Durgama Takeover


The brothers Chucky - Mission 2

VS Yu Jing

The Brothers Chucky
The stories of Dash and KB
Mission 2

After the success of their previous mission The Brothers Chucky returned to Nomad HQ, upon arrival they were immediately rushed into a secure meeting with their commanding officer. The topic of conversation….. Their next mission, no rest for this wicked pair.

New mission report.

There is a Yu-Jing force set up and harrying a Nomad contingent. We need to make a stand; the objective is the Yu-Jing specialists, Dr’s, Engineers, comms technicians, Lieutenants.

KB was in transport ship #2 he was paired with a bunch of scruffy looking gangsters straight from the local block (2 x diablos and 2 x jaguars) along with a peculiar looking remote, one which was said to be able to shoot guided missiles, KB remembered the previous mission and the support fire provided by the Vertigo. KB was minding his own business cleaning his breaker combi and pistols, along with honing his blade of choice.

Dash was in transport ship #1 along with some very specialised troops indeed. 2 of the best specialised hackers known to the Nomad force along with probably the most versatile hacker in the Nomads “Jazz” and her amusing sidekick Billie. There were also a couple of Moran hunters, These midfield specialists with koalas and repeaters, a true thorn in most enemy outfits side. Dash was enjoying the company of the 2 Interventors and Jazz.

The briefing in HQ was a relatively simple one. The Diablos, Jaguars and Diggers were to act as crowd control, corner defence and roadblocks for any enemy troops which tried to penetrate the dz and the Nomad specialists. The Morans were midfield control, hide out in a building to take advantage of their repeaters and to set their koalas onto perimeter deterrence mode, ready to activate at the slightest movement. Any troops that came within the repeater network would be spotlight and have missile rain down on them. Dash was flank control, taking out stubborn targets or forcing them back into the midfield for the hackers to take care off. KB was to dig out any midfield specialists that were bunkered down and refused to budge.

Day 1 of the battle started with the Yu-Jing force moving cautiously into the midfield trying best to avoid any reaction. This was indeed a delicate situation. 1 moment all was quiet and the next a buzzing beeping angry little koala just up and charged, KB turned his head to the sound up ahead and saw an enemy Kuang-shi also charging but he was charging the koala, it was the strangest sight and KB was be-wildered. The koala collected the Kuang-shi and exploded on impact, a moment later a secondary explosion from the Kuang-shi. The Yu-Jing force spent a lot of day 1 re-positioning some big hitting troops into the midfield, Dash and KB heard through the grape vine of the chonky Mowang and Battle cat being located near by along with a Remote bot who can see through smoke.

Dash decided to take control of his flank. Charging around a corner to take aim at the Rui-shi and firing his hmg at long range. A quick 4 round burst which landed 3 hits, 2 of which penetrating the Rui-shi armour and putting it down. Dash was not finished there continued to push up not seeing but sensing someone nearby, remembering his on board repeater he radioed back to dz to see if anything was showing up on the comms screens, Jazz assured him she had this and a couple of moments later a missile came hurtling through the sky to miss Dash narrowly and land squarely on the Mowang. A chain of explosions followed, 2 in quick succession then a 3rd a small time later. Jazz laughing through her radio informed Dash that not only did the Mowang take a couple of damage but the blast radius also collected an unsuspecting Kuang-shi in the process. KB had a quiet day 1, only moving up the field of battle whilst staying safe.

Day 2 came around and the Yu-Jing battle cat marched on and wounding 1 of the Morans and getting a bead on the 2 diggers in the deployment zone. The Mowang pushed up on his last legs only to be shot from above by a Moran with a boarding shotgun. This ending the battle for the Mowang. Dash progressed up the battlefield taking out a long range defensive turret (Long-Ya) after the camouflaged remote revealed to take a shot, whilst KB stumbled upon a camouflaged Guilang, this proved to be little more then a speed bump from KB’s end goal. He moved deeper and deeper into the enemy backline, eliminating a mobile torch as he thought of them.

On day 3 the Su-Jian began by trying to take down more troops, succeeding by wounding the poor Billie and the 2 Jaguars before finally falling to the Diablos guards. KB running and jumping his way through the enemy dz managed to elimate a couple more kuang-shi before coming across a camouflaged figure. He discovered the Dayoing before putting him unconscious with a stroke of his blade but taking a wound in return. This sent white flags waving and retreat sirens blaring and the battle ended quickly from there.

The Nomads contingent managed to take out 2 specialist troops whilst only losing 1 themselves. Losing a man in battle is never acceptable, the diggers, jaguars and moran were unable to be revived and it was a very sombre ride back to HQ.

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2 People Recommended Chucky26 for commendation

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