Durgama Takeover


Haazar's Very bad No Good Messed Up Battle

VS Haqqislam

So, there is not much to report for this one. It went REEEAAAALLLL bad. I went first and advanced my one of my two myrmidon links up to try and contest the panic room. I was able to take down several of his units, but not kill them. On his turn, they regenerated (didn’t fail a single roll for that) and then he pointed out there was a window where his heavy rocket launcher could see my second link team. He dropped a rocket in and took out Ajax and his buddies as I couldn’t make a save to literally save a life. He then spent his remaining orders (about 14) picking apart the forward link team. By top of 2, I had one Myrmidon, Achilles, and Patroclus left. Technically, I was in loss of lieutenant, but that didn’t really matter. My turn two was advancing toward the panic room and trying to survive the AROs, which I did. His turn two was flailing at my remaining troops, but he inflicted no damage. By the end of two he had scored the room twice. My turn three, Achilles and Patroclus made it into the room. They were promptly smoked and hacked and Patty boy gave his life against a bunch of assassins. My opponent then had more points in the room than I did, so he ended his turn and scored again. All in all, a very short game and I am not sure anyone even took pictures as we were done within 30 minutes.

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