Durgama Takeover


Rollercoaster on Zebu: Spiral tries to compete with vanilla Nomads "best of" list

VS Nomads

Hey there, my tabletop battle brothers. It’s me again. Three days – three TTS games in a row, my spine is aching, and my butt created a hole with matching shape in my PC chair. Happily, I scheduled remaining days of the week with drinking and playing other wargames so I can be not afraid of Infinity overdose. See you in phase 2.
Well, enough off topic. Last night I saw that Tohaa scored 9 points on Zebu and O-12 got 10. Who cares about bow section and that patches? I wanted a glorious victory and the Tohaa logo on the main page.
But my opponent was a tough nut to crack. I played against Ktulhuist – a very seasoned nomad thug, who finished on 4th place on last Interplanetario before biotechwore-19 started.
Ktulhuist chose deployment and I made a tough decision to go second against vanilla nomads.
We decided to use Zebo +1 SWC rule but this time didn’t use rogue symbionts because It is kinda unclear how exactly they work. Ktulhuist had a plenty of marker models and I’ve got conventional symbiomates, both probably strip and reveal after symbiont saving rolls so we made a deal.
I seized a sniper tower in Q1 with my taagma sniper, disguised as brawler as usual, other linkmates was on the floor to make console and zone control more easy. I chose positions for frogmen in a way to allow me see passes to my backline but not to be easily seen by possible heavy weapons from other side. My Neema and her friends went to Q2 to contest that side of table. Kaeltar and kaauri also was in Q2 to support their mother artichoke and clipsos lay down behind Q2 console.
Ktulhuist deployed Aida Swanson, chimera, heckler and zero hacker with moran in Q4 against my core, another moran in Q3 and knauf, jazz, GML and two moderators in his backline. There was also an intruder near GML and Q3. I placed my delayed impostor in Q3, then nomads answeres with puppetmaster hidden deep in deployment and puppets in Q3.
First turn started and Ktulhuist comitted an infamous combo GML attack on my core. Heckler managed to sneak behind Q1 console, despite of being discovered and even critted with LRL by one of the frogmen he survived and placed panda. Several orders later my hacker and vanilla brawler was killed by Jazz and homing missile respectively, one of the diggers became isolated and taagma without link support was destroyed by Knauf. Then Knauf made a crucial decision to kill my F13 turret that costed him his life. You know the rules – outrange TRbots to -12 or eat a crit in your face. That accident gave me hope to win the game because with Knauf overseeing half of the table and without any reliable instruments to deal with him my chances was grim.
On my fist turn I only got 7 orders left with a clipsos in hidden and bunch of yellow order frogmans. Previously I rolled 8-4 move for both diggers that served me very well. They also used their impetuous orders since their link was obliterated. After all I got rid of heckler and fastpanda, but one digger became isolated and immobilized without a hope to recover and other one lost one wound.
I captured Q2 console with clipsos and got back my camo state and then commited an assault with Neema and her henchmen an Q3. I killed one puppet and failed to kill moran in prone on the building between Q3 and Q4 but I seized Q3 and scored 2-0 after first turn.
On Ktulhuist’s second turn he killed my wounded digger in Q1, then moved moran in Q1. Intruder revealed himself in Q3 deploy, he shot kosuil, but pokemon saved him, also kriigel and Q2 frogman went down. Remaining puppet with BSG tried to kill clipsos with template , because there was an way to place teardrop affecting both clipsos and F13 turret. Clipsos dodged, then puppet decided to go for dice attacks instead of template. Clipsos dodged bullets and puppet was destroyed by frogman and turret AROs.
On my second turn I’ve got 6 or 7 orders again. I miscalculated point cost of impostor against a moran and morlock in Q3 so i decided not to contest Q1 with my expensive models – that was a mistake. Neema tried to kill morlock and failed two times, now everything is smoked. I spent my remaining orders to resurrect my kriigel with a kaauri and passed the turn.
1-1 draw on zones after second round.
On Ktulhuist’s last turn intruder devastated my army, poorly placed Neema was stripped of symbioarmor to be later killed by morlock, kriigel and kosuil also went down by the HMG of Corregidor Ugandan commando. Ktulhuist also scored all three points for consoles while I still got only one.
Before my last turn score was 4-4. I had 4 orders and there was only option to win the game – kill and intruder in Q3 with single burst from clipsos then move clipsos in Q1 to beat out a moran there. Intruder survived that burst so now I had to kill him with my impostor and survive after that to score Q3 over moran and morlock. Luckily, I succeeded and now the draw was secured. I also had a very small chance to kill moran in Q1 with single burst of combi rifle from kaeltar CoC who now had a Lt order but that didn’t work.
Result: another draw for me after a double catastrophe for both players on first turn and tense rounds after that. Probably I would’ve lost any hope for winning the game if Knauf haven’t got critted by F13 but later I made a grave mistake with Neema position and intruder took his chance to inflict a terrible damage to remains of my taskforce. Another typical clown fiesta Infinity game with ridiculous rolls after all, CB pls nerf nomads (and ariadna and CA).

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11 People Recommended mr_spock for commendation

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