Durgama Takeover


Yeah Baby - Corregidor vs Kosmoflot

Killer Kadugan
VS Ariadna
Lev Yashin

———————————– Battle Report – Transmition ————— Commander Kadugan ——————————–

Deployment Phase:

Kosmoflot deployed first, 5 men ft core on the right side of the field, including a hmg Volkolak, Traktor mul in the mid-right, a couple of camo tokens, and our worst fear, yogi the bearpode in the mid-left. flanking units deployed covering the side of the map, as if they new a parachutist could come get them.

CJC deployed the 2nd support group on the left, the 5 men ftcore in the mid, which included a friendly vostok, 2 jaguars, Sr. Massacre and a digger; a couple of morans with predeployed koalas near the middle of the table, one on each side. A lonely hmg intruder on the left. Max in his Gecko was nowhere to be seen (surprise parachutist).

Special thanks to the moran masaii, which i never use with the camo option as i usually use the repeater one, for NOT deploying in camo. Noob maneuver.

Turn 01

Kosmoflot moves some units to better cover the sides, preventing a surprise parachutist (Lev knows some of my frequent tactics, as a CJC player, never leave home without a parachutist). Yogi decided to take position in the mid field, preparing a brutal pain delivery for turn 02. The “minesweepers” as Lev calls the irmandinho and the varangian advanced to take better positions. The irmandinho managed to reach the CZ of the Koala and died in a loving hug with this cute creature. Making way for a surprise appearance of McMannus, who attacked Moran but failed as the heroic moran survived the attack.

CJC turn 01, was all about the bearpode, Lt. Natalia, remembering the wise words of Theoden shouted: “Bring it down!”
Morans deployed a couple of koalas in range, then the redfury motorized bounty hunter took a shot at Yogi, but this giant armored killing machine managed to survive and moved out of LOF. On the other side of the map, Max and his gecko decided to flank arriving in parachutist maneuver, out of line of fire from any enemy. Carelessly maneuvering into combat with the mission of hunting the traktor mul, almost died because of a surprise cateran and the shots recieved by the traktor mul.
– Lt. Natalia: “Lazaro, help this moron, he´s being pinned down”
Lazaro the intruder got into action and with a couple of orders he managed to bring the cateran and the traktor mul down. Then, the objetive was the bearpode. Lazaro couldnt reach it so it was time for the Guru Guru the Vostok to get some glory. With some orders (and the help of some critical hits) Yogi was sent to flurry heaven. Then, Mc Manus was sent to sleep for a while.
CJC turn 01 ended with the zondbot on his way to repair the Gecko.

Turn 02

Kosmoflot went in for the kill, a sneaky parachutist appeared near the rear right side of the table, in a mission to hunt down the FT. Started by shooting at Sr. Massacre who managed to drop an eclipse bomb and ruin the evil intentions of the parachutist (thing, he NEVER does) so the parachutist decided to go for the kill and moved to kill the Intruder. This ended in the parachutist being shot in ORA by the Redfury of the bounty hunter. Special awards for the Intruder who doesnt know how to turn around. The engineer managed to repair the traktor mul.

CJC went for the kill again, this time the Intruder shot the traktor mul (again) but this time managed to wreck it, meanwhile, the gecko decided to go balls deep and chainrifle the Rokot FT. he managed to get 2 rokots but failed to survive to the 4 light shotgun shots. Extreme failure.

Turn 03

This was the time for the extreme heroism that Lev is known for. With a couple of very bright moves, the managed to make a jump shot with the volkolak in hopes to kill the intruder. It was just cinemathic stuff in the making. Painfully, the intruder was on suppresive fire so all the bravery ended in the volkolak evaporating. The surviving rokots managed to get macmanus up again, and one of the rokots killed the intruder with a shotgun template (god dammed Lazaro, doesnt know how to save himself). Mcmannus and the last rokot died in ORA from the Vostok and the Moran.

CJC turn 03 was just a hunting session, the motorized bounty hunter went for the raveneye officer stationed on the side, Vostok found himself against a Scot Guard.

It was a mess, but this time we did the mess.

Final thoughts: I got so many critical hits i felt ashamed, but not sad.
——————————————————————- End Briefing ————————————————————————

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Killer Kadugan

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