Durgama Takeover


Atrápame esas simbiontes

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VS Combined Army

As soon as we arrived at the area, several of the members of the squad ran into one of those symbiotic beings, added to the imminent attack, we were overcome, two specular assassins infiltrated near our defensive lines revealed themselves very close to us, thanks to the peelers and the mad traps were able to overcome that ambush.

In one of the shootouts we were even able to tag and get information from one of the killers.

Already being alert we saw several infiltrated operatives arrive in the second line, when we managed to overcome the attack we began to take up positions leaning on a Zeta that was ambushed by a Noctifero with a missile launcher, but thanks to the Varangian guard we were able to get out of the well, eliminating the second murderer that was hit by one of the defensive weapons and with one of the remotes repaired we were able to hold our line, but the enemy was deep inside and well positioned.

We continued to endure several attacks while we saw how they connected to the installation system, immediately we saw some horrible and very violent creatures quickly approaching, if it were not for the defensive weapons and the soldiers in suppression fire we would have succumbed horribly.

At the last moment we decided to take the initiative and clean up that site, we almost lost the Zeta to a couple of hackers, luckily the cyber defenses held out and we were able to recover the station for a few meters, connect to the terminals and block the system.

This is just the first contact, next time we won’t be so lucky.

Nada más llegar a la zona varios de los miembros de la escuadra se toparon con una de esos seres simbióticos, sumado al inminente ataque, nos vimos superados, dos asesinas especulares infiltradas cerca de nuestras líneas defensivas se revelaron muy cerca nuestro, gracias a los peeler y los mad traps pudimos sobrellevar esa emboscada.

En uno de los tiroteos incluso pudimos marcar y conseguir información de una de las asesinas.

Ya estando alerta vimos llegar varios operativos infiltrados en segunda línea, cuando conseguimos sobreponernos al ataque comenzamos a tomar posiciones apoyándonos en un Zeta que fue emboscado por un Noctifero con un lanzamisiles, pero gracias a la guardia Varangian pudimos salir del pozo, eliminada la segunda asesina que estaba pegada por una de las armas defensivas y con uno de los remotos reparados pudimos mantener nuestra línea, pero el enemigo estaba muy dentro y bien posicionado.

Seguimos aguantando varios envites mientras veíamos como se conectaban al sistema de la instalación, enseguida vimos unas criaturas horribles y muy violentas acercarse rápidamente, de no ser por las armas defensivas y los soldados en fuego de supresión hubiéramos sucumbido horriblemente.

En el último momento decidimos tomar la iniciativa y limpiar ese sitio, casi perdemos el Zeta por un par de hacker, menos mal que las ciberdefensas aguantaron y pudimos por pocos metros llegar a recuperar la estación, conectarnos a los terminales y bloquear el sistema.

Esto solo es el primer contacto, la próxima vez no tendremos tanta suerte.

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