Durgama Takeover


Tohaa and Aleph Fight for Control of the Symbiosamples

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Aleph won initiative and chose to keep turn order, with the tohaa depoloying first.
Tohaa Deployment:
My plan was to use my two fireteams of three to focus on simply taking the two consoles closest to me. I utilized the forward deployments of my Draal and a Libertos to place a lot of scary things on top of the building near the bottom left console. My Kaeltar donated a symbiobomb and a symbiomate to keep the draal strong.
I’ve been playing spiral corps exclusively, and this was actually my first game using all of the models in Neema’s fireteam, so she was my experiment on the other side of the map, with her team set to focus on the bottom right console oriented to me.
My opponent deployed his defences heavily, with his asura w/kirinbot and andromeda covering his HVT and his Console on the upper left.
The Classified objective I chose was HVT: Designation, neither of us completed our classified objectives in this mission.

First round Symbiocuriass: Both Yadus and an Arjuna and something not on the table
Draal, Kaeltar, Both Chaksas

First turn, Aleph focused orders on applying targeted state to my draal upstairs and ran andromeda up to the roof, met with a mine blast and many aros of -3 camo tokens going down. Ultimately, the draal fell after several orders were spent. Leaving my opponent with one order remaining after successfully killing the draal. With his final order, my opponent utilized the arjuna’s irregularity to seize control of the upper left console from my deployment zone. Finally, my opponent revealed that his Asura was his lieutenant, and walked her up with two lieutenant orders along the edge of the map to the side of a building.

For my first turn I was more surprised than I should have been that my draal went down, and wasn’t sure what I should do about getting more than one console, but then I remembered I had a clipsos hidden by the upper right console. I will save that for the final turn(s) to attempt to control the console/win the game. My opponent’s exposed lieutenant seemed as though it might be bait, so I carefully considered utilizing my now-duo of Aelis keesan and the kaeltar to attempt to force him into loss of lieutenant. My first order was to use the irregular order of my still camouflaged libertos in hopes of drawing an aro from Andromeda to set off the shock mine placed by my Draal when she CC’d him from several inches away.
I sent up my Aleis in a new fireteam with the hacker to shoot andromeda and we succeded. Then I moved her over to the bottom left console, only for her to get in a firefight with that pesky yadu with NWI, with both of us canceling shots two orders in a row, so I gambled and had her flip the console while accepting the normal roll, and my opponent missed while I got control of my first console.
Then I spent my remaining order on moving Neema’s squad into position on the bottom right console.

Objective Points: 2 Tohaa (2 zones v. 1)

For his second turn, my opponent had filled his army’s 1 wound units with Symbiocuriasses, and he utilized a hidden naga hacker to press the button on the upper right console, which was met with my hidden clipsos’ shock mines and revelation of her presence. He then was able to get a targeted state on neema, resulting in 3 missiles fired, and only neema dead from the fireteam. Finally his lieutenant tried mightily, but failed to take out my kamael hacker.

On my second turn I ran my loyal chaska up to clear out the mines and naga from the second floor of the building the upper right console was in. Ultimately I was successful in placing a mine next to the console, but did not have the remaining orders after foolishly over-using Aelis Keesan’s team to no avail from their rooftop. Placing Aelis and the Kaeltar with her in an unconscious state with a lonely liberto and kamael not providing enough points to control the zone.
Zero Objective Points.
My opponent’s final turn resulted in the loss of my ectros and libertos, he failed to drop a Ekdromos on my taquel, with a nanopulser v chainrifle fight resulting in the taquel’s victory at my bottom right (still inactive) console.
My final turn was a sad 4 orders to simply flip the consoles I could only manage to activate the bottom right. This resulted in no one holding the bottom left quadrant, giving me 2 objective points for the two I was holding on the right side of the map and my opponent and I both had two active consoles.

This made the final score 6 to 2.

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