Durgama Takeover


Last thorakites standing

View Linked Report - CLICK HERE 150 POINTS
VS Combined Army

Steel Phalanx vs Onyx (SP won the initiative and chose to play first)

Deployment SP:
A fireteam of 3 thorakitai: 1 Marksman rifle and 2 with SMGs (one FO)
A fireteam of 4 myrmidons: 2 CR, 1 Officer with boarding shotgun and Eudoros that I deployed last as a surprise
2 Netrods: 1 of them scattered outside the map and was destroyed

Deployment Onyx:
Fireteam Core: Umbra Legate with Spitfire, Nexus with Combi rifle and 3 Unidrons (FOs) with plasma carbines
2 Ikadrons
Bit & KISS!
2 Imetrons: One of them scattered toward my side of the board.

SP deployment
Imetron Scattered
Onyx Deployment

Game Round 1

Game Round 1: Steel Phalanx goes first! Onyx uses a command token to remove 2 orders reducing them to 6.
Myrmidon officer moves first with her squad and boarding shotguns the enemy imetron antenna at point blank. It did not stand a chance!

Then Eudoros takes the lead and moves to a corner where he is able to see the enemy Nexus Operative. He opens up with his Mk12 and the Nexus operative goes down in the shootout. It seems it was the enemy Lieutenant. Also the enemy fireteam is disbanded since this was their fireteam leader.

SP infintrating the ZO with smoke and going into SF

Then the Thorakitai Marksman rifle takes the lead and shoots the enemy KISS!. KISS! chooses to aim its adhesive launcher at the Thorakitai FO. It misses but takes 2 wounds from the MR Thorakitai. It goes down.

The same unit moves forward towards the edge and attacks the 2 enemy Unidrons. They both fall to their wounds as the Thorakitai stands victorious.

Myrmidon officer is revealed as the Lieutenant and uses its order to put a smoke near the ZO entrance.

Now at the end of turn, the myrmidon fireteam moves inside the objective with the 2 chain rifle myrmidons and then with the last order and a command token (coordinated order) the 2 fireteams break and the 3 thorakitai and Eudoros are put in suppressive fire mode.
Eudoros stayed at the edge of the board so he must check for an BTS save to resist the disease. He fails so he now is in NWI.

Thorakites MR killing KISS! and 2 Unidrons
The affected Onyx units

Onyx goes second: Except the Antenna, everyone produces an Irregular Order and Onyx is in a bad situtation. Uses its last 3 Command Tokens to turn 3 Irregulars into Regulars.
Use of a coordinated order to move Bit, Umbra and the 2 Ikadrons. Bit goes face to face with the MR and SMG Thorakitai in suppressive modes. She contests 6 enemy rolls and crits with her. Dealing 2 armor saves to the MR thorakites with her SMG. He goes down.
At the same time an Ikadron goes towards the entrance and faces another Thorakites with suppressive fire. It manages to blind him and put him out of combat for this round.
The other Ikadron misses with its flash pulse aimed at Eudoros and the Legate takes one wound from Eudoros in a brutal face to face.
Ikadron tries to move out of sight but is struck down by Eudoros.

The Umbra Legate tries another 2 times to win a shootout with Eudoros but each of them stand in their ground.

With the last order the Legate moves out of cover and goes in another face to face with Eudoros. He crits and Eudoros falls to the ground.

End of Game Round 1: SP scores a single point for having units inside the ZO

The Mexican Shoutout!
Another Angle
End of Game Round 1

Game Round 2

Game Round 2: Steel Phalanx
Myrmidon Officer also moves inside the ZO after another one smokes the enemy side entrance. The 3 of them position themselves in a good crossfire but one myrmidon was greedy and tried to shoot his chain rifle through the smoke with Intuitive attack. He would hit 3 enemy units at the same time but fails his roll and when the smoke dissipates he will be vulnerable.

That was all of the 6 orders left of SP. Just securing the ZO.

Smoke and Intuitive

Onyx's turn:

Bit tries to move out of fire this turn but she is shot down by the Thorakitai SMG still in suppressive fire.

The Ikadron moves closer and flames both myrmidon at door and the Myrmidon Officer. The myrmidon goes down and the Officer is in NWI but still alive. Her ODD is completely destroyed now though.
The myrmidon chain rifles as a reaction before he goes down. He destroys the Antenna by the container and the Unidron behind it goes into Dogged mode. The Ikadron also takes a wound and goes unconscious but it did its job perfectly.

With the last few orders the Unidron charges forward in a frenzy. It shoots and kills the Thorakitai that was covering the doors on the other side. Then moves in and kills the Myrmidon Officer in point blank regardless of her using a boarding shotgun. ODD did not save her this time. Then it kills the Myrmidon at the side door since he fails to deploy a smoke grenade in time. After all of this amazing work... it falls to its wounds dead to the ground, but it basically cleared the whole room by itself!!!

With the Lieutenant order the Umbra Legates goes in the room and secures 2 Objective points for his side. 1 from being the only unit inside and 1 for being an essential personnel (NCO).

Rampaging Unidron

Legate got inside and scored the points

Game Round 3

Game Round 3: Steel Phalanx has just an Antenna and a Thorakitai SMG
Onyx is left just with a wounded spitfire Legate. Let's see who will win this final combat.

The thorakitai has his irregular order to use and the Antenna's. So he moves close to the ZO basically hugging the building and then side-steps and opens his SMG on Legate's face.
Legate chooses to shoot back with his trusty pistol. This is the final roll that will determine the match.

Thorakites rolls 3 rolls and only hits with 1, cancelling the 1 shot my the Umbra. It is a hit!
Now the Umbra Legate, already wounded, rolls to save the wound. He fails, and falls to the ground!

Steel Phalanx is victorious my a slight margin!!!

Being the last man standing, the thorakites scores 3 points for having more victory points than his enemy at the end of the match and makes the score to:

SP 4 - 2 Onyx!

What in the beginning seemed like an easy win for Aleph was made into a last man standing western shootout.

Last man standing!

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