Durgama Takeover


Viral Outbreak

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VS Nomads

A Nomad force broke in Zebu and misused the commands of bioengineered samples while trying to extract their genecode.
An outbreak of unprecedented magnitude spread across the area and needs to be stopped.
A Starmada force was dispatched to clear the area of hostile forces, extract the vital personnel on site, and make sure the research studies remain undisclosed.
Oversight by Aleph, the operation is lead by Hector, and a chosen team of highly trained agents and remote controlled troopers. An Epsilon, Parvati, and 2 Betatroopers.
With them, a remote, a highly weaponized and mobile Peeler, and 2 Varangian.
Waiting to be deployed is a Crusher, in case things get ugly.

First turn, several orders to get in position. Epsilon ready to fire. Enemy deployment is messy, forces engaged are not ready for a Biotechvore outbreak. Things are already on our side.

Enemy’s bike down, kriza borax and engineer badly injured by the Epsilon who is firing through smoke.

Several orders later, being shot, no managing to get through because of a failed deployment, the Nomad loses faith and motivation. The biotechvore ate most of their troops. We come back home unharmed, with all our objectives completed, and all the enemy team incapacitated

From left to right, front then back : Hector Parvati beta KHD beta spec ops Epsilon MSR // Varang x2 crusher peeler
Zone of intervention
Starmada deployed first, moving first.
First turn, several orders to get in position. Epsilon ready to fire. Enemy deployment is messy, forces engaged are not ready for a Biotechvore outbreak. Things are already on our side.
Enemy's bike down, kriza borax and engineer badly injured by the Epsilon who is firing through smoke.
Enemy moved at his turn, dodging shots, getting hurt, being in difficulty due to the failed deployment
Several orders later, being shot, no managing to get through because of a failed deployment, the Nomad loses faith and motivation. The biotechvore ate most of their troops. We come back home unharmed, with all our objectives completed, and all the enemy team incapacitated