Durgama Takeover


Reporte Defensa Contra Contingente Morat

View Linked Report - CLICK HERE 300 POINTS
VS Combined Army

Reporte final de la defensa de Cameliard.

-Con ustedes nuestro corresponsal de guerra Humberto Mallin, adelante Mallin

-Gracias Rodolfo, nos encontramos dentro de la zona atacada por extrañas entidades alienígenas, todo indica que ayer nuestro valeroso ejercito de las Ordenes Militares contuvo la linea a pesar del pesado ataque. Atrás de nosotros como se puede notar el terreno se ve devastado. El nuevo padre comendador F. Dávila accedió a darnos unos pocos detalles del suceso. -aparece un Padre comendador aun con su armadura- Díganos que ¿ocurrió aquí?

-Claro, a las 16 horas del día de ayer fuimos atacados por un contingente Morat, su objetivo era destruir nuestro PAC, desafortunadamente desde el inicio del ataque consiguieron dañarlo.
Sin embargo nuestro valerosos caballeros dieron su vida para defenderlo y destruir el PAC localizado en las líneas enemigas, fue una batalla dura, pero al final con Dios de nuestro lado lo conseguimos.



  • Serafarga says:

    Thank you everyone for wait the pics, I’m having a lot of work and is hard to update my point of view of this report.
    I hope got time to tell you some of the more relevant/fun/Pano moments.

  • Overdust says:

    Good job my friend 🙂

  • KevO says:

    Thanks so much for fishing this report out!

  • Luca Girolami says:

    Hope to read more about this match later.

  • Rot_Sechs says:

    You got another hour still if you worry that would you have wont be enough ^^

  • Serafarga says:

    Sorry dudes, I did not get the pics on time, also my opponent can not update their report.
    We tought that we have enough time.

  • Serafarga says:

    Hello all I hope my opponend send me pics, he also still at work.

  • Rot_Sechs says:

    you need the 3 pics and 150+ words with it to make it score i think. thats all. anybody claiming foul play could just check the other reported games. this game most likly exist and will bring pano to 137. relax

  • Cmdr. Philip von Kruse says:

    To think the “hyperpower” has stooped so low as to just try to throw in empty reports like this. One shouldn’t expect better I suppose.

  • Serafarga says:

    Noted I will do an enfort to do that!

  • Berithh says:

    Unfortunately, the zone will lock in ~30 mins. It would be better to add your pictures and a brief description now.

  • KevO says:

    That may be too late. a brief description and some pictures would have better served the hyperpower.