Durgama Takeover


Raveneye Starboard Faceoff

VS Nomads

We are chasing the Nomad group that sabotaged installation at Zebu.
They met us at Raveneyeye Starboard railcanon, ready to engage.
We got the first move, sent in some smoke screen to cover our advance
The epsilon sniped their Kriza Boracs, forcing him to hide.
We deployed forward, took key positions, but were not prepared to face what came in our back, unguarded.
A hellcat dropped behind us, we were unable to defend ourselves, we lost a Nyoka,
Our bounty biker, another nyoka and our epsilon got unconscious.
They also managed to deploy a pitcher and trinity our Cyberghost before we could react.
Luckily, Parvati, managed to super jump between the Nomad combi rifle bullets,
jumped to the epsilon, heal him and his Nyoka Fireteam member,
The Epsilon took revenge on the Hellcat, and we pretty much reduced the enemy team to zero.
The ennemy was not capable of much for his last opportunity.
we sent in our lawkeeper, he chain rifled in the last crowed, followed by paravati, killing what was left of them.

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