Durgama Takeover


Rising sun

VS Combined Army

***Battle report***
***Audio log*** Kaminu*** Head of JSA***
I have been designated a head of the JSA Durgama front for reasons unknown to my own, but as such I have chosen to go to battlefield to battlefield recruiting survivors and rogue elements in my attempts to reclaim Gekidan.
Deep in the jungles there was a distress beacon my forces played it safe and wouldn’t you believe it… Shasvastii troops possibly trailing ALEPH scent.

It is unlike the Shavastii to be caught off-guard or surprised for that matter, but when the O-Yoroi came out they rushed to their defenses.

(Author’s note I wanted to try something new for the Batreps, I do not edit a lot so I’m sorry if they look bad, but I hope you enjoy! [click on the images to get the batrep! in case images do not load here is the written report!]

Turn 1:SHAS

Immediately the Troops were taken by surprise due to a speculo killer easily slipping into our forces, slicing our hacker The speclo then scratched the paint off of the O-yoroi’s back. The O-yoroi turned and swiftly punished its opponent for damaging its paint.

Shas forces pushed up the right flank securing the console in order to get the leaks of our designated HVT. In a panic our ninja KHD attempted a kill through the walls to keep them from getting info, although failed did keep the enemy from getting the leak through.

Turn 1: JSA

The O-yoroi was under heavy fire from ML bots and Nox snipers while the core was watching every corner they could. It was up to Yuriko’s team. They rushed through the inner building as Oyama drew the attention of the surrounding forces around the rightmost console. With a bit of luck he took out all shas forces there, securing a safe route for Yuriko to get the leak… sadly the leak was faulty and instead pointed us at a decoy.

The O yoroi with some help from the Ryuken and keisotsu ML to take out the Shas ML bot, and put the Nox sniper under heavy fire. Yuriko’s team split up in the hopes of defending more ground.

Turn 2:SHAS

As I suspected the right flank where Yuriko held herself with the Karakuri would face heavy resistance, I have never seen a more splendid battle. A shas soldier that Oyama put down came back to life, unbeknownst to Yuriko. The area in front of Yuriko must have shimmered as she drove herself through a heavy flamer right into a Shas TAG, the D charges were placed. All I can say was there was smoke as the ground shook from the explosion as Yuriko’s coms would be cut by the shas soldier that came back to life. Then the comms pinged that the Shas had found our designated HVT.

A shas unit rushed to eliminate the target but instead was met with missiles and rockets.

Turn 2: JSA

Oyama found himself in a sticky situation attempting to check out the area where the explosion happened where he was stopped by more shas forces. Becoming immobilized.

The O-yoroi took force running under heavy sniper fire, to eliminate the shas in order to not repeat the same mistake Yuriko’s team did, then the pilot got the Leak and found the target… right around the corner she rushed and before the Target knew what was happening died in sliced bits by the O-yoroi who took to hiding in the shadows once more.

Turn 3: Shas

The shas rushed a hacker to intervene the TAG to no avail

Turn 3: JSA
The O-yoroi rushed to put a stop to the shas hacker, from there the enemies retreated…

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6 People Recommended Kaminu for commendation

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