Durgama Takeover


Decapitation vs Tunguska

Yu Jing
VS Nomads

Turn 1 went to the Jade empire, the nomads proceeded to castle up in one corner of the board and hinder the Movement of the yu Jing forces by pinning them down. A link of hollowmen and a szalamandra taking positions on a building in the corner to defend the HVTs.

A monk and Liang Kai moved under cover of smoke but were also pinned by a cheerkiller. The monk attempted to throw smoke to allow the jujak pain train to advance out of sight of the szala and the hollowmen, this failed and the monk was plugged.
The ShangJi then advanced behind cover and the rest of the orders were spent taking out the szala with a ShangJi ap hmg.
Turn 1 of the nomads were spent moving up the board and repositioning. A number of shots were tanked by the blue wolf and one HVT was claimed by the opponent.

YJ turn 2 saw a tiger soldier cause havok in the opponent’s deployment taking out both HVTs, a clockmaker and causing a wound on the opponent’s LT, a Kriza. Turn 2 nomads, moving up and some more potshots at the bluewolf who had yet to take a wound!, The tiger soldier was shot and killed by the hollowmen. Turn 3 YJ, the final would of the Kriza was taken by the ShangJi and pain train moved round to cover the remaining YJ HVT. Turn 3 nomads, a shot by the hollow man combi rifle trades with the hvy flamer from the blue wolf, while the hollowmen burns to a crisp the bluewolf cops 4 hits and fails all his saves! Down to a combi!! The remaining hollowman superjumps to a vantage point and takes out the last YJ HVT. Alas it’s not enough and the YJ Lt survived to fight again. Game ends 10 – 4

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Yu Jing