Durgama Takeover


Devious Alliance

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VS Yu Jing
Yue Fei

– Query Received: Mira Rivera
Searching Recent Battle Reports…
Searching Personnel Data…

– Query returned 1 record: Rev. Mira Rivera
– Review contents?

– Home Mothership: Bakunin
– Classification: Reverend Custodier of the Observance of Saint Mary of the Knife (Our Lady of Mercy)
– Titles and Rank: Special Envoy of Bakunin; Diplomatic Representative of Nomad High Command; Captain of The Amethyst Sky;
– Current Location: Concilium Prima Space; In transit to Cameliard, Durgama Peninsula
– Assignment: Yate Asesino Class Ship - The Amethyst Sky
– Reports Issued During Durgama Crisis: (2)
– Report 1: “Hold the Line”- Firefight Located in Raveneye Port Battery: Ammunitions and Supplies Module
– Report 1: Report Information Address: https://durgamatakeover.warconsole.com/battles/mjgrey-vs-theashenone-1657660808
– Report 2: “Devious Alliance”
Displaying Report 2 Details…

– Classification: Countermeasures
– Location: Xiāndăo Neosteelworks, 3D Printing Labs
– Resource Value Allocated to Escort: 200
– Combatants:
Bakunian Forces assigned to the ship The Amethyst Sky led by Rev. Mira Rivera
Imperial Services of Yu Jing led by Commander Zhou
Loading Battle Report:

WARNING: Report Exceeds Maximum File Size
WARNING: Review of Battle Report Estimated to Take Significant Time

Displaying Report Details…

– (10) Logs Found:
Log 1: Phase 0.01 - Between the Battles - Travel from Al Bactra to Thokk
Log 2: Phase 0.0 - Prologue
Log 3: Phase 0.5 - Deployment
Log 4: Phase 1.0 - Following Command
Log 5: Phase 1.5 - Encroaching Zombies and Flashing Blades
Log 6: Phase 2.0 - Maintain and Hold Position
Log 7: Phase 2.5 - Assuming Direct Control
Log 8: Phase 3.0 - Resurrected and Breathing
Log 9: Phase 3.5 - The Death of Pi
Log 10: Phase 4.0 - Epilogue
Playing Log 1:

Log 1: Phase 0.01 - Between the Battles - Travel from Al Bactra to Thokk

Administrator’s Note: This Log is pure character background and information. It bridges the gap between Mira’s last battle report, "Hold the Line" and this current one. Those seeking only information on the current Report should skip to Log 2.

The shuttle glided through the high atmosphere of Concilium Prima, leaving behind the medical city of Al Bactra. The planet below seemed to flow like water thanks to the Shimmering Sky nanotech that permeated the air. Mira looked at the nearest vid screen anxiously, disappointed that her mission had been a failure. Not her last battle, that had been a resounding success, but a personal duty she was granted permission to embark on. She sighed to herself. This Durgama Crisis had been going on far too long.

In retrospect, her time in the Concilium system and aboard the Raveneye Orbital Complex had been fairly short - a little under a week. It had left a mark, though, and Mira had a feeling it wouldn't be the last of the campaign. She had almost already forgotten the harrowing trip out of the station's combat zone, but the death of her dearest friend during the last battle still haunted her. Stephanie Aletto, a mordant Zero before her untimely demise, had known Mira since they were both kids. They were close despite the fact they ended up living in separate modules of Bakunin. You had to be a member of the Observance to be granted entry into their convents, and while Mira had embraced the hyper-feminist dogma, Steph wasn't as comfortable with the faith.

All this swirled through Mira's head as the shuttle made its way to Thokk. Her next assignment was imminent, and she needed to focus if she was going to be ready. She was supposed to be reviewing her notes on the ongoing diplomatic disputes between the Durgama Defense Coalition and the newly formed International Concilium Assistance Force. Unsurprisingly, there were quite a few of them. Lieutenant Grigory Sorokin was incensed at Mira's previous use of Ariadnan communications in her public address to the Nomad Nation. The Military Orders of the NeoVatican were filing formal complaints against Bakunin for attempting to steal the Raveneye's railguns. Lady Numiria of O-12's SWORDFOR seemed to object to everything the Nomads had done, and Mira had so many notifications from her office that she couldn't even count them.

She stared blankly at her data pad. It was no use; she couldn't concentrate. As a Reverend Custodier and ship's captain, she was supposed to be prepared for the death of a crew member, but… It was just that Steph had always been there. She knew Mira from before the Observance, from before her transition, even from before Mira had started tinkering with her first hacking device. Stephanie's death had forced Miira to realize she probably wouldn't have made it without her.

And that's why the Custodier had asked Command to be allowed to travel to Al Bactra. The best medical experts in the Human Sphere could handle recovering a person from a damaged cube, and Steph's was in bad shape. Whatever Nourkias had done to her had left its mark on the technology. As careful as Mira had been retrieving it, steadying herself through the gory process, it was almost beyond repair. Almost.

But, in the end, it hadn't mattered; Bureau Lakshmi had denied her resurrection. The Crisis was demanding too many resources, and there were more important people to bring back than a lowly Zero. Mira was asked to leave the cube for eventual recovery and would be notified when (and if) Steph was restored.

A chime from the shuttle's computer snapped Mira back to the present. "Beginning final descent into Thokk," came a voice across the comms. She had wasted the whole trip reminiscing and had gotten none of her preparations done.

"Forgive me, Saint Mary; I've been derelict in my duties," whispered Mira. "Bring your blessings onto me, and watch over me in the times to come. Grace me with your mercy, and…" she hesitated for a moment. "...and bring Steph back to me. Amen"

Log 2: Phase 0.0 - Prologue

Another day, another shuttle. This time the vid screens displayed the emerald green jungles and vivid blue water of the Durgama Peninsula. It was a big change from the frozen wastes of Helheim and the iced-over walls of Thokk they'd left from earlier that day. Mira was glad to be out of that place. She shivered at the thought of it.

Thokk had been something of a nightmare. The frigid military city, an international mustering point for the campaign in Helheim, was swarming with recent arrivals. With the war against the Combined now stretched across multiple fronts on (and above) Concilium Prima, new recruits and old veterans alike were assembling and preparing for their next missions. Between the mass of bodies and having to be in a shared space with the demons of ALEPH, it left Mira incredibly uncomfortable. But when Command told her where to go, she did it.

Which is why she was now headed to Xiāndăo Neosteelworks, hidden somewhere deep in the jungle. Her team was prepping in the bay of the shuttle, getting ready for what should be a fairly standard mission. At the end of The Amethyst Sky's last battle, they had recovered two Ìmetrons from the enemy. Mira hadn't thought anything about them; they looked like the standard junk left behind after Combined raids. Command had a much different opinion though. Apparently, these specific Ìmetrons carried data that was 'vital to the Human Sphere' and needed to be analyzed. It hadn't seemed likely, but she would follow orders.

Laughter brought her attention back to the team around her. Lottie, Zinnie, and Dorina were chatting excitedly in the crowded room.

"Dorina! You’re… alive," Mira wasn't sure if it was a statement or a question she'd just spoken. She was surprised; usually Bakunians weren't the first priority for being restored from a cube. Even worse when you looked like yourself rather than what they wanted you to look like.

"You know I am!" Dorina cheerfully replied. "Turns out, if you kill Nourkias you get bumped to the front of the line." She smiled a broad, proud smile that accentuated her jagged teeth. That made sense. Mira tried her best not to dwell on it much.

"And we're glad to have her back," said Zinnie, throwing her arm around Lottie. The two bunny-girl Moderators were almost inseparable, and it wasn't uncommon for one to speak for the other.

"Thanks, girls. I'm going to finish reviewing the roster and running checks. Make sure you're ready when the time comes." Mira gave them a slow nod, and walked on, reviewing troop assignments on her data pad.

Bakunian Troop List

A loud clank pulled her attention to Luna, the team's Morlock. The elf was circling Pi-Well, taking advantage of the fact it had trouble turning to smack it in the head.

"Please, don't do that," said a clearly annoyed Zoe. She had a comically large wrench in her hand as she finished tinkering with the Vertigo Zond. "It has feelings, you know." Luna just shrugged and wandered off, deciding it wasn't worth the fight for the small bit of fun.

"I'm glad they sent you along, Zoe." Mira turned to the blue haired cyborg. "Your hacking is amazing, and I couldn't have locked down Nourkias in that last fight without you."

"I like working with this team, and I like working with you. I've always heard of the famed cyberwitches of the Observance, but actually hacking together is something else." Zoe looked Mira in the eyes and gave her a small smile.

"Thanks." Mira smiled gently back. "It's nice to have you on the team."

The two friends weren't the only hackers in the group. Mira looked over at Neru, who was by themself in a corner of the bay. They were flexing their gloves, testing the different cybernetic connection points that would allow them access to the hacking network.The quiet Zero was the newest member of the team; a replacement for Steph. Mira hadn't gotten to know them yet, and though she tried to hide it, she had been slightly avoiding them. In this case, meeting someone new meant that someone else was gone. She knew she was being completely unprofessional and not acting up to her standards as a Captain or Custodier, but… She did her best to push aside all her other thoughts, and went to properly introduce herself.

"We're making our final descent to Xiāndăo now," interrupted the comms. The balance of the room tilted slightly as the shuttle swooped downward. A large, gray building perched among an outcropping of rocks in the jungle flickered onto the vid screen.

Xiāndăo Neosteelworks

Minutes later, Mira led a small anti-grav cart carrying the Ìmetrons off of a landing pad and into a brightly lit corridor. Her crew followed behind, a little on edge to be in a Yu Jing facility. Commander Zhou, a member of the Celestial Guard, escorted them along quietly, seeming distracted. Eventually, the hallway gave way to a large elevator, and the group descended deeper into the structure.

The 3D Printing Labs were housed in a giant cavern that rested below most of the neosteel foundry. Expecting more corridors after departing the elevator, Mira was surprised to find a normal looking Yu Jing city. She expected stark white walls and panes of tempered glass, not a village deep underground. There were market stalls, restaurants, and homes scattered about the chamber; even a theater nestled in the heart of town.

"It's for the scientists." Zhou must have noticed her confusion. "Most are non-military and wanted a semblance of a normal life." They continued down the empty streets, making their way toward a large building on the other side of the cavern.

"Where are all the people…?" asked Mira. Their footsteps echoed off the buildings as they walked.

Zhou didn't answer. They were closer to the building now, and were making their way to a large plaza in front of it. Mira thought she heard voices from up ahead, and as they rounded the final corner she stopped dead in her tracks

At the center of a group of Yu Jing troops stood a Deva, tall, statuesque, and completely unholy. An agent of ALEPH, and everything Mira stood against. She turned to the approaching group.

"Welcome, Reverend Rivera. I'm sure you're not pleased to see me, but this is quite an important mission. Let's set aside our differences for the moment. I trust your team has managed to safely bring us the Ìmetrons?"

"What is she doing here?" You could hear the venom in Mira's voice. The Deva’s placid expression turned to a frown.

"There's been a slight change of plans, Reverend,” Zhou replied. “Yu Jing Command has authorized us to use Bureau Toth and ALEPH resources to retrieve the information we need from the Ìmetrons. I'm sure that's not an issue?" The Yu Jing officer looked at her expectantly.

"Yu Jing Command has authorized…" She considered her words carefully. "Unfortunately, Nomad Command would never approve working with ALEPH even in the slightest capacity. We won't give information to an enemy that will do whatever it can to see us dead."

"Miss Rivera, please. ALEPH will simply be providing computational power. Surely, for the sake of all of us, you can allow that?" Zhou spoke slowly, watching Mira carefully.

"I'm sorry, Agent… I won't do it. It both contravenes my orders and my sensibilities. We'll return to our shuttle, and the Durgama Defense Coalition can study it without them getting their dirty hands on it. Please, escort us back to the surface."

"I'm afraid I can't do that, Reverend.” Zhou leveled her gun at the Captain. ”I really didn't want it to come to this… Please, hand over the Ìmetrons."

Agent Zhou points her gun at Reverend Rivera!

"I'll take care of them, Commander,” the Deva spoke patiently. "I've handled enough Nomads in my time. Besides, I'm tired of this." She began to raise her spitfire.

Everyone seemed to move at once. The crew of The Amethyst Sky took cover, quickly moving back toward the city and the elevator. At the same time, Yu Jing troops flooded the room from the opposite side and took up defensive positions.

"We need some intel on this situation. Lottie, I need you to cover me!" Mira crouched behind a crate and quickly hacked the network of the foundry. It provided her with a detailed map of the grounds.

Active Combat Zone

"Mira," it was Zoe. "I used Pi-Well to transmit a recording of everything that just happened to Command. We have a live link patching us orders. Connecting you now."

Mira's HUD filled with data and charts, but amidst the chaos, there were three clear orders.

Priority Orders from Command

"Amethyst Sky, this is Command," came a voice through the comms. "We're analyzing the data you've sent now. You are instructed to engage the ALEPH forces immediately. If the Yu Jing troops assist, you may engage them as well. Please be advised: orders may change as we process information."

Log 3: Phase 0.5 - Deployment

"You heard Command," Mira barked over the comms. "Take up defensive positions, and get ready to fight." The crew moved without hesitation.

Mira brought up the map on her HUD and watched as her troops appeared in bright green on her screen.

Positions of Bakunian Forces

"Grabbed their info." Zoe's hacking was amazing. She'd already found their troop list and locations. "Uploading to each of you now."

Imperial Service Forces
Positions of Imperial Service Forces

Log 4: Phase 1.0 - Following Command

"Amethyst Sky, your orders have been updated. Review assignments before proceeding."

Updated Orders from Command

"Let's do this!" roared Luna. She threw smoke grenades in front of her to cover her advance. The sudden charge hadn't surprised the crew; almost all of The Amethyst Sky's combat missions began this way.

Luna rushes forward!

Dorina, itching to test her new body, didn't wait to follow her. An eclipse grenade exploded in front of her, and her pupniks used the opportunity to surge forward.

Dorina follows Luna's lead!

The air moved on the other side of the produce stalls. Neru was focused on the mission and wasn't going to be distracted. Luna's smoke curled around their body as they walked through it. Stretching out their hand, they searched the network for signs of their target.

"I've identified Command’s first objective," they stated. "Uploading biological, genetic, technological, cybernetic, and astrological information now. I've included their comm logs, as well."

The air ripples as Neru sneaks to the target.

"What the hell?" It was Zoe. "That was incredibly fast."

"Nice, Neru; now get out of there and back to cover!" Mira wasn't going to lose another of her Zeros.

"Agreed." They blurred as they disappeared. Only the faintest of outlines of them could be seen creeping behind a building.

Neru disappears from view!

“I’m directing the Tsyklon to expand our network!” It was Zoe. She fiddled with a handheld device, and the Tsyklon powered on. The tiles underneath its metal feet crunched as it adjusted its position. Its pitcher was loaded with a repeater, and a moment later the small, piercing gadget connected with a wall. It bored into it, and LEDs flashed slightly blue as it came online.

Repeater deployed!

"Alright, everyone. We’re in a fairly decent position at the moment. Hunker down until we receive our new orders!" Mira didn't want to gamble with her crew’s lives. Across the field, The Amethyst Sky troops steeled themselves, hugging tight to their cover and weapons.

Mira herself knew that her position among the market stalls wasn’t the safest. At first glance, you’d think she could slip away into them; even without people, they were cluttered and hard to navigate. Unfortunately, the flimsy wood they were made out of would definitely splinter if fired into. She dug quickly through her hacking programs and activated Cybermask. Enemy sensors suddenly couldn’t touch her. A quantronic illusion replaced her on the enemy’s HUDs, and false information poured into their sensors.

Mira distorts into Cybermask

Log 5: Phase 1.5 - Encroaching Zombies and Flashing Blades

“Are those slaves…?” Mira asked. She could detect the faint network lines of a control device connecting each of the approaching Kuang Shi to Commander Zhou.

“Political prisoners. Rigged to blow, so don’t down them anywhere near you,” replied Zoe. “Never fought Kuang Shi before? They’re as good as dead regardless of what we do.”

Oblivious to their actual surroundings, the Kuang Shi marched forward under the command of their Yu Jing overlords.

The Kuang Shi Advance

Behind the Kuang Shi’s advance, a lone soldier stepped from between the stalls of durian and assorted produce. The Crane Agent marched forward, confident in his abilities to control the situation.

The Crane Agent makes his way past the durians toward the Bakunian Forces

The nearest Kuang Shi charged at Luna. She saw him coming and began rushing toward him. Before she got there, he raised his chain rifle and fired a burst of metal shards and fire. Luna was ready and dodged out of the way, rolling deftly and slashing viciously with her sword as she popped up in front of him.

Unfortunately, Neru hadn’t noticed the incoming fire. A large chunk of metal embedded itself into their chest. They gasped as it pierced them, clutched where it had hit, and fell unconscious.

Shards of metal fly into Neru and Luna

“Neru!” Mira screamed. “Zinnie, we’re going to need to get them back up! We’re not losing crewmembers today!”

Near the downed Zero, Luna was furiously dodging, weaving, hacking, and cursing as she engaged the Kuang Shi. She clearly had the upper hand and was about to deliver a fatal blow when a wicked looking blade caught her sword mid-slash. The Crane Agent had rushed toward her and was matching her blow for blow. They circled each other as their blades flashed through the air, shining in the lights of the city.

Luna was slowly being worn down by the Agent’s advance. Her steps were getting sloppy, and her slashes were getting weaker. One too many mistakes, and the hilt of the Agent’s sword crashed into her head. She was thrown off balance. A follow up blow left her dazed and she collapsed, unconscious.

Luna fights for her life!

“I hate to do this…” muttered Zoe. She tapped into the network and directed the Tsyklon to turn its attention to the Agent. “So sorry, Luna.” The Tsyklon’s scanners locked onto their target, and a loud blast followed as its Feuerbach fired. The small explosive smashed into the Crane Agent’s chest, knocking him out cold.

The Tsyklon barely misses Luna but connects with the Crane Agent

Noticing its fallen comrade, a Yudbot activated in the Imperial Service’s back lines. Its small feet pattered along as it rushed up to the downed Crane Agent. Its ears twitched as it made dozens of small incisions, using the most advanced tech Yu Jing had to offer. Salves, stitches, and injections were all applied, and the Crane Agent rose to his feet.

The Yudbot heals the Crane Agent

He grinned as he observed the fallen Morlock. “What a pity… Such a waste of a pretty thing.”

His attention turned to the Tsyklon that had fired at him. He raised his spitfire and unleashed a hail of bullets, striking it directly and riddling it with holes.

The Tsyklon shuts down as it takes fire

Not content to settle with just two victims, the Imperial Agent scanned the field with his X-Visor. His vision came to rest on Lottie, who was huddled behind a fence near the Tsyklon. She was used to running logistics for the crew’s mission and wasn’t prepared for a direct onslaught. Bullets ripped through her armor sending her tumbling to the ground.

“Oh my Goddess, Lottie!” Zinnie started to rush toward her until she remembered the Crane Agent. She stopped just in time to avoid crossing his line of fire.

Lottie takes a shot to the chest and falls unconscious!

The Agent picked up on Mira’s signal on the other side of the market from him. He had his next target. He pushed his way past yams, watermelons, and squashed fruit that had been scattered in the firefight. Mira saw him coming and quickly hacked into the network. She searched frantically for something that could help her, and then, there it was.

Defensive turrets had been embedded into the ground around the city. Despite Zhou’s explanation that this was just a normal town, it was clear this was a military outpost first and foremost. Mira quickly attacked the firewalls of the nearest turret.

“Come on, come on…” she whispered. A loud beep emitted from a seemingly blank space on the ground, and the turret emerged and began searching for targets. Its sensors passed over Mira, and the lights on the front of it turned a bright red. “Shit, shit, shit!”

A few tense seconds passed as the turret prepared to fire.

“Got it!” The turret chirped loudly and the LEDs returned to a fading yellow. It started up its targeting protocols again and scanned for new prey. The Crane Agent stopped advancing in surprise, and the turret fired salvo after salvo into him. He shuddered for a moment before going still, clearly dead.

Mira activates the turret and directs its fire at the Crane Agent

Log 6: Phase 2.0 - Maintain and Hold Position

Amethyst Sky, your data and positions have been reviewed. Command has issued a new set of orders. Adjust tactics accordingly.”

New Orders Patched in from Command

Mira glanced at the orders on her HUD quickly to see her next objectives. These couldn’t be right; carrying them out would certainly get her team killed.

“Command, the orders you’ve just sent are a suicide mission! Are you sure you have our most recent data?” Mira wasn’t losing more friends today, regardless of what Command ordered. “Transmitting you a complete update. Please, confirm receipt!”

“Data received. Maintain positions as we process.”

“You heard Command! Hold position and keep your heads down!”

Log 7: Phase 2.5 - Assuming Direct Control

While the crew of The Amethyst Sky dug in and waited for orders that wouldn’t get them killed, the Yu Jing troops seemed confused and scattered. While they may have been Commander Zhou’s forces, the now dead Crane Agent was clearly the one issuing orders. The Kuang Shi still shambled forward, but the others seemed to hesitate and consider their next actions.

Come now, Reverend,’ a cold, menacing voice came over Mira’s comms. ‘We could end this now without further violence. Simply leave the Ìmetrons, and we’ll allow you to scurry away back to your shuttle. Otherwise, I’ll have to end this myself.

We’re holding, demon!’ Mira shot back over the direct line to the Deva. ‘I trust my troops against you.'

A shame, really; I thought you Nomads valued your lives more than that. No matter.’

From across the field, Mira saw the Deva’s lips curl into a smile.

The Deva takes matters into her own hands!

The Deva slowly walked around the counter of the restaurant she was taking cover in, reloading her spitfire. From her new position, she had a direct line of fire to Mira. ‘I can see you, Reverend.'

Mira checked her optical disruption device. It was active and functioning properly - she should have been obscured and hard to track. Shots rang out and shattered the nearby stalls as the Deva aimed directly at her. She must have had a Multispectral Visor because the ODD wasn’t helping at all.

The spitfire continued to spit lead from across the field, and bullets filled the air around her. Mira dodged, but the shots kept coming.

“I’ve got you!” called Zoe. In response to her hacking, the turret Mira had previously controlled came to life again, this time training its fire on the Deva. It began firing, and while it hit the almost impossible shots, its fire bounced harmlessly off her skin.

A cute trick, but not enough to stop me.’

Mira dodges out of the way as the turret covers her!

Log 8: Phase 3.0 - Resurrected and Breathing

Amethyst Sky, we’ve analyzed the data you’ve sent. Orders are being revised. We need you to follow-up on a High Value Target. Refer to your HUD and continue the mission.”

“Troops, regroup! We’ve got a new target! Focus on getting our team up, and I’ll take care of the HVT.” Mira was still taking shots from the Deva, but she somehow managed to avoid being hit.

“Roger!” It was Zoe. She activated her Zondbot through the network, and it crawled toward the Tsyklon. Sparks flew as it soldered pieces back together and got the bot up and running.

The Zondbot patchs up the Tsyklon and brings it back into action

Zinnie, acting as the crew’s medic, leapt into action. She carefully aimed her medikit, and the injectables shot across the air into Lottie. “Captain, I’ve stabilized Lottie, but she’s not going to be back in this fight, and she’s not getting out of here on her own feet.”

Zinnie stabilizes Lottie

“I’ve got you covered, Zinnie!” It was Dorina. She tossed eclipse grenades which popped and flashed across the battlefield, concealing the team behind its strobe.

Eclipse smoke pops and flashes obscuring troops from the Deva!

Breathe, Mira…,’ she thought to herself and took a deep breath. ‘I can make it past the Deva’s fire; I have to. Saint Mary help me.’

Trying to center herself while being fired upon was no simple task, but Mira’s faith steadied her. She dodged across the alleyway and pressed against a wall for cover. She exhaled loudly, letting go of the air she didn’t know she was still holding in.

Mira dodges into cover!

“Get Neru, Zinnie! We need their support!”

“Roger, Captain!” The bunny girl rushed forward and almost had her head taken off by a pistol shot from a Kuang Shi. She promptly returned fire with her combi-rifle, but was so flustered she missed all her shots.

“Mira, I’m pinned down!” Pistol shots bounced off the wall she had ducked behind. Her floppy ears shook as she pressed herself harder against the wall.

“I’ll cover you, go now!” Mira peeked from her position and fired off a few rounds.

Free from fire for a moment, Zinnie carefully pointed her medikit toward Neru’s downed form. She pulled her trigger, and moments later revitalizing chemicals were surging through them. The miracles of modern medicine worked their magic, and though the metal still protruded from their chest, they seemed to be able to manage.

“This is Neru. I’m back online.” The Zero stood slowly, shakily getting back to their feet.

Zinnie fires repeatedly at the Kuang Shi

Undeterred by the incoming pistol fire, a Pupnik charged directly into the Kuang Shi. It brought its metallic arm crashing down on the slave’s head. A quick beeping started sounding, and the explosives locked around the man’s head suddenly went off.

A wailing howl came from amidst the fire and smoke. A singed fox staggered away from the blast.

The Pupnik mauls the Kuang Shi

My turn to get to that target,’ thought Mira. Her Cybermask extended its scrambling signals around her, keeping the enemy from getting a clean shot.

Mira flickers into Cybermask

“Hold positions, team! Lock this courtyard down while I finish Command’s orders.”

Zinnie, Dorina, and Pi-Well all braced their weapons, ready to blast anything that stepped into their line of fire. “They’re all mine, Captain!” Dorina fired a few shots into the alleyway in front of her, hoping to deter anyone thinking of stepping into it.

Everyone hold positions!

Mira ran back through the stalls, scrambling the enemy’s sight as she went. A Warcor embedded with the Yu Jing troops quickly analyzed where the signal was coming from, and revealed Mira to the enemy. She managed to slip behind a building before taking any shots. In her current position, she was within range of the target. She reached out along the network around her, ready to upload spyware into the HVT’s geist. She tore down all the firewalls blocking her and left a bug in the enemy’s code.

“Command, I’ve marked the target. Retreating to safety now.”

Mira slowly backed away, firing repeaters behind her as she went. If she was going to be followed, she wanted to make sure she saw it coming and could do something about it. She managed to make it through the first few stalls of the market and slipped back into Cybermask to confuse the enemy again.

Mira fires her pitcher and retreats through the market stalls!

Log 9: Phase 3.5 - The Death of Pi

Amethyst Sky, you are not clear to disengage. Issuing final orders; continue the fight.”

Final orders coming in from Command

“I’ve had enough of this,” said the Deva sternly, clearly annoyed with the flailing Yu Jing forces. “Commander Zhou, you’re with me.” She stepped out from behind cover with the Celestial Guard and a Dakini following her. The shooting had stopped for a moment, and everyone heard the Deva’s metal footfalls echoing off the walls of the alley.

“Reverend!” she shouted this time rather than whispering over her direct channel with Mira. “I’m done playing with you. We’re taking the Ìmetrons. Whether you and your troops survive is inconsequential to my mission. I’ll still let you live if you hand them over now.”

The Deva makes her way through the streets

A Kuang Shi stumbled into the courtyard as the Deva spoke. A hail of bullets missed him entirely, and he responded by blasting a chain rifle into the Tsyklon. The Pupnik standing between them dodged out of the way. The Tsyklon was torn to pieces, and the Zondbot impotently tried to repair it.

A Kuang Shi fires shards of metal into the troops of The Amethyst Sky

The Deva finally found where the Ìmetrons rested among the buildings. “I’ve got them, we have no need for our Nomad friends anymore. Feel free to kill them all.” She advanced through the empty streets confidently, blatantly ignoring the Bakunians.

Pi-Well trained its sensors on the alley the Deva was walking down. It whirred cautiously, clearly nervous about what was coming. As soon as the Deva stepped into view, Pi-Well opened fire. The bullets glanced off her, and she turned to the small bot, annoyed.

“You don’t seem to realize how much more powerful I am than you.” She raised her spitfire and blasted Pi-Well to bits. She continued forward until she came to the anti-grav cart carrying the Ìmetrons. She easily accessed its controls through the network and smiled to herself.

The Deva approaches the Imetrons

“Pi-Well’s gone dark, Zoe!” Mira said over the comms. “I can work to cover the Zondbot and give it time to repair it. Start moving now!” Mira began hurrying through the stalls, making her way toward the Deva.

“I’ve got him backed up already. Leave the frame, it’s not worth it!”

Mira slowed to a stop, finding herself in the courtyard with the rest of her crew. “Alright, regroup everyone. It’s time to get out of here, regardless of what Command says. Dorina, grab Lottie. Zoe, can you get Luna?”

“Roger!” Zoe called back. She rushed forward and used her cybernetics to pick up the fallen Morlock. “Thank God you’re light,” she muttered, straining under Luna’s weight. Zoe was weak, but there was enough metal in her structure to allow her to lift the lithe elf.

Dorina ran back on all fours to where the bunny girl Moderator had fallen, her Pupniks in tow. She slid across the tiles and scooped Lottie onto her shoulders. “All good here, Captain!”

“Neru, are you still with us?” Mira asked. She saw a splatter of blood ripple through the air toward her, and then they appeared.

“I’m here,” they said.They were badly wounded, but they were holding on. The one eye on their helmet met Mira’s gaze, and they nodded.

Mira nodded back, trusting them. “Okay,” she said gently. “Then let’s get out of here! Zinnie, I need you to help me cover our exit. The team needs you. Do you understand?”

“I understand, Captain.” The girl had fear in her eyes, but she would come through.

The large elevator that had taken them to the city had already returned, and the crew hastily made their retreat. As it began to ascend, their comms sprang to life.

Amethyst Sky, this is Command. We’ve confirmed we’re receiving tracer data from the HVT. You are clear to disengage and make your retreat. Proceed to the shuttle.”

Log 10: Phase 4.0 - Epilogue

When they reached the surface, they found themselves in the same long corridor they had entered from. Surprisingly, the hallways were clear. The Deva must have called off the troops now that she’d retrieved her prize.

As they made their way outside, the shiny, green paint of the Yu Jing symbol reflected the sinking sun over the shuttle pad. Somehow, the shuttle itself was still waiting there, untouched. The team quickly made their way inside, and seconds later, they were entering high atmosphere and steadily making their way back to Thokk.

Trading one hellhole for another…,’ thought Mira. ‘At least I won’t be shot at there.

Zinnie carefully connected Luna and Lottie to the medbays. They seemed to be in decent enough shape that they’d pull through. Even after they had stabilized, Zinnie wouldn’t leave Lottie’s side. Dorina and her pupniks were singed, covered in dust, and smelled of various chemicals and gunpowder. They were altogether a tired mess, but they weren’t hurt.

Another battle, another Tsyklon destroyed. Mira felt like she was going to have a bad track record with her REMs.

Mira supported Neru on her shoulder, and Zoe approached to see if she could help. “Anything I can do? Need another shoulder?”

“You’re an engineer, Zoe… I’m not a robot,” they said in response. “I have feelings, you know?” They grinned weakly at her. Zoe groaned and helped Mira hobble them over to Zinnie. They were a little awkward, but they were officially part of the crew.

“Your turn, Mx.” Zinnie helped them into another medbay.

“Well done today, Neru,” Mira said softly. “We’ll take care of you, okay?” They nodded. “And thank you, Zoe.” She turned to her fellow hacker. “I…,” she trailed off, unsure of how to say it. “It’s great to have you as a member of the team.” She smiled at Zoe for a moment before remembering Pi-Well.

“Will Pi-Well be alright?”

“He’ll be fine,” Zoe said. She tapped a physical harddrive strapped to her side. “I carry it around with me specifically for this reason. Command will assign it a new frame, and we’ll be good to go.”

“Thank Saint Mary… I never thought I’d be happy to head back to Thokk, but here we are.” Mira smiled weakly as they headed for the bench against a nearby wall to wait out the rest of the flight. The Amethyst Sky had survived another mission, if just barely. The Shimmering Sky underneath them rippled and flowed as they made their way home.

– End Final Log
Analyzing Battle Data…

– Mission Status Classification: Bakunian Victory
– High Command Battle Score Rating of Combatants:
The Amethyst Sky - 4
Yu Jing Forces - 1
– Resource Value Allocated to Remaining Nomad Forces: 130
– Resource Value Allocated to Remaining Imperial Service Forces: 136

– ALERT: Incoming Transmission from Rev. Mira Rivera
Additional Battle Report Data Being Loaded...
Additional Report Data Available at: https://durgamatakeover.warconsole.com/battles/mjgrey-vs-sir-wall-1658179375

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