Durgama Takeover


Special ops in living quadrants

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Combined Army
Kwisatz Haderach
VS Nomads

Small elite force of combined army faced against hired security forces of Nomads.

On turn 1 combined army failed to place repeaters network to use their Guided weapon.
Charontid dropped Moran Masai and engaged in a firefight with Knauf

Opponent moved up and try to gun down Charontid, but the beast wasn’t going down any time soon. One of the Taiga creatures was mowed down by Diablo.
Second Turn, Anathematic rolled in and was able to seriously cripple opponent, plasma fire melted Evader, Billie, Intruder and a puppet bot.

In retaliation knauf finally killed Charontid, and chimera made a dash towards Anathematic, but all the phonics were melted down by plasma fire and nanobots shredded the Chimera.

Last turn, Umbra moved up, with the power of the Charontid Wip, successfully used trinity on Jazz and did 2 classifieds.

Opponent did his best, but was unable to make it a draw.

Combined Army
Kwisatz Haderach