Durgama Takeover


UnBearable onslaught


(will post the lists and describe the deployment when my friends sends his list)

Kosmoflot turn one. The alpha strike that never happened.

Uxia saw a golden opportunity to get rid of Atalanta and open up the field for the bears. She decided that today wasn't the day and ended up without camo on her own deployment edge instead.

Atalanta had from her rooftop pretty much control of the whole table and I couldn't see any way to get in a good range-band with neither my linked Volkolak or my UKR Haris.

Uxia did her part and managed to pull off net undermine before recamoing securely inside a building. With 7 orders in the main group and nothing to do. The regular bear did what stressed bears usually do. Climb to the highest point and start chucking speculative grenades! He tried to take out a multi-sniper enhanced Aida before she could hunt down the bears with her viral pistols and mines, but without success. The only casualty was the Aleph turret that stood too close to Aida.

Aleph turn one: Focus on the mission.
As one should do in countermeasures Commander Nictens focused on the mission. Spotlighting one of my HVT two times with one of his proxies secured him one card. The other two cards required two unconscious ariadnans, but neither Aida, Eudoros or the 8-4 move krakot renegade managed to hurt any of the proud people of Dawn.

Kosmoflot turn 2
The cards that are up at the start of turn two are Kidnapping, extreme prejudice and in extremis recovery.

With Atalanta still covering most of his side of the board it will be difficult but not impossible to complete at least two of these classifieds.

The irregular bear can use his impetus to reach the edge of the huge middle building and is precisely out of line of fire from Atalanta. I see that if I just rush Atalanta I should probably just receive one salvo before ducking in behind some scatter and can then crawl around and attack from the flank. I go for it. I roll 18 on the dodge and he hits me twice and I save one of them. The bear goes to ground, got spotlit in the process and starts crawling on his way to Atalanta. His mk2 proxy left its camo when spotlighting the bear and is now looking at the bear. I advance and throw a smoke on the proxy, taking another wound from the mk2s BSG template. Now the bear is dogged and there is no turning back. It bashes the mk2 to pieces and then advances behind the building atalanta is parked on. It starts its climb to the roof and blasts a netrod and a helper bot and some kind of specialist before reaching the edge of the roof. One order left and he climbs over the edge. He eats all the AROs in the world and manages to land a shot on atalanta with his shotgun and she goes unconscious.

That frees up some alternatives for Uxia. Uxia has potential to complete both kidnapping and one of the other classifieds if she could put a wound on the Krakot renegade guarding the HVT. She throws a smoke on the HVT and tries to convince it to follow her. She succeeds on the 4th try and abandons any hope of taking down the krakot and instead tries to retreat back into a more secure position. Two cards to me and Nictens have 1 at the start of his second turn.

Aleph turn 2:
He draws sabotage and Test run and discards Sabotage just to deny me the points in my last turn.

The loss of quite some orders and with his proxy out of action he tries to get things done with his krakot. It advances into the building previously occupied by Uxia and throws a speculative grenade on Uxia, and manages to clip my camoed S.A.S. The ph 13 kicks in and both dodge like gods until they are really dug in. On the Krakots last order, it goes for a hail mary hoping to send some models to unconscious for either Aida or Eudoros to do some classifieds on. The krakot takes a double crit from my turret, sending him straight to dead and my Volkolak and Uxia continue to dodge. The rest of his turn he tries to move his troopers up and Eudoros manages to take out my linked Volkolak ML.

Kosmoflot turn 3:
Mapping comes up and my previously revealed SAS recamoes and runs to the other side of the table and manages to pass his WIP check. Besides that, the roof camping bear manages to blast Aida with a double chain rifle and putting him in a position to throw grenades or chain rifles at anything that comes too close.

Aleph turn 3:
Data Scan comes up and he should be able to do it against Mr Bear in the middle of the table. He advances up with a Shakti. The bear turns out to be quite headstrong and manages to resist 4 or 5 before succumbing to the Shakti and becomes scanned. He only has a few orders left now and must put my SAS parked in his DZ unconscious. His mk1 doctor tries to hunt him down with his nanopulser but the SAS with his 3” dodge manages to dodge into CC with the mk1. With one order left on the mk1 and on lt order on Eudoros he tries to shoot into the combat but misses the SAS and kills his mk1.

The battle ended with me doing 3 classifieds and Nictens managing 2.

A prone bear tossing speculative granades!
Atalanta pinning down the bears.

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