Durgama Takeover


Are we sure they were Shasvastii?

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VS Haqqislam

Reports from a confidential source with connections to the Black Hand confirm a Shasvastii force operating in the Port Battery disguised as a Haqqislam relief force. Our orders are to apprehend the intruders for questioning - lethal force is authorized to ensure compliance.

Breaches in the ship's hull have scattered the area of operations in zero-g terrain. Our forces set up to sweep the area searching for the Alien threat.
While seeking cover near one of the breaches, our Heckler operative is hit with a rocket out of nowhere and succumbs to burns.
On our opposite flank, our other Heckler is discovered by forces that appear to be the target. These must be the Shasvastii infiltrators pretending to be our Haqqislam allies!
With his cover blown, the Heckler is able to deploy a FastPanda into cover before being gunned down by a fireteam.
With the repeater deployed our hackers waste no time locking on to the enemy, quickly spotlighting as many members of the opposing squad as possible, preparing to call in guided missiles at the soonest opportunity.
In a bid to avoid the tactic one of the infiltrators appears from under a moving cactus (we probably should have been more suspicious of this in hindsight) to take aim at our Vertigo Zond.
But today, Machine beats Man, er... Alien. (They are aliens, right??)
The opposing fireteam continues to push into our flank, while our Hackers prepare to rain missiles on them. Our Zondnautica Hacker is eliminated, but our Interventor keeps the up the Quantronic warfare necessary to repel the attack. One of the local toughs hired for the engagement showed up with a flamethrower, which was exactly the deterrent needed to hold the corner.
Our Vertigo's luck ran out, as rockets exploded all around it, setting fire to its entire position, decommissioning it quite effectively.
With the Vertigo out of commission, our puppets pushed into the center of the AO, discovering and eliminating 2 additional Cacti. But with their shock weaponry, survivors who could be questioned were surprisingly absent.
Attempts to acquire a survivor on the opposite flank lead by the Bounty Hunter pair led to friendly fatalities, blunting the assault.

Our Interventor was able to mask herself as one of the enemies to avoid drawing unnecessary fire in the counter attack.

With that accomplished, our heavy weapons were brought to bare, with the Vostok Sputnik climbing into position to eliminate the enemy Rocket Launchers.
It was extremely effective.
One of the infiltrators slipped past multiple friendlies who had eyes on to reach the Puppet Master, who was unable to defend himself.
With the entire opposing fireteam now spotlit, our attack vectors were thinning out, with none of our goals yet accomplished.
The Vostok after being rattled by an Asawira got off a snapshot putting the Asawira on the ground, but the Alien was able to regenerate (wait, I'm pretty sure Haqqislam has incredible medical advances too... My cousin's friend's dad says all the Asawira can regenerate.)

[IMAGE REDACTED] Fiddler, with the support of the Vostok and Perseus was finally able to reach the infiltrator who had attempted to shoot the Vertigo Zond early in the operation. [EYES ONLY CLEARANCE] During the brief interrogation of the unconscious Daylami in which she scored Extreme Prejudice, she confirmed they were in fact not Shasvastii. Further references to any Haqqislam presence in the AO will be official denied. Unofficially, reparation payments have been made through several shell corporations[/END EYES ONLY]

The Vostok was able to finish off the "Shasvastii" fireteam near the Interventor, before rejoining the rest of the strike team in a defensive position.
Unfortunately, Bob from Accounting (why did we think an Accountant would come on this mission again??) turned out to be a Fiday assassin who snuck past the fireteam and assassinated the Interventor!

The record will indicate it was a, um..., must have been a Speculo, not a Fiday, of course.

With on the ground Command and Control abilities degraded, our forces were unable to accomplish their primary objectives. Many of our highly trained specialists and our Lieutenant didn't make it back.

Command would like to issue a special commendation for the local WarCor on the scene, who, after surviving the battle, and succeeding at several critical flash pulses throughout, including preventing the enemy from acquiring any lethal weapons that may have been present in the panoply, has retired without filing any additional reports. Many members of his family have retired early after a series of extremely fortunate, and entirely above board, lottery winnings back on the Tunguska mothership.

Post action investigation indicates that any information indicating any Haqq presence in the area, if there had been any, was actually Shasvastii may have been planted by the Shasvastii...

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