Durgama Takeover


For the best experience you should create a FREE account, which will allow you to get involved in the campaign and unlock additional content and features!

Step 1:

Click on the Register or Login link in the top menu.

Step 2:

Complete the form as required.

Username – Will be displayed to others in the battle as your Commander Name.

Email Address – Type it twice to confirm it is correct. If you have participated in a previous campaign be sure to use the same email address to unlock an achievement!

Faction – Please ensure that you have selected the faction you intend to play as; commanders can not change it themselves once registered.

(If this is required contact Warconsole Support).

Password – Enter your chosen password twice for confirmation. You can use a combination of lower and upper case letters, numbers, and symbols. Maximum length is 50 characters.

Step 3:

Click Submit and you’re ready for battle!

Welcome Aboard Commander!


Need further assistance? Contact Warconsole Support with the Campaign and screenshots relevant to the issue – [email protected]

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