Durgama Takeover


Found Footage

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Combined Army
VS Yu Jing

Daoying Lt. Chai watched as her superiors finished combing through all the data from that last deployment upon the Raveneye orbital, attempting not to sweat, not to give them the pleasure of knowing just how apprehensive she really was.
When the two men in suits, clearly from Imperial Services, finished their quiet bickering, and the one on the right leaned across the table towards Chai, who’s right arm was still clearly in a cast.
“Do you mind telling us exactly what the hell happened up there?”
She sighed and began again from the top.
It all started as a fairly straightforward retrieval mission. Infiltrate the Port Battery, avoid the Nomads, locate the Port Fire Control Module, protect it from any alien scum that might show up, retrieve the classified data, and get the hell out of there.
Simple enough, on paper at least.
But true enough, no plan ever survives contact with the enemy.
When my Tiger Squad arrived successfully undetected at the Control Module room, that’s when everything went south. Our EVO hacker drone detected quatronic traffic nearby. We figured it was just those dirty Nomad misfits. We were wrong.
I stuck to protocol, sent the Tiger Soldiers and Liu Xing upward, into the ductwork, silent and undetectable, before posting up in an overwatch position, with the Pangguling watching my back for movement and more hacking traffic. We were doing everything by the book, sir. And so far, there was no reason to believe we’d been detected.
“That’s not what our combat footage shows us,” Lt. Chai. This time it was the one on the left who leaned in close.
“You want to debrief me and let me tell you how it went down, or can the footage speak for itself, sir?” she spit at them both.
Stunned silence met her, so she continued on.
About that time, the smoke grenade landed at the base of the tower I had taken up position in. I had just enough time to spot the Morat fiend who’d thrown it, but my snapshot went wide. I had no idea that’d be the only shot I’d fire that day.
And of course, at that very moment, the Pangguling rang out a warning: quatronics attack in bound. They must have hit me with a repeater or something because we hadn’t detected any movement up until that point.
“What did it feel like, this quatronics attack?”
Chai slowly looked up at the two men, shook her head, “Like nothing I’ve ever felt before.”
It started as just a spark, in the recesses of my subconscious. Nothing more. I could hear the Pangguling alarm in my comms, blaring, still. But time seemed to slow down. And then, I don’t know how to say this, so I just will: it was like fire–like one solid flame burning its way through my nervous system, but instead of moving in waves, up and down my body, it was just… everywhere, all at once. Suddenly, I realized I couldn’t hear the alarm blaring anymore. I tried to reach up for my helmet, grasp both sides with my fingertips, and realized I couldn’t even move my arms.
I tried comms next, frantically–tried to warn the others, the Tiger soldiers, the Liu Xing, but it was too late.
Audio crackled back into existence, but only for the briefest of moments, so I could hear their panicked screams and the fizzling sound of plasma burning. And then, as the audio cut out again, and I really can’t be sure about this, but the last thing I could have shown I heard was…
The suits both leaned towards her, holding their collective breath.
“...was this deep, serpentine laugh.” Chai shook her head. “It just kept laughing like that, louder and louder until…”
“But did you see it?! Did you make contact with it? With Codename: Anathematic?!” He slammed down the blurry picture on the table of some green, glowing monstrosity, with tentacles floating above its torso.
“I never saw a thing, sir,” she said quietly. “Before the smoke even cleared, I was blasted back outta the room somehow. I thudded against something hard, with only brilliant white light to blind my eyes. And then I woke up in the infirmary.”
The suits both looked at each other for a moment, then back at her, perhaps doubtingly.
“Now if you both don’t mind, I’d like to get some rest.” She rose to her feet and turned towards the door. When neither moved to stop her, she worked up the courage to glance back and said, “Enjoy your combat footage. You're both lucky you didn’t have to be there, with my squad… and me.” Then she walked right out the door and back to her cell.


We both tried something a little different for this game. We'd never really done combat jumps nor had I ever fielded the Anathematics. Needless to say, Casey nailed every jump, with the help of his EVO hacker, and my Anathematics either shot everything dead or hacked it to death. Haha! Sigh. Rough game for the kiddo. I can see why people hate the hacker/missile meta.

Infinity game 3
Raveneye Port battery
Port fire control module
Capture and protect

Casey won roll. Decided to pick sides and let Havlok go first.
Casey held back 3 combat drop models
Havlok 1
Anathemtic deployed in camo

Turn 1 Havlok
Impetuous order
Witch runs forward, throws smoke. Daoying takes a pot shot, misses.
Order 1
Bit and kiss advance, throw pitchers successfully!
Order 2
Advance again. Dao attempts dodge when kiss enters zone of control. Fails.
Lt. Order
Anathemtic isolates Dao with oblivion
Casey enters loss of Lt.
Order 3
Kiss grabs object. Dao fails reset
Order 4
Kiss runs toward deployment
Order 5
Again,gets to building in deployment

Casey turn 1, loss of Lt.
Order 1
Dao fails reset
Anathemtic fails carbonite
Bit targets Dao

Order 2
Evo Hacker activates controlled jump.
Anathemtic isolates it.
Bit fails targeted.

Order 3
Ling exp tries combat jump successfully.
Explodes on Anathemtic (saves, shoots plasma, hits, Xing goes unconscious) and Dr Worm (dodges successfully).

Order 4
Tiger (spitfire) successfully jumps onto building roof on corner. Anathemtic shoots him on the way down, obliterating him.

Order 5
Tiger paramedic tries same on center building. Lands but also dies to plasma fire from Anathemtic

Turn over for casey doesn't look great

Havlok 2
Casey 0

Turn 2 Havlok
Order 1
T drone fires on targeted Dao. Kills him dead.

Lt order
Anathemtic targets drone

Order 2
T drone strikes again. Game over man

Havlok 7
Casey 0

Some Pics: Sorry we're new, so we clearly need to get painting.

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8 People Recommended Havlok for commendation

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