Durgama Takeover


Infiltration Attempt

View Linked Report - CLICK HERE 200 POINTS

(200pts/4 SWC // Mission: Frontline (modified points, no classifieds) //Haqqislam Vanilla vs Steel Phalanx // played in TTS)

Haqq Vanilla: Zhayedan LT (HMG) / Fiddler + 1 Jackbot / Hakim SMG / Rafiq FTO / Zuleyka / Hafza FO / WarCor (360) / Leila Sharif / Lasiq FO / Ghulam SpecOps (5XP: SuperJump + BS+1)

Steel Phalanx: Achilles v2 Lt (AP Spitfire) / Patroclos (MultiRifle) / Probot EVO / 2x Netrods / Thorakites SpecOps (5XP: Light Rocket Launcher) / Zayin TR Bot / Ekdromos Hacker

“The Crew of the haqqislamite cargo shuttle “Broken Angels” stood in small groups in the Gekidan Cargo Bay, waiting for their ship to be unloaded. On the far side of the Bay, a shadowy figure fiddled with one of the closed side entrances and exited the cargo bay once the door swung open. One by one, several of the Crew members also disappeared. Suddenly an intruder alert went off in a distant part of the Research facility…”

my left side Zhayedan + Ghulam + Leila + Fiddler + Hafza FO (Janissary HMG) behind building
center: Rafiq oos /
my right: Lasiq in Building / Zuleyka + WarCor behind building
Parachutist: Hakim

My right side: TR Bot in small building / EVO +Netrods behind small building
Center: none
My right side: Achilles-Patroclos –Duo OOS / Thorakites

Round 1:
Zuleyka shifts gear and moves towards the Aleph forces, throwing smoke to cover the Lasiqs advance inside the building. The Zhayedan, Ghulam, Leila and the Hafza coordinate their movement and try to stealthily sneak up on the Aleph Zayin Bot. Fiddler advances at full speed to flank the Zayin Bot. The Zhayedan gets inside a building, takes aim on the Zayin and takes him out. Finally the Rafiq is sent forward down the center.

Achilles and Patroclos move into the building they are hiding behind and are able to take a bead on Fiddler, taking her out with Achilles AP Spitfire. The Thorakites moves into the same building and tries to hide in a corner, going prone. Achilles moves up to the window and is able to take out Zuleyka. Suddenly an Ekdromos dropps from the sky on my right side and charges around the corner to assault the Lasiq. In the last moment of the charge, the Lasiq is able to get his Knife out and the Ekdromos impales himself on it, dropping unconscious to the ground.

Round 2
Leila and the Rafiq advance further to the center to threaten Achilles, Patroclos and the Thorakites. The Rafiq is indeed able to take out the latter, but his try to shoot down Achilles results in him being unconscious. Leila moves up to take revenge . The Lasiq picks up his Viral Rifle and goes into suppression mode. The Hakim parachutes in on my left side and takes out the hiding EVO behind a building.

Achilles advances inside the building and takes out Leila. Patroclos advances and has a shootout with the Lasiq in suppression fire, getting wounded and hiding behind the building again.

Round 3
The Hakim kills both Netrods and hides out of sight. Leila shoots at Achilles several times, but finally a bullet from Achilles AP Spitfire drops her unconscious. The Zhayedan moves to the door on his left to stop Achilles advance.

Achilles jumps through the window and takes out the Zhayedan instantly. He then moves further down towards my DZ.

Haqqislam: Hakim dominates farthest Sector (4VP)
Aleph: Achilles dominates farthest sector (4VP), Patroclos dominates central sector (3VP)

With the last Aleph order, Achilles was able to move to the sector close to my DZ and dominating it – and thus winning the game.

Haqqislam MVP: Hakim, taking away 3 Aleph orders and securing his sector
Luckiest Modell: Lasiq for killing the Ekdromos in CQC (FtF roll was Lasiq 4, Ekdromos 2)

“The intruder alert still ringing through the research complex, the last few remaining members of the Outcast Brigade advanced stealthily through the corridors towards their target, a specific storage area, avoiding sensors and cameras on their way.”

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8 People Recommended Kesharq for commendation

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