Durgama Takeover


Operation Deus Vult

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VS Haqqislam

Prologue - Where do you keep the bananas?

Diamondback the Interventor was sitting over one of the servers on the ship's bow. The Military Orders were organizing a retreat back into friendly lines, leaving the Nomads to cover their asses once again and they had orders to hold this area, reclaim some sensitive data the Black Hand had introduced through a rogue AI and clear the servers of any unfriendly programs the CA might have put in.

"Hey, Back," the Morlock named Alfie called through the comms.

"Yeah, Alf?"

"There are a bunch of Morats here claiming that they're friendly."

"Now what did I tell you, Alf?" Diamondback asked, exasperated.

"The monkeys aren't our friends?"

"The monkeys aren't our friends."

Nomad comms were filled with Alfie's battlecry alerting the Nomad contingent that they were under attack.

-Nomad Raveneye friendly fire incident with Haqqislam, logged and sealed by order of the Black Hand. Annotated in a literary style by a very bored Black Hand analyst.

Deployment - 8 CRRRC Raveneye Defense Corps

8 Working Angel Combined Rapid Response and Reconnaissance Company
Casum Angelorum Timete

Raveneye Defense Contingent - Task Force Bad Tech Support

Diamondback - Interventor
Mary Problems
Carlota Kowalsky
Reaktion Zond - Nosy Neighbor, Moe Moe Kyun
Boot - Zero KHD
Danny Boy - Rem Racer
Die Morlock Gruppe - Alfie
Elmo - Puppet Master
Reach Heaven - Beasthunters

Nomad Force. The camera shy ones are the Beasthunter and Zero
Carlota Kowalsky in the time out box
The Haqqislam soldiers with the errant Krakot Renegades
Wound up with a classified I couldn't complete.
The Nomad deployment.
Haqqislam deployment

Deployment Notes

1. I managed to win the Lt. roll and chose to take initiative.
2. I deployed to cover the middle and western flank with TR bots. The Zero infiltrated close to the western console while the Beasthunter forward deployed close to the east console.
3. Had the one Morlock at the center and then had the rest of my group placed near servers.

Top of 1 - Nominal Conditions

"In space, only the Nomads can hear you scream."
-Old Nomad military saying

Alfie was ready to charge the Morats. He had his gun ready, but he remembered his old mentor's teachings. "Remember Alfie," the scarred, old bastard of an ex-Morlock said. "The mission came first." Now, most Morlocks ignored this advice in favor of just rushing forward and bashing heads in but Alfie was a more thoughtful sort as long as you took the time to explain things to him. He saw Boot slinking forward to secure the console that the group had been tasked to hold and he lowered his gun, albeit reluctantly, to support him with smoke.

Alfie takes an impetuous order and then an irregular order to get into position and pop smoke over the window to cover the console.
With the Haqq troopers hunkered down, Mary Problems throws a pitcher into range of two hackers.
The Nomad brain spike special

"This is Boot. I've got the console secure and I know the location of the compromised server."

"Copy, Boot. Hold there and keep the other console secure. We just need to stand our ground--help is on the way," Diamondback replied.

He watched as Mary inched forward, ever the cool Nomad operator and used her pitcher. It flew true, extending her repeated range, and she used Trinity to take down two OpFor hackers before Diamondback could even boot up his own HD+. The hacker from Tunguska was a professional and even he was impressed...and just a little bit intimidated.

I use my last couple of orders to plant mines, and reposition Mary and a TR bot.

Top of 1

1. Rolled metachemistry PH +3. Took the impetuous turn and the irregular to move the Morlock forward and smoke, though there weren't really any AROs as Kampilan chose to preserve his forces in anticipation of my taking initiative.
2. Walked the Zero to the console with stealth. Flipped it, allowing me to figure out which of the Servers held the rogue AI (roll resulted in the center server).
3. Mary Problems throws a pitcher, also unopposed and catches two Haqqislam hackers (the Mukhtar and Hassassin Barid). They attempt to Oblivion but both get caught by Mary's Trinity upgrade. The Mukhtar was the designated hacker to hold the special mission program.
4. I use the Beasthunter's order to move him up to the room with the console to tarpit. I also similarly move the TR bot at the center forward and get Mary prone.

Bottom of 2 - Friendly Fire Isn't Actually Very Friendly

The Morats roared. Finally a good fight and no more of that "these humans are friendlies" shit their employers kept insisting on. The rushed forward, eager for the fight.

Alfie manages to succeed on dodging against the Red Fury and hops through window to get closer.
Muttawi'ah inching closer using the corridor not covered by the TR bots.
Another passed dodge allows the Morlock to move even closer. The renegade eventually exposes himself to the TR bot and dies but not without taking the Morlock with him, knocking out one of my DA CCWs.
The Nahab hacker walks in. The Beasthunter attempts to Flammenspeer but misses.
With the Beasthunter revealed, the other Krakot Renegade sacrifices himself to kill the Beasthunter and the repeater.
With the Beasthunter gone, the Nahab succeeds in Net Undermine and taking Mary Problems by surprise.
End of Bottom 1

End of Bottom 1

1. Kampilan duels the Morlock. Eventually manages to take him down, but getting killed by the TR Bot in the process. He declines to use the impetuous of the second Krakot Renegade
2. Nahab walks in. The Beasthunter can see and attempts to Flammenspeer, revealing himself. The attack misses.
3. The Krakot now breaks cover, triggering the shock mine and dying to the Heavy Flamer of the Beasthunter who also dies from Chain Rifle fire.
4. With the path cleared, the Nahab manages to get the Net Undermine Classified and kill Mary Problems.

End of Round 1

Flip a Console - 1VP

Net Undermine - 1VP

Notes and Thoughts
1. TTS being moody again. This time most of the rolls favored me with a lot of lucky crits during the first half of Bottom 1 with the Morlock dodging and later on in the game.
2. Winning the Lt. roll was really crucial for me. I had taken counterintelligence to counter the lost orders and I wanted first to ensure that I could saturate the middle with mines and other roadblocks. It also allowed me to take the safer of the two consoles. Not winning it wouldn't have been the end of the world, but it really made sure that the list I made worked optimally.

Top of 2 - Casum Angelorum Timete

"We've confirmed the location of the target. You know what to do."

The wall exploded, as Carlota used the breach to enter the server room. She grinned cockily as she noticed a shadow in the corner of her eye. A duel ensued, but she was a Tomcat in her element. There was no way she was losing this fight. She saw her opponent get hit and disappear from sight and she moved towards the objective. She was setting up the D-Charges only to catch another shadow in the corner of her eye. She had a split second decision to make. She could turn or fight or she could finish the mission. She knew what she had to do.

Tomcat Sgt. Carlota Kowalsky deploying like a big damn hero.
Gets bogged down by Leila Sharif but weight of fire eventually wins over.
Carlota manages to use the D-Charge to kill the target console but falls to shotgun fire.
With Carlota getting bogged down, I only had one order left after which I used to drop another mine.

End of Top 2

1. Taking a book from Van Zant, Kowalsky walks into the enemy deployment zone, takes out Leila Sharif and manages to complete the objective.
2. I continue the plan and just drop a mine to run interference at the consoles.

Bottom 2 - Console Chaos

The Haqqislam contingent fired into the ship's corridors. They had no idea how things could've gone so belly up. Weren't the Nomads holding this position?! If the Nomads were gone, no one was left to hold the consoles, and those held critical information. The Muttawi'ah and the Nahab knew it was up to them.

Muttawi'ah sacrifices herself to trigger the mine and take out the Zero.
The Nahab manages to flip the console and tries to engage a TR bot. The TR bot manages to win thanks to crits even with a total -6 to BS.

Bottom 2

1. The Muttawi'ah clears the room allowing the Nahab to reach the console and flip it.
2. The Nahab then attempts to take out the TR bot. Crits on both side on the first roll, and then a crit on the second try by the TR bot sees the Nahab going down.
3. With the server on the lower right side guarded by another TR bot and virtually no orders left for Kampilan to try and reach the server with the Fiday, we decide to call it quits here.

Flip a Console - 1VP
Kill the Rogue AI - 3VP
Destroy More Servers - 2VP
Rogue AI Not Destroyed - 2VP
No Servers Destroyed - 1VP
Total - 9VP

Flip a Console - 1VP
Net Undermine - 1VP
Total - 2VP

Thoughts and Notes
1. The mission really did favor Nomad trickery, and the dice gods favored me this time around after the disastrous rolls I got previously.
2. Really played to Vanilla Nomads' strengths between the strong hacking, and area denial. Carlota also made it easy to get the objective, even if she did have to take a ton of orders to get there.
3. We both deduced that Kampilan got too focused with the hacker bonuses. It probably would have been better for him to build a more aggressive list instead of playing against a mechanic where Nomads have the clear advantage, especially with the tighter 200 points that we had to work with.


"Cease fire!" Diamondback shouted. "They're Haqq. Crap," he said. He had been observing the fight through Moe Moe Kyun and the Nomad remote had finally gotten a better look at the rest of the contacts that they had been shooting at.

"Fuck fuck fuck," he repeated. They couldn't let their erstwhile allies know about their own retrieval mission, but the friendly fire still sucked. "Let them go," he said. "We've already retrieved our intel, and taken out the target. We're out of here."

They had done their mission as far as they were concerned. The higher ups could deal with the politics of it all.

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