Durgama Takeover


The Jungle Belongs To Tarlok

Combined Army
VS Yu Jing

"WHO ARE WE" cried Kornak
"WE ARE TARLOK" came the answering cry. Nearly a dozen elite units crowded around the veteran commander to hear the battle plan.
"We have been given a wide range of opportunity-based missions by high command that require specialists. We have a Medchanoid. So we will do what Morat do in the jungle. We destroy the enemy, and then we can meet our objectives in peace and quiet. "

The morat were organized into a 5-man Tarlok team with the 2 Suryats and 3 Kaitoks, and a 3-Morat team with a Spitfire-equipped Yaogat, Anyat and Kornak. A lone Daturazi and Dr Worm were deployed back. This mission gives the LT +1 order, giving Kornak 3 LT orders per turn.
Yu Jing forces deployed opposite, creating a hard castle on one side, and deploying everyone else behind trees.

The Morat team led by the Yaogat made the first move. They slid upfield, taking down two humans and scoring the Net Undermine classified. The Tarlok team moved up the opposite flank, trading fire with the Yan Ho and eventually taking a wound off of it.

in response, Yu Jing sent monk after monk at the Morat lines. One managed to wound Kornak before succumbing to return fire from a flamethrower. A Liu Xing attempted to land in the Morat harris but was thrown off course by the dense foliage, dodged and weaved through the trees, escaping harm until brought down by stray shots from the defensive turret and the Yaogat. On the opposite side, Taowu attempted to attack the Tarlok core but was unable to achieve the right position.

The Tarlok got moving once more, the Suryat blasting Taowu apart with his HMG before moving on to the Yan Hou. That engagement did not go so well, with the Suryat taking multiple explosive hits and disintegrating. This caused the Daturazi to run upfield and toss smoke which the MSV Feurerbach Kaitok took advantage of to remove the Yan Hou and the Husong. His mission done, he made way for his fellow Kaitok to show the Monks how to properly chain rifle things. On the other side of the table, the Yaogat moved forward causing Major Lunah to reveal and get blasted apart. After that the game went into Retreat, and ended.


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