Durgama Takeover


Hunting bananas

VS Combined Army


Aleph left DZ
Aleph right DZ

Round 1 : Morat turn

Ready to fight, the team led by Karnok went around the building that housed them while Kaitok climbed the ladder wanting to shoot Atalanta. But Atalanta shot him in the head with her eagle eye before he could even get a shot off.
Seizing her chance, the Zerat came out of cover to retrieve the target's location, and although she succeeded in her mission, she also died from Atalanta's shots.
Kornak and the rest of the squad found a way out of Atalanta's sight and closed in on ALEPH's lines. Launching a pitcher near the Lamedh, the Dartok tried in vain to isolate Achilles. Ignoring the liberto in front of him, Kornak left the safety of the cover and tried to kill Achilles. He still managed to wound him severely before succumbing to the injuries inflicted by the liberto.
The ikadron closed in on the Aleph lines, allowing the Dartok to pull off a classified on the enemy HVT, and threatened the flank.

Round 1 : Aleph turn

Taking advantage of the failed Morat assault, the mk5 proxy flanked the Dartok and eliminated it in one volley.
The Beasthunter went around the ikadron and killed it
The Asura left to carry out the mission and detected the presence of the server to be destroyed and transmitted the information to its allies. She resumed a defensive position.
Atalanta, with her success, climbed the containers and scanned the battlefield, looking for any enemy.
Achilles took cover near the mk1 doctor, ready to enter Morat territory.

Round 2 : Morat turn

In a desperate situation, the Morats tried to reorganize, while the Tyrok died trying to kill Atalanta. The Morats consolidated around their server, while the last Tyrok placed his mines in defense.

Round 2 : Aleph turn

The proxy mk5 eliminated the last Morat of the old team, and also managed a classifier on the opposing HVT. Achilles crossed the entire battlefield, eliminated Anyat and tried to destroy the server in a last ditch effort, while the Daturazi took him out with their chain rifle. By misfortune, the waiter held on! The asura moved closer in suppression, ready to take over.

Round 3 : Morat turn

Completely cornered, the Morats had no choice but to wait for the final blow

Round 3 : Aleph turn

The beasthunter bravely sacrificed himself to detonate the mines hindering the Asura's advance. With the path clear, the Asura set off in the direction of the server, eliminating the last Tyrok, a Daturazi tried in vain to stop her as she fried the server with her repeated hacking attacks.

Total victory for the forces of ALEPH!

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4 People Recommended KamCord for commendation

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