Durgama Takeover


Team Omniscient vs The Svalarheima Hunters

Asura Amari
VS PanOceania

Once more unto the breach

The map

I am set up in the bottom left and right side of the board, my opponent in the top right.


Turn one for me was for the most part uneventful, I approached the game uncertain of how to deal with the knight of justice.

My first orders were spent on the proxy with HRL. I tried to pick up the auxbot sonthat my Lamedh could move into position unopposed but the auxbot manager to dodge twice, on the third try he managed to save the armour roll and guts back into cover.

From here I did two command orders to move my lambedhs and up the board, one climbing the stairs and going prone near my proxy sniper, move my Asura further up the board staying out of Los of the knight, I managed to get in range of one of his repeaters and the Asura managed to trinity his hacker off the map

Now that my objective achiever was in position I needed to clear the way for her.

I used the remaining orders in group 2 to move my Dakini team up, one of my Dakini snipers took up position in a sniper tower while the other stayed in the building he started on.

Picking a fight with the knight repeatedly as I went, my opponent rolled really well but ended up taking one wound and going prone.

Once the knight was out the way I moved the sniper again and managed to take down on rod his fusilier paramedics.

Turn one no objectives achieved but I managed to kill a paramedic.

Sneaky sneaky robots

Svalarheima turn one

Both Armies stood almost at a stalemate, I had two snipers covering one side of the board and the proxies covering the other.

He started with his Karhu moving up into position and picking a fight with my sniper proxy, we went back and forth each side unable to land a blow but on his thirs order my proxy managed to bring it home and knock the Karhu out.

He spent the rest of the orders in this pool moving the rest of his models up the board.

He used a paramedic to pick up his other paramedic and reforming the five man team. At this point his knight of justice stood back up and was ready to deal out the pain, he slowly moved towards me managing to beat one Dakini then the other.

He revealed he had brought Uma Sorenson and tried to get in position to strike next turn unfortunately though my Yudbot managed to reveal him so she went prone.

Aleph turn two

The little Yudbot that could became the little that couldn't, I tried to pick up my downers sniper but inadvertently killed him, must have been a bit of crossed wires ( that's a machine pun )

So instead I moved up my Deva who managed to double template Uma bringing her down before moving to the left objective but failing twice to secure it.

On my last order in the pool he managed to secure it but was left hiding behind the wall prone.

I moved my Asura up towards the middle of the board raining down bullets on his leftmost peace maker as i went he beat me on one go but the asuras armour managed to take it before I then I got him in revenge.

At this point I have an asura hiding in the central building while the remaining dakinis and proxies covering the entrance to the room my Asura was hiding in.

1 console activated.

Gunnar goes hunting

Out for revenge the Pano player starts aggressive, he moves Gunnar up and while he takes a wound from the proxies pistol, he managed to get in position and chain colts me, fortunately I manage my armour save but now that Gunnar is in dogged he decides to make the most of his time.

He uses his marksman rifle and manages to to crit my proxy which I final and go no wound incap, he tries again and managed to bring her down. He then rushes towards the central building but changes direction when he realises there's a proxy covering the entrance.

The hunt continues and Gunnar manages to kill two dakinis and the sophotec!!

Aleph turn three

A lot less orders at this point so at least it was a quick turn.

The Asura makes a will power test to give me an objective card, she then takes the middle antenna before going into impersonation and camping out on the enemy console

In order to protect her I move my remaining proxy up and get very brave with my Deva marching him up to the rooftop where the Koj and remaining paramedics are.

I template them as the Koj dodges but the paramedic gets caught up, he forces an armour save on the Deva forcing me into Nwi

Two antennas controlled, one objective card secured and I'm in range of of his HVT.

A final charge

Sensing their defeat the Knights turn it to eleven.

The Koj dives at the Deva who gets a template blast off before it's cut down, the Asura reveals herself out of impersonation state and manages to carbonate the knight.

Kyle Hawkins is the next up to bat, he rushed over towards my side of the board he crashes into the final proxy pinning him in place a crate, combat weapon stabbing into the proxies synthetic body.

My Asura reaches out again and managed to carbonite Kyle as well.

Game called

Stab ! It was super effective
Final score

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Asura Amari