Durgama Takeover


By the Emperor’s Will

Yu Jing
VS O-12

By the Emperor’s Will

Dramatis Personae:

The Dragon’s Claw
• Commander Xiao (Crane Rank)
• Major Yang (Pheasant Rank)
• Nina Watson (Sophotect)
• Taowu
• Sergeant Yiu (Kuang Shi controller)
• Corporal Huang (Celestial Guard Hacker)
• Lóng (Su-Jian HSG)
• Fènghuáng (Su-Jian Spitfire)
• Imperial Scribe Chao (warcor)

Defenders of Zebu Station
• Saladin
• Commander Steve Masterson (Bronze)
• Sir Julian Fragiomini (Knight of Santiago)
• Cpl. Marc Evans (Epsilon)
• Betatrooper 42069

Prologue: The Emperor’s Will

The stealth shuttle screamed towards the Zebu Symbioresearch Labs. Cdr. Xiao sat in quiet contemplation, preparing himself for the mission to come. His Geist notified him that it was Cpl. Huang.

“What is it corporal?”, Xiao asked without looking up.

Huang stopped, “Sir, I was wondering if you would clarify something?”, the celestial guard asked.

“Why are we heading to Zebu instead of joining the other Yu-Jing forces at Cameliard?”

Xiao sighed, “Because corporal, we are not here to do the will of the State Government like the common soldiers of the Invincible Army. We are Dragon’s Claw, we carry out the will of the Emperor.”

Xiao stood, addressing the entirety of the squad. “The Emperor has tasked us with retrieving information on the Tohaa and their symbiotes. Zebu is the greatest repository of that knowledge. So we go to Zebu.”

The rest of the squad nodding in understanding.

“This OP has not been authorized by the State Government, and we are acting in violation of O-12’s laws. But that does not matter. The will of the Emperor transcends such things. However, in order to keep the piece the Oberhaus must not find out. To that end you shall leave no trace that we were there, not survivor to tell the tale”.

Cdr. Xiao’s Geist flashed a warning that the shuttle had arrived at its destination.

“Prepare to disembark, and secure your biotechnical defences. That facility’s neuroviral containment swarms have been activated and they will not hesitate to end you.”

The members of the Dragon’s Claw prepared for landing, double checking their biotechnical shields and weapons. Cpl. Huang moved to the back of the shuttle and began to activate his enslave Kuang Shi, ensuring that they were properly linked to his control device. Nearby Nina began activating the two Su Jian that had been brought along on the mission. The robotic beasts flexed and stretched their synthetic limbs, prepared to lead the charge.

Imperial Scribe Chao looked up as Xhao approached him. “Stay close to Sgt. Yiu, let him lead the way but follow close behind. Do you understand?”

Chao nodded.

“Once the area is clear access their systems and get the information the Emperor desires. We won’t have long”.

As the bay door of the shuttle opened the Su-Jian lept form the craft, landing deftly on the ground and scanning for enemies. The bounding mechanical beasts quickly secured the area as the rest of the team repelled from the craft.

– Beep – Beep – Beep –

“Enemy spotted…Starmada forces heading this direction”

Starmada Deployment
ISS Deployment
ISS Classifieds

Chapter 1.1: The Enemy Unseen

Dragon’s Claw took up defensive positions as they observed the Starmada forces advancing towards them. After a moment Cdr. Xiao realized that the Starmada forces were not responding to their presence, rather they were fleeing from the growing clouds of nanovirus and heading towards a null-zone ahead of their position.

“Corporal Huang, access their systems and disable their long-range comms. I don’t want them letting anyone know we are here”.

Cpl. Huang nodded and began his work. “Long-range comms disabled, Sir. I have hacked into their surveillance systems and masked our presence”.

Cdr. Xiao watched the O-12 forces approaching their position. It was a small enemy force, but a heavily armed one. Moving toward his position on the left flank he marked a Bronze accompanying a PanOceanian Knight down the field.

Bronze and Santiago advance up the ISS left flank

In the enemy centre a Lawkeeper and Oko Copperbot raced forward. Normally Xiao would have assumed they were scouting the position, but given the urgency and pursuing nanovirus he believed that they were merely using their speed to get away from the swarm as quickly as possible.

Lawkeeper and Oko advance up the enemy centre

On the right flank, opposite Sgt. Yiu and his Kuang Shi, a team of two Betatroopers and an Epsilon moved up into the null zone resting against some containers. The fools thought they were safe.

“Lóng, Fènghuáng, ready neural rounds for the Betas. We need to make sure that the feedback kills their operators before they can report our presence”, Cdr. Xiao directed.

Betatroopers and Epsilon advance toward the Kuang Shi on the ISS right flank
The haris team takes up a defensive position in the midfield

Through the facilities cameras Cdr. Xiao watched as Saladin himself emerged from a drop transport and began hurrying towards the null zone. As he watched, he saw the nanovirus eating away at the legendary commander’s body. The same nanovirus was approaching his own troops, it was time to strike.

Saladin coordinates with the Oko, Varangian, and Kytta...
but Saladin, the Varangian, and the Kytta fail to escape the zone and suffer a wound.

Chapter 1.2: The Dragon and The Phoenix

The order came to advance, Sgt. Yiu activated his Kuang Shi and sent them hurtling towards the for. Caught unaware the enemy would suffer under such a barrage, and the Kuang Shi were expendable. For they were no different than the bullets in his combi rifle, ammunition to be spent.

Kuang Shi dissolve fireteam and impetuous up the field

As the Kuang Shi began their advance Cdr. Xiao let his team forward along the exterior of the building towards the enemy Knight, taking cover behind a nearby console as Maj. Yang advanced advanced within.

Xiao leads his haris of Celestial Guard Hacker, and Dakini HMG (actually Taowu) up the left flank
Pheasant uses his tactical awareness order to move forward


The two Su-Jian transformed into their mobility forms and began bounding down the main corridor of the complex. As the robotic beast bounded forward Xhao watched as the enemy began to become aware that they were there.

The Su-Jian transform (for the first of many times) and dash forward

"They know we’re here, kill them all”, Xiao ordered.

Without stopping, Lóng transformed back into combat mode sliding to the exterior window of the complex, coming face to face with a stunned and confused Lawkeeper. The Lawkeeper turned and fired his shotgun, its bulets tearing into Lóng as the Su-Jian fired his shotgun, tearing apart the mounted officer. The first blood had been spilled.

HSG Su-Jian transforms and moves up to blast Lawkeeper and Oko. Oko dodges and Lawkeeper goes down while wounding the robokitty

All caution thrown to the wind, Sgt. Yiu and his Kuang Shi dashed through the facility. As the approached the enemy position Betatrooper 42069 dodged from behind a wall and fired upon the advancing enemy. One of the Kuang Shi fired back as the enemy sprayed nanobots in their direction. The fire from the Kuang Shi’s chain rifle bounced harmlessly off of the robot. In turn the, the Beta’s spray ate into Sgt. Yiu’s armour, causing him to collapse to the ground in pain.

Forgetting about templates the celestial guard controller goes down to the Beta's nanopulsar. The Beta and two Kuang Shi pass their saves

Having eliminated the Lawkeeper the Su-Jian transformed and prepared to advance further into the enemy’s line.

“Hold” Nina commanded as she darted towards the pair. Nina sprayed Lóng with a specially formulated nanorepair spray. The nanobots quickly set to work patching the damage that had been inflicted by the Lawkeeper’s shot. “You may proceed” Nina said, patting the robotic beast.

Repaired, the two Su-Jian darted forward, blasting remote accompanying the Lawkeeper to pieces without missing a step.

Sophotect escapes the biotechvore zone and heals the injured Su-Jian (also scoring a classified in the process)
Not worried about a shot from a combi rifle the two Su-Jian transform and move up, killing the Oko on the way

Lóng leapt forward towards the Beta’s position.


Lóng transformed, landing fully upright. As the Su-Jian turned the corner, an enemy Betatrooper, recognizing the danger it was in, tried to dodge behind the nearby containers. But it was too slow. Round from Lóng’s shotgun tore into the robot leaving it a crumpled wreck against the wall.

Su-Jian HSG claims a 3rd victim...

Under the direction of Cdr. Xiao, Cpl. Huang advanced towards the enemy heavy infantry. He began scanning for the enemies’ personal networks, hoping to shut them down before they could retaliate.

- beep – beep – beep –

Huang’s system lit up, he had found the enemy networks…but he had made a grave mistake. The Sir Fragiomini’s trinity program slammed into the Celestial Guard’s neural defences. Huang was forced back out of range as his systems strained against the enemy assault.

Hacker moves up to try and get a cheeky hack, forgetting that the Santiago had a tinbot...
Warcor and one yudbot are only things left in the biotechvore zone, Warcor makes it's save

Chapter 2.1: A Desperate Defence

[Why were the Yu-Jingese here? How did they get here?] Saladin thought as he tried to notify high command of the enemy incursion. Try as he might Saladin could not get the message out, the enemy must be jamming their comms.

“Cdr. Masterson, we are pinned down by these cats, please support”

“Yes sir” Cdr. Masterson responded.

The Bronze moved out from behind the cliff, firing on Fènghuáng; but misgauged the range and his shots fell short. The Su-Jian fired back with a panzerfaust which slammed into Cdr. Masterson. The Bronze’s reactive armour absorbed most of the damage, but still Masterson was left reeling.

Bronze tries to fight the Spitfire Su-Jian but is outside of 24". Su-Jian scores a wound thanks to being in good range of his panzerfaust

Pushing through the pain he advanced, firing once again. This time his shots landed true, slamming into the Su-Jian. Smoke and dust obscured Cdr. Masterson’s view. A moment passed and the smoke began to clear. Standing in the window, apparently unscathed was the Fènghuáng. Cdr. Masterson’s heart dropped…

+1 damage is not enough to help the Bronze's red punch through the Su-Jian's armour

While Masterson engaged the Su-Jian, Fragiomini pursued the Celestial Guard with a barrage of cyber-attacks. Blow after blow, the defences of the Yu-Jing hacker began to weaken until finally they gave and the enemy hacker was left sprawled on the ground.

Continuing his advance, the Knight rounded the corner and fired upon the Crane Agent apparently leading this illegal assault. His shots landed, causing the agent to fallback behind the console he had been using for cover.

The Santiago scores a crit, getting a wound through on the Crane

Seeing no other option Saladin moved forward and fired on the nearest Su-Jian that had been tearing into his forces. The recreation’s shots bounced harmlessly off the beast’s armour, however, the hail of fire caused the Su-Jian to retreat. Transforming into it’s mobility form, Lóng darted around the corner into the room previously cleared by the Kuang Shi.

Saladin moves out to try and hurt the HSG Su-Jian while outside of shotgun range. He hits but fails to wound.

“Opening” Saladin called out, “Cpl. Evans, flanking fire on that other cat”

Cpl. Evans darted back from the containers he had been taking cover behind and fired into the flank of Fènghuáng, who was focused on fighting Cdr. Masterson. The Epsilon’s HMG spat into the Su-Jian, landing blow after blow, but once again its armour held true.

Epsilon moves out to get shots on one of the Su-Jian, but again the armour holds

Chapter 2.2: Schemes and Machinations

With Sgt. Yiu down, Cdr. Xiao took over control of the Kuang Shi operatives. Saladin had been foolish enough to expose himself, and he would pay for that. Xiao forced Kuang Shi 157825 forward, charging towards Saladin’s position. As he ran Saladin, Masterson and Evan unloaded into the unfortunate Kuang Shi, but it did not matter. A Kuang Shi is a bullet, and this bullet was aimed right at Saladin. As the Kuang Shi’s body gave way and crumpled under the enemy fire it unloaded it’s chain rifle into Saladin. A length of super-heated metal flew at the recreation bisecting the enemy commander.

Kuang Shi 'willingly' trades his life for Saladin's

At the same tom Kuang Shi 169362, engaged with Betatrooper 42069 drew his knife and sliced at the robot. 42069 tired to defend itself, but the Kuang Shi was unrelenting, slicing at the robot’s exposed cables.

Impetuous melee scores a wound on the remaining Betatrooper

“Clear me a path” Xiao ordered Fènghuáng.

Fènghuáng responded immediately, aiming down range at the Bronze that had dared to engaged him. A single burst rang out, and when the smoke cleared the Bronze was crumpled to the ground.

“Target eliminated!”

One order and the Su-Jian finishes the Bronze, clearing the way for Xiao to move up to score Net-Undermine and secure the enemy HVT

“Good work”

Cdr. Xiao turned the corner, unloading into the Panoceanian Knight. With his rearguard down, Fragionmini fellback behind the boulder him and Masterson had been hiding behind. Seeing the enemy retreat, Xiao began moving to the far side of the boulder.

“Taowu, I’ll leave him to you. Make it quick”

Taowu smiled back at the Imperial Agent, “My pleasure”.

Moving silently Taowu advanced towards where the Knight hid. His personal holoprojector maintaining the guise of a Dakini Tacbot. As he turned the corner to face the Panoceanian he could almost feel the Knight’s amusement that the bot had foolishly engaged him at close range.

The Knight swung his sword at the holoprojected form of the Dakini tacbot, and was stunned to have his blade knocked aside by Taowu’s hand, emerging from the holomask.

“You made a foolish mistake, a mistake you will not have the chance to learn from” Taowu taunted as he brought his viral pistol up with his under hand and under the Knight’s helmet.

Fragiomini’s body fell to the floor, his helmet falling from the liquified remains of his head.

Taowu reveals and uses his Gun-Fu to take out the enemy Knight


Lóng transformed back to his combat form and moved back around the corner, coming face to face with Cpl. Evans. The Epsilon attempted to dodge away from the Su-Jian but was too slow. Once again Lóng’s shotgun fired, tearing apart the Epsilon.

“Target eliminated”

The HSG Su-Jian comes back out and blasts the Epsilon

Chapter 3.1: The Last Gasp

Betatrooper 42069, the sole remaining member of the Starmada forces, attempted to retreat. While the nanovirus was extremely dangerous to his robotic form staying to face the Yu-Jing forces was even riskier.

The Betatrooper began to run back towards the way they had come, firing as he retreated. The agile bot moved with superhuman speed, avoiding the fire of the Kuang Shi in front of him.

42069 was fast, but he was not faster than Lóng. The Su-Jian unloaded into the Betatrooper with neural round, destroying not only the Betas mechanical body but also the frying the mind of its controller.

Betatrooper scrambles to try and hurt the Su-Jian. Su-Jian elects to tank the shots and just template the wounded Betatrooper. Betatrooper dies, Su-Jian emerges unwounded.

Epilogue: Passed Without a Trace

Chao finished extracting the information he required from the facility and began heading to where the Dragon’s Claw’s shuttle was waiting. As he approached Xiao was directing the rest of the team to load back onto the shuttle, bringing their dead with them.

As Chao climbed onto the shuttle, he saw that the bodies of the Starmada forces were piled alongside the body of Cpl. Huang, the only member of the team to fall during the OP.

“Very good work commander, I will make sure the Emperor hears of your success”, Chao said to Xiao.

“As always it was my pleasure to enact the will of the Emperor”

Xiao climbed aboard the shuttle. As its doors closed behind him the shuttle took off heading back to the Imperial Service ship hidden further out in the system. While the common Yu-Jing soldiers may continue to fight in the open, the Dragon’s Claw would return to the shadow, awaiting its moment to strike once more…

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7 People Recommended Slisyron for commendation

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Yu Jing