Durgama Takeover


vegetable TTS rumble 69

VS PanOceania

Sorry my bad England.
We also decided not to use jungle, blizzards and f13s because we’re old and lazy. No intention to score points anyways.

It’s been a while since last CB campaign, I’m glad to play It again, this time in TTS though.

Opponent plays MO (5 crosiers w/ MSR, bulleteer/eng haris, two TRbots, two trinitarians, airbourne santiago, groups 8 and 7 guys).
He won first turn.
Also I forced him to register in the system but not to write a report so if a second opinion needed there will be none 🙂
Some information provided on related pictures

Follow up
hvt espionage
– Reaction bot discovers my frogman with roll of 2 like a boss and desintegrates him with double crit.
– Now area is clear for Santiago knight to land upon heads of enemies of Christ. Assassin’s creed style jump of faith on roll of 14 with assist from a mulebot and easy follow up from Milites Christi disciple.
– Santiago put on holomask to impersonate himself like an elderly nun but vigilant brawler discovered the truth. Hovever Santiago made it to the terrain piece anyways but failed mapping roll with his last order.
– One of trinitarians got closer to the middle point of the field.

HVT espionage
– Taagma fails his duel with enemy sniper.
– Brawler kills TRbot and then sees enemy sniper and trinitarian from the roof. Trinitarian goes for the template so brawler decides to suicide with full asoult pistol burst into him to reduce the number of enemy specialists. Brawler dies while trinitarian get 4 out of 5 save rolls. Great, now he is unconsious and it’s a perfect bait for a nanoespionage. 8 orders with 4 failed WIPs in a row and that precious card is mine. Taagma from Tri-core goes arount the box to block Santiago’s movement to HVT behind the brown silo.

HVT Kidnapping
Net Undermine
HVT Espionage
Net undermine is easy for Santiago but still takes 4 rolls to get it. Bulleteer kills supressive taagma and brawler engineer, but goes down bc of light shotgun template from brawler. Apart of that nothing really happens, Santiago hides in holomask again, now he is imposting a walking potato. Crosie sniper walks forward

HVT Espionage
HVT Identity Check
HVT Kidnapping

Jackpot for Aelis Kesaan, I just smoked dangerous area that was under attack from sniper and got myself some yummy cards (identity and espionage) and then killed unconsious trinitarian in the middle. Also one of the diggers covered passage to HVT on the left.

Bulleter goes rampage, discovers last frogmen, double crits him to death, the double crits draal who was monitoring the middle passage (saved all), then kills digger who was covering my hvt, then santiago discovers and kills clipsos, engineer does Retroengineering and Santiago kills my CoC and lieutenant – every single order im losing my stuff.

My turn, im in LoL, score is 3 to 3, i managed to got extreme prejudice from deck, but santiago is way too far from my digger so all I could do is to scratch his armor with my pistol once, so that crazy game ends with a tie.

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20 People Recommended mr_spock for commendation

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