Durgama Takeover


Ariadna Tartray vs nomads bakunin

Geralt of Rivia
VS Nomads
Bayard 000

we rolled off to determine who would would win initiative, the bakunin player won the roll fairly under his (wip),
however, i rolled way over what i needed and lost the roll. then the bakunin player decided to go first, so i was able
to pick who deployed first.. well i decided to deploy first. i held no models in reserve other than what was not on the
filed (camo markers).

Turn 1

First half bakunin /
in the first turn he activated his task master and moved him into a good position and then took a shot
at my irmandinho that was in cover, we rolled off because i was going to use smoke on my position however he beat my roll and i had to make 3
saves which i failed and my unit died. next order on the task master again, at the time the task master was out in the open
so he used the first part of his order to get into cover, his second action was to shoot another of my irmandinho that was also in cover i
tried to counter with smoke but i failed the roll and he passed with two hits, i rolled and failed one and saved another but my unit was put into
the unconscious condition. he activated his task master again and took a shot at my ratnik, (both in cover) the order was a bust, however he
had more orders to burn. he activated again and opened fire, and i decided to shoot back and this time my ratnic beat him and did 1 wound with a
panzer Faust, after that he was determined to use another order on his task master to kill my ratnic, he took another shot at it and rolled well
and i didn’t my ratnik went out in glory. next he activated his moderator and moved him to wear he could see my last irmandinho and then took a shot
at him i decided to use smoke with my unit witch became another face-to-face roll, witch i won and deployed smoke down at my feet. after he absolutely
destroyed my left line of troops i was kinda worried. he had also moved up his kusanagi in cover up the left side of the bord, after that he moved up
his reputnicks and his chimera.

second half ariadna /
ah yes my turn. i had to activate my irmandinho because of impetuous i move/moved him up the bord into cover going near the closest unit.
my next unit i activated was my line kazack that was on the far right of the board i moved him up and the the other player
had an aro he could do with his sin eater he landed 2 of the 4 shoots and i failed all my saves ( i decided just to move again and try to eat it and died).
i activated my next kazack that was on the same side of the board just a little ways behind him, i activated him with an order and moved him up the board
basically the same as the other one that had just died however this time when i moved/moved his aro was to shoot, he made 2 hits and when i went to roll i failed 1 and saved the other.
the next unit was my antipode pack which moved/moved for their irregular order, after that i activated them again and move/moved closer to the enemy so i could try and get into close combat
but what i realized to late is he had mines placed which i rolled to save the two that had got hit but it was little too late my front antipode went unconscious
the second antipode in line made the doge and got out of the way. my next unit that i activated was pavel, and i tried to shoot his sin eater that was out in
the open and he decided to shoot back, and we face to face rolled and i lost, so i had to roll to save against his weapon and failed then my unit entered unconscious.
i used an order to move/move my vet kasak up to the objective point however i didn’t realize that he couldn’t activate it so he just stood there, next order i moved my
kasak that was behind him i move/moved her into a position to help the vet out.

Turn 2

First half bakunin, his first activation was his task master he could see my vet kasak from his position and decided to open fire on him and i decided that i should
shoot back so then we had a face-to-face roll witch he ended up failing and i was able to get a hit on him and then he rolled to save and failed and became unconscious
after that, he activated his hidden unit the prowler moved for his first action then activated the objective in the middle ( inside the building ), the with another order
he moved the unit out of the building onto the roof top and then prone. he activated her again and then mover her prone to the edge of the roof so he could see my vet kasak
and his next action was to shoot him, he passed his rolls, but i did not pass when i tried to doge and then i failed my saves against his unit and my vet kas was killed. he
activated his kusanagi and just moved her up the stairs on the left side of his bord, after her he activated the reputniks and the chimera and moved the up the stairs as well.

second half ariadna, i spent two orders to drop in my spetsnaz units into (my left his right) side of the bord (basically to try and get some points) the sin eater rao
the one on the left rolling 3 good hits, i went to save and failed all 3 and died, the other spetsnaz landed and was rao by the closest morlock with was an auto hit and
then when i rolled to save another one bites the dust. at this point i was below operational standards and went into the retreat.

victory for the bakunin !!!

by turn 2 i had allready lost but it was really fun, i know this bat rep may look a little strange this is my first one that i have writen up for people to read, also
i couldn’t save the list to my laptop so i have shared the codes for the lists that were used in the game today.


bakunin list


Tartray list


i am shareing the codes if yall would like to check them out, for ariadna/tartray and nomads/ bakunin

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Recommend Commander For Commendation

2 People Recommended Geralt of Rivia for commendation

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Bayard 000