Tohaa at Zebu, both sides really want those symbiotes

  • Lt.Cuddles says:

    As an O-12 player I suffer a bit seeing Zebu fall further into tohaa hands, but I got to give you kudos for the batrep and for the list

  • Wizzy says:

    ( ^_^)/Well done brohaa, excellent cleaning. #ThreeTheTohaa

  • Daek13 says:

    Just painted my Gorgos and was even thinking of taking it next game. Nice work in the battlefield!

  • Jager Nadim says:

    Nice work. The Gorgos is such a fun model, but I have never head much luck running it except in TAG raid season of missions.

  • Geilt says:

    Nice work Brohaa Nevercrow! Was Hector enacting the Tohaa comics where he meets the delegate? Hehe he does not know a famous Tohaa saying “do not smell someone’s pheromones if you are not invited, or your nose will become an avocado” 😛