Durgama Takeover


Brought an Avatar to a knife fight.

View Linked Report - CLICK HERE 200 POINTS
Combined Army
VS Tohaa
Jager Nadim

Ran an Avatar supported by Worm MD, and a Drop Suit. I hyper extended and lost track of the mission, had the avatar move up the board as a sheer force of nature and my opponent made some magnificent plays using EM mines, unfortunately the avatar was able to rest out of Neg12 iso+immb state twice. The game was played late into the night and the dropsuit saved me again by being able to achieve two highly classified objectives. The avatar was able to auto win the wip+3 check against an unconscious trooper and secure me the tie. The game was rather silly because at a certain point if the avatar died i would be put into retreat ending the game in my favor, and the avatar locked down the board making achievement grabbing hard for my opponent without locking down the avatar. I feel that for the 200point format it would be fore fun to limit individual choices to no more than 49pts.
