Durgama Takeover


Morat incursion

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[ Utsumi Orimi's CommLog 22-07-11 ]
//start recording : 10:23:02 PM

▲10:23:15 PM ♦ O-Yoroi_Lt // Utsumi Orimi ▲
Lieutenant Utsumi reporting. Command, are you on line ?

▼10:23:21 PM ♦ Command_Control_Operator // MErcurE▼
We do lieutenant.

▲10:23:25 PM ♦ O-Yoroi_Lt // Utsumi Orimi ▲
Hai command. Please share intel, we are moving after security alert yellow coded, do you confirme ? What’s the case ?

▼10:23:40 PM ♦ Command_Control_Operator // MErcurE▼
Code yellow, unknown threat. Civilians had spot something behind the trees. Assignation : secure HVT and installations ; find intels on threat.

▲10:23:57 PM ♦ O-Yoroi_Lt // Utsumi Orimi ▲
Copy command.

▲10:24:15 PM ♦ O-Yoroi_Lt // Utsumi Orimi ▲
Ok guys, we've got a beautifull and shinning code yellow, a blinding one as nobody saw nothing. Civilian Noname spotted a pineapple, or a saberteeth tiger, or a monkey in the jungle... Well, it could be only that or god damn worst, because of the mess getting up nowadays. Shinsaku, stop laughting ! What is so fun... monkey ?

▲10:30:36 PM ♦ O-Yoroi_Lt // Utsumi Orimi ▲
Command, we entering the field.

▼10:30:41 PM ♦ ♦ Command_Control_Operator // MErcurE▼
Copy, no more datas for now. Process your deployment.

▲10:30:50 PM ♦ O-Yoroi_Lt // Utsumi Orimi ▲
Crystal clear CQ. Chaiyi go 8. Tokusetsu go for 4, keep your YZ not far from armored materials.

▼10:23:57 PM ♦ Tokusetsu_Engineer // Yasumi Akio ▼
Hai !

▲10:23:58 PM ♦ O-Yoroi_Lt // Utsumi Orimi ▲
Yojimbo, Aragoto, right in the middle, ready to recon. Ryuken, cover us from that roof.

▼10:24:03 PM ♦ Aragoto_KHD // Ono Mihoko ▼
Hai !

▼10:24:03 PM ♦ WB_Merc // Yojimbo ▼
Just what I was thinking...

▼10:24:11 PM ♦ Ryûken_HRL // Shimomura Yodo ▼
Hai bosu !

▲10:24:13 PM ♦ O-Yoroi_Lt // Utsumi Orimi ▲
Saito, 9 from my position. Ninja, forward to take the right console. Keisotsu core, with me, deploy heavy weapon for covering fire. Para, keep our big gun on his feet.

▼10:24:28 PM ♦ Keisotsu_ML // Sasaki Gihei ▼
Hai !

▼10:24:33 PM ♦ Keisotsu_Para // Yaginuma Shinsaku ▼
Of course chui.

▼10:24:40 PM ♦ Command_Control_Operator // MErcurE ▼
Lieutenant, our sensors reveal large life forms moving to your location, 12 from your current position. Be ready.

▼10:24:55 PM ♦ Command_Control_Operator // MErcurE ▼
We've got intel, there are... Morats ! RED CODE ! RED CODE !

▲10:24:59 PM ♦ O-Yoroi_Lt // Utsumi Orimi ▲

▼10:25:03 PM ♦ Command_Control_Operator // MErcurE ▼
Morats ! You face a large squad with heavy weaponry Kaitok and cyberwar presence, who's in charge within. Other squad with Kyosot and Rindak. TAG spotted, a Raicho !

▲10:25:16 PM ♦ O-Yoroi_Lt // Utsumi Orimi ▲
All, prepare to engage ennemy troops.

▼10:25:21 PM ♦ Command_Control_Operator // MErcurE ▼
Lieutenant, we’ve got a breach in one of our server. You need to check the integrity of the consoles in your area.

▲10:25:32 PM ♦ O-Yoroi_Lt // Utsumi Orimi ▲
Yojimbo, smoke a path to the consoles for Mihoko ! Mihoko, go fast to the central console !

▼10:25:36 PM ♦ WB_Merc // Yojimbo ▼
Almost done.

▼10:25:40 PM ♦ Aragoto_KHD // Ono Mihoko ▼
Your orders chui.

▲10:25:42 PM ♦ O-Yoroi_Lt // Utsumi Orimi ▲
Hacker on the way command.

▼10:25:50 PM ♦ Aragoto_KHD // Ono Mihoko ▼
Console reached. Seems clean, someone try to get use of it but did’nt manage to.

▼ 10:26:02 PM ♦ Command_Control_Operator // MErcurE ▼
Significant information : the opponent came with scientists, they are probably responsible for the breach. Consider them as targets if they compromised datas.

▲10:26:12 PM ♦ O-Yoroi_Lt // Utsumi Orimi ▲
Hay ! Mihoko, command ask if the user of the console could be the breacher, do they ?

▼10:26:16 PM ♦ Aragoto_KHD // Ono Mihoko ▼
They don’t, but they access informations level F, not crucial. It is the one to your 2 hour, chui.

▲10:26:23 PM ♦ O-Yoroi_Lt // Utsumi Orimi ▲
All, if you get an opportunity, kill that alien ! Ok Mihoko, go to the second server, avoid the Kaitok.

▼10:26:29 PM ♦ WB_Merc // Yojimbo ▼
I provided some gaz cover for you honey...

▼10:26:33 PM ♦ Aragoto_KHD // Ono Mihoko ▼
On my way for the second console.

▼10:26:35 PM ♦ O-Yoroi_Lt // Utsumi Orimi ▲
NO WAIT, the Kaitok will spread you ! Command, I engage Kaitok to cover the Aragoto !

▼10:26:41 PM ♦ O-Yoroi_Lt // Utsumi Orimi ▲
Enemy down, but not dead.

▼10:26:42 PM ♦ Aragoto_KHD // Ono Mihoko ▼
Get the info, alien on left isn’t our guy.

▼ 10:26:48 PM ♦ Command_Control_Operator // MErcurE ▼
Ok, continue mission. Take care, enemy forces moves.

▼10:26:52 PM ♦ WB_Merc // Yojimbo ▼
I put some koalas to squeeze visitors.

▼10:26:53 PM ♦ Keisotsu_Para // Yaginuma Shinsaku ▼

▼10:26:53 PM ♦ Ryûken_HRL // Shimomura Yodo ▼
Engaging the TAaarg ! # SIGNAL LOST #

▼10:26:56 PM ♦ O-Yoroi_Lt // Utsumi Orimi ▲

▼ 10:27:03 PM ♦ Keisotsu_ML // Sasaki Gihei ▼

▼10:27:05 PM ♦ O-Yoroi_Lt // Utsumi Orimi ▲
GIHEI ! YOU, come on fat bastaaaaaaaard !

▼10:27:12 PM ♦ O-Yoroi_Lt // Utsumi Orimi ▲
Command, we’ve got several members down, possibly KIA. I’m hit severly. Visual with the Raicho lost

▼10:27:20 PM ♦ WB_Merc // Yojimbo ▼
He’s her... # SIGNAL LOST #

▼10:27:23 PM ♦ O-Yoroi_Lt // Utsumi Orimi ▲
Keisotsus, Move forward to the last console. We need to verify if they steal datas.

▼10:27:25 PM ♦ ♦ Keisotsu // Suou Chitose ▼
Hay chui !

▼10:27:35 PM ♦ Keisotsu_HD // Uchibayashi Takiji ▼
Moving our way lieutnant.

▼10:27:45 PM ♦ Keisotsu_HD // Uchibayashi Takiji ▼
The scientist who breach the database is trying to quite the area by the East lieutenant. He use this console, I send proofs to command.

▼10:27:50 PM ♦ O-Yoroi_Lt // Utsumi Orimi ▲
Well done Keisotsus. Command, do you receive that intel ?

▼ 10:27:56 PM ♦ Command_Control_Operator // MErcurE ▼
Yes, we get the files, you MUST stop this scientist !

▼10:28:01 PM ♦ O-Yoroi_Lt // Utsumi Orimi ▲
Savo, target is in your sector, proceed to elimination.

▼ 10:28:03 PM ♦ Ninja_KHD // Kimura Sayo ▼
Chui, I’m in position to engage Raicho in close combat, I could deal with him to get you free of move, do...

▼10:28:06 PM ♦ O-Yoroi_Lt // Utsumi Orimi ▲
No Savo, focus on mission, kill the scientist at no cost !

▼ 10:28:09 PM ♦ Ninja_KHD // Kimura Sayo ▼

▼ 10:28:12 PM ♦ Ninja_KHD // Kimura Sayo ▼
Target eliminated. # SIGNAL LOST #

▼10:28:12 PM ♦ Keisotsu // Suou Chitose ▼
We’ve got visual on alien scientist, We go for emprison him.

▼10:28:14 PM ♦ O-Yoroi_Lt // Utsumi Orimi ▲
Copy that, deploying koala to cover you.

▼10:28:20 PM ♦ Keisotsu // Suou Chitose ▼
Damned, we don’t manage to, WAIT ! # SIGNAL LOST #

▼ 10:28:24 PM ♦ Command_Control_Operator // MErcurE ▼
Lieutenant, the Morats are gathering your position, we’ve lost signal with Keisotsus and Ninja.

▲ 10:28:28 PM ♦ O-Yoroi_Lt // Utsumi Orimi ▲
Tell me somthing I ignore please, they just been hit by the koala...

▼ 10:28:30 PM ♦ Aragoto_KHD // Ono Mihoko ▼
Got them in my sensors, they… fuck, Aarrg ! # SIGNAL LOST #

▼ 10:28:32 PM ♦ Kempei_COCom // Sasori Tashiaki ▼
Incoming ! # SIGNAL LOST #

▼ 10:28:33 PM ♦ Command_Control_Operator // MErcurE ▼
Lieutenant, you must protect our laboratory operators.

▲ 10:28:35 PM ♦ O-Yoroi_Lt // Utsumi Orimi ▲
I’m on it command. Engaging Kurgat engineer. Enemy killed.

▲ 10:28:38 PM ♦ O-Yoroi_Lt // Utsumi Orimi ▲
Engaging core fireteam, Vanguard on sight. Damn !

// Connection lost with command // Recording locally

▲ 10:28:39 PM ♦ O-Yoroi_Lt // Utsumi Orimi ▲
FUCK ! How this bastard managed to break my TAG ? Remaining unit, abord mission, I repeat, ABORD !

▼ 10:28:45 PM ♦ SK_Merc // Saïto Togan ▼
Trying to cause some losses.

▲ 10:28:48 PM ♦ O-Yoroi_Lt // Utsumi Orimi ▲
Well, regular troops, please don’t make the same mistake !

▼ 10:28:51 PM ♦ Tokusetsu_Engineer // Yasumi Akio
Chui, I can repear your stallion, and… fuck, RAICHO SPOT... # SIGNAL LOST #

▼ 10:28:45 PM ♦ SK_Merc // Saïto Togan ▼
Chui, everybody is KIA. They fired at the laboratory operators, killed them. I cannot do anything for you...

▲ 10:28:48 PM ♦ O-Yoroi_Lt // Utsumi Orimi ▲
I know… I know what I need to do… will the Empire shine again.

▲ 10:28:59 PM ♦ O-Yoroi_Lt // Utsumi Orimi ▲
Let’s use this cube… AaaArg !

[ Utsumi Orimi's CommLog 22-07-11 ]
//stop recording : 10:29:03 PM

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